***Official Political Discussion Thread***


"***** what?"
I'll refer you to the above comments in response ^
But on a broader note, I understand that a foreigner who spends a lot of time discussing US politics is occasionally gonna rub people the wrong way. That is not my intent and I try to be mindful of that. I have no objections to anyone commenting on my country if they wish to do so, and they should feel free to do so. Whether it's positive, negative, ...

No one cares about your country enough to comment on it and you know this.
Also, try being more mindful of your outsider status. Thanks!
And finally, you are not the only one that can make a joke in here...which went over all yall heads. :wink:

Now continue with the circle jerk. 8)
No one cares about your country enough to comment on it and you know this.
Also, try being more mindful of your outsider status. Thanks!
And finally, you are not the only one that can make a joke in here...which went over all yall heads. :wink:

Now continue with the circle jerk. 8)
Dude shut the hell up

Most of what you post in here is drive by nonsense anyway. I know you lil conspiracy theory thread ain't popping anymore but do one got time you coddle you and your **** posting.
That thread you look down on isn't my thread so it doesn't hurt my feelings. But actually I'm glad the afro-centric/kill the white man
agenda that was being pushed it there has subsided. 8) Maybe dudes met their goal on go fund me? :nerd:

This thread is a cesspool though, to quote another NTer. And it is your thread at this point the way you monopolize it.
So good job!
That thread you look down on isn't my thread so it doesn't hurt my feelings. But actually I'm glad the afro-centric/kill the white man
agenda that was being pushed it there has subsided. 8) Maybe dudes met their goal on go fund me? :nerd:

This thread is a cesspool though, to quote another NTer. And it is your thread at this point the way you monopolize it.
So good job!
There is a thin line between corny and clever but you are consistently able you make sure all your post land on the corny side. It would be impressive if it wasn't a bit sad.

Dude you are basically trolling at this point, insult me and this thread all you want, know one gives a damn about you shtick anymore. If in here is such a cesspool, go cry somewhere else.
I had nothing to say to you until you felt the need to defend ol Belgium boy.

And I know that some of the folks in here would consider anything they disagree with politically as trolling the thread.
I like this thread. Don't get why it's a cesspool.

It's like any other thread with a leaning majority. Whether it's cars, video games, conspiracies, politics, food, clothing.

Dudes be on here acting like they don't know how the internet works.

It really isn't, but dudes can't get outta their own way because it makes them feel special and superior to provide empty contrarian statements as opposed to bolstering it with facts or have some flexibility to know when you're wrong. Easier to just write things off as an intolerant cesspool vs checking your own ego. The world would be so much better if more people acquired the latter skill.
I had nothing to say to you until you felt the need to defend ol Belgium boy.

And I know that some of the folks in here would consider anything they disagree with politically as trolling the thread.
The joke Belgium made had nothing to do with you. Yet you felt the need to say something to him. So please spare me.

Secondly, I have debated tons of people without calling them trolls. But I also call people out for their trolling. You add little to this thread besides **** posting and complaining about the content of this thread.
Spare you what exactly?

Questioning the content of this thread is not a valid reason for posting in itself?

And yes, I know you have called a lot of people things in this thread.
Questioning the content of this thread is not a valid reason for posting in itself?

To be fair this conversation started over you going at a foreign poster. Wasn't really questioning content. That's why you're getting the reaction you're getting.

I personally think you guys should just drop it. It's not that srs.
I will say it may in some way be admirable how yall stick up for one another in here tho.
Misdirected as it may be.
Like most of us with different political views actually have more in common than with the politicians yall defend.
Not sure if some of you wish for that to even be realized.
Calling it like a cesspool is a statement not a question.

Dude felt the need to try and slight me over a thread I have posted in. How do you feel bout that?
Who cares right?

Not every post is the same nor am I obligated to meet certain goals with each post but like I said, someone else
called this thread a cesspool so I'm not the only one that may feel that way. No concern at tho, huh?
I will say it may in some way be admirable how yall stick up for one another in here tho.
Misdirected as it may be.
Like most of us with different political views actually have more in common than with the politicians yall defend.
Not sure if some of you wish for that to even be realized.

We definitely do, and open (intelligent non ninja) discourse is a great thing, yall should participate more and exchange ideas. The problem is your type always comes in aggressive and dismissive, or flat out uninformed, I'm not sure y'all realize that. There's a right and a wrong way to engage with people.
No one cares about your country enough to comment on it and you know this.
Your point being...? There have been occasional questions and other comments regarding my country, not just in this thread. Sure those are rare occasions but what relevance does that have? If anyone wishes to do so then they are free to do so in my book, which is the point. The number of people who actually do so is not relevant to said point.

Also, try being more mindful of your outsider status. Thanks!
And finally, you are not the only one that can make a joke in here...which went over all yall heads. :wink:

Now continue with the circle jerk. 8)
Perhaps you could be more specific in your criticism
Edit: Looks like a lot of posts happened as I had this reply open. Again I would also suggest the block option.
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