***Official Political Discussion Thread***

EXCELLENT post as usual Suspects COMRADE. RUSTY fooling LIBBIES. We all saw his DAPPER pic with Tomi.
I know you be outchea finessing too......


racists. nothing more, nothing less.

we're not talking the borderline form of racism, where you inadvertently are biased towards people who look like you, or where you don't actively work to recognize and correct for inherent bias in the system.

nope, this is good old-fashioned blatant racism. the elected president of this country is a blatant racist.

it's also good old-fashioned tribalism. you know, the tribalism that is behind politics in other countries whom we criticize for being undemocratic and for stifling progress, that cares more about who is on your side rather than for equality and justice. yup, that is our elected president. no one should be surprised. he's said openly that he doesn't believe in equality. he's said openly that he is all about tribal mentality. he's said openly that those on his side are elites. now he's shown by his actions that he cares nothing about justice or the founding principles of this country. you know, those so-called "white protestant" values that the right is always fearful will be corrupted by immigrants, "the blacks," socialists, and progressives.

turns out the biggest threat to the principles of our country and the Constitution is the elected president himself. and we haven't even begun to talk about his attacks on the first amendment or his daily disrespect to the office itself.
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Excellent starting point for anyone wanting insight into the War on Drugs. Saw this shortly after it came out.

Remembered it because Joe Arpaio has a segment in it.
it's also good old-fashioned tribalism. you know, the tribalism that is behind politics in other countries whom we criticize for being undemocratic and for stifling progress, that cares more about who is on your side rather than for equality and justice.


lol at this latest onion article:


‘Shocking’: Neo-Nazis fly swastika flag, salute at Virginia shopping center where leader was killed

edit: my bad, guys. not the onion. this one's real...


“It shows whether or not they can tolerate us,” he said. “It shows their commitment to diversity.”

Commitment to diversity doesn't include tolerance of intolerance.

Hitler took advantage of Western nations' tolerance of his policies against non-Aryans to invade Eastern Europe first before turning on a weakened Western Europe.
Boggles my mind that this dude was elected to Congress....then again....it doesn't boggles my mind :lol:. Joe Walsh is the worst


Why? What kind of rationale would justify this outside of 'F Obummer hurr durr'??

Nothing but pure sadism and pettiness :smh:

Also on the topic of pettiness,I wonder is some of the reps that voted against Hurricane Sandy relief aid under Obama would dare do the same for Harvey under the new regime...

The White House on Friday announced a new round of sanctions against Venezuela that explicitly exempt the U.S. arm of the country’s state-owned oil company. That company, Citgo, donated six-figure sums to Trump’s inauguration and recently hired former Trump officials to lobby for that exemption.

The purpose of the new sanctions announced by the administration is to target arms of the Venezuelan government that have supported or facilitated President Nicolas Maduro’s ongoing crackdown on domestic political opposition. The carve out for Citgo was included in the White House statement released on Friday.

To mitigate harm to the American and Venezuelan people, the Treasury Department is issuing general licenses that allow for transactions that would otherwise be prohibited by the Executive Order,” the White House wrote in a statement on the sanctions. “These include provisions allowing for…transactions only involving Citgo,” and no other sanctioned entity.
Also on the topic of pettiness,I wonder is some of the reps that voted against Hurricane Sandy relief aid under Obama would dare do the same for Harvey under the new regime...

This, I can't wait to hear these "federal government is evil" types come around begging for assistance now due to the hurricane.

what a c#(&$#'

he's now tweeted 3 times today that this is a big storm:

"Many people are now saying that this is the worst storm/hurricane they have ever seen. Good news is that we have great talent on the ground."
"Wow - Now experts are calling #Harvey a once in 500 year flood! We have an all out effort going, and going well!"
"Going to a Cabinet Meeting (tele-conference) at 11:00 A.M. on #Harvey. Even experts have said they've never seen one like this!"

He's ******* more alarmist than CNN and Fox News and the Weather Channel put together. And his other tweets today are all over the place:

+ the tweet above about Missouri and then another pair of tweets about NAFTA/Mexico. He truly is unfit for the job.
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