***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anyone who voted for The Bigot, in my view is a bigot.
I dunno about that. A vastly majority, of course. But there were a few of legit, ignorant, desperate suckas out there that were fooled.

Trump lied constantly, and the media aided him in pedaling those lies. Economist should have been brought on TV every night and yell at people Trump's promises are not possible. The arithmetic doesn't ever work on his plans.

But if you still strongly Trump now, after he broken so many of his promises, flip flopped on his populism, but followed through with is bigotry, then yes.

Yes, a hardcore Trump support today I view as a bigot or racism themselves. What other conclusion should and reasonable person have if someone supports a man that is destroying nearly all civil rights enforcement in the federal government.
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Quell is the person that complained about raising health insurance prices under the ACA because he had a tough job not making much and his insurance was expensive. He tried to play victim HARD

The favorite politician signed an executive order that will cause healthcare prices to jumps, yet he still supports it. Not a peep of criticism

That pretty much shows he puts partisan trolling ahead of principle.

Hope he goes broke now.
if you're applying for subprime mortgages, your credit was bad and you were lured into a predatory loan, thats not exclusively a race issue.

don't companies calculate interest rates based on average of past generic person of same background/income/age/etc. seems to me alot of those algorithms baked themselves based on previous history, once again i wouldn't attribute that to race in da contemporary era, historical evidence suggests redlining, and other discouragement tools were used, but now? i ain't convinced its a race issue.

i mean im da son of a 1st generation immigrant, that "generic white person" applies to anyone who's been hear longer than my family, including middle/upper middle/upper class minorities who's been here longer to take advantage of networks, and get a head start in building wealth...once again i wouldn't put that on a racial category either, more like early to bed, early to rise.

i cant trip off something i have no control over, this doesn't reek of privilege, those immigrant communities paid their dues before i was born and are being rewarded by going up da success ladder, hispanics are already doing this in droves in most likely a fraction of da time.

im speaking for myself, but da whole "white privilege" theory is just odious to me...seems derived from da politics of bitterness & resentment, class warfare if you will...

i don't quote jigga much but "what i eat dont make you ish" sound relevant here...just da way i was raised.
It's commonly assumed that subprime mortgages were just for people with "bad credit," but that's actually not the case. Are you familiar with yield spread premiums? Should you purchase a home one day, you owe it to yourself to learn more about the mortgage market.

Many of the borrowers who suffered from adjustable rate mortgages made the same assumption you did. They believed their rate (often just a teaser rate) was calculated through a fair, impartial system.


You may not want to describe housing discrimination as "racist," but there are many costs and consequences associated with "racial preferences" in the housing market. If you gain access to and benefit from higher property values simply because of your perceived race, what is that if not an unearned privilege?

There's nothing wrong with working hard and attempting to better your own situation. Rather than accepting that society is something that you have no control over, however, shouldn't you be able to think of America as your society, too? Aren't you at least as American as Melania Trump, who's been here for less time than you or your mother?

What we're talking about here can't be written off as mere "personal responsibility." Race is obviously not the only variable that determines material success in our society, but it does matter. If we want better, we need to stand up and do something about it. We shouldn't be content to be passengers on this journey. We have the opportunity and, I would argue, the obligation to make America a more just and equitable place in fuller alignment with its much vaunted ideals. That's not "making excuses," it's making progress.
I don't think everyone who voted for him is a bigot or racist but those who still stand by him at this point? 100% irrefutable bigots at the bare minimum. Regardless of whether an individual really holds those same personal views, standing by Trump at this point is condoning it. I do think that many Trump voters were drawn to him for other reasons but the time to redeem themselves has long passed.
Even outside of himself, the fact that Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III is running the DOJ and Mike Pence is his VP says enough on that matter.


Even worst, she got nod in 2005 to challenge Hillary's reelection, but polls showed Clinton was gonna wash her so bad she dropped out. She ran for Governor instead, and got washed by Cuomo, who was in Bill's cabinet.

Ole girl salty because she been catching Clinton favored "Ls" for a minute.
Quell has had a suspension in 2015 for using bypassing the censor to post the F-word gay slur.

He was also warned in somewhere in late 2016 for "I am anti Muslim and I truly believe Trump wants to help all people"
If I recall correctly there was also a later removed post in which he generalized refugees as terrorists.

He also tried to distort the whole Charlottesville tragedy prior to having any facts. Using unfounded information that was likely pulled off the_donald or some random twitter troll.
He did concede his mistake at a later point when the actual facts came out.
So the driver was anti-Trump and part of ANTIFA

Uhhhh...well then

And there was also this.



You are free to post and behave as you like @quell, provided it is within the framework of NT's rules, but don't act surprised when people look at you a certain type of way.
What you can do is try to change that perception.
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in the housing market. If you gain access to and benefit from higher property values simply because of your perceived race, what is that if not an unearned privilege?

excuse me ahead of time if this analogy sounds like a trivialization, but i look at it as just a algorithm baked in that determines cost based on a history...kinda like how women and older people are charged more for healthcare because historically they're more often then not accessing da system and generating more costs, or when a club opens and its "women free alll night" but for us men we paying a cover and/premiums to offset da ladies... Obamacare didn't fix da fact that this is true, it mandated procedures for everyone to share da cost (and increase da price for people who never use certain services)

if a loan company is processing foreclosures and a certain pattern of a archetype appears to always bomb on their mortgage, i presume alot of da disparaties can just be attributed to historical algorithms doing what it does.

i feel a new term should be created to describe what we're talking about...i doubt companies are looking are minority families looking to drop serious chicken on a crib as "subhuman" or "genetically inferior".

i may sound idealistic and perhaps maybe even naive at da undercurrent of certain aspects of American society, but that's cuz as as a son immigrant, me and my mom would agree its been nothing but a net positive as far as how we've been fairly treated and its been prosperous, so how can you feel anything other than grateful?

but those who still stand by him at this point? 100% irrefutable bigots at the bare minimum.

you can't be serious about saying things like this...some people are about their bread, and da social issues are deferred (not ignored) for economic prosperity.

shouldn't you be able to think of America as your society, too? Aren't you at least as American as Melania Trump, who's been here for less time than you or your mother?

sure, but her ticket to America if we're all in a figuritive air plane headed over here, was on a 1st class gold plated arab air flight, and my mom got here on a American airlines coach ticket :lol:

not complaining on that, "what she eats don't make me ish" da beautiful thing about this country is yours not locked into a permanent caste system, so you never know if you come up with a hair brained scheme and hit it big, you'll be flying foreign too.

look at Neek & ben baller...2 dudes that used to always post here, are now riding in exotic cars, and living da life, i can't knock no one getting it...its just not in my blood...

another reason da "soak da rich" and "rich should pay their fair share" rhetoric doesn't fly with me is cuz when you look at da tax code..

i tried getting a liberal or left leaning site to get da CBO numbers, to no avail :lol: so this will have to do...

Nike Jordan said:
Anyone who voted for The Bigot, in my view is a bigot

and this is why no one gets anywhere... :lol: :smh:
you can't be serious about saying things like this...some people are about their bread, and da social issues are deferred (not ignored) for economic prosperity.
What does that have to do with anything? You can be about your bread and still condone bigotry. I would think many rich whites who engage in discriminatory practices probably care more about their bread than race. But that simply makes them a rich racist. With Trump we're not talking about some questionable views/actions here and there, it's a key fabric of his character and his presidency proudly displays that time and again. To stand by him at this point is supporting or at the very least condoning such amounts of bigotry. And you can be about your bread while not supporting Trump. Someone can support the tax cuts etc. while still condemning Trump's bigotry.
Not supporting him or choosing to condemn him as an individual doesn't mean you can't agree with him on anything whatsoever or not support any policy he has his hand in.
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I guess the post linking it was deleted for the profanity in the picture :lol: but that interview with Boehner was interesting. I wasn't into politics at all back in his heyday as speaker but I figured he was a partisan hack like everyone else. Turns out, dude just hated his life :lol:
, it's a key fabric of his character and his presidency proudly displays that time and again

Trump is da typical NY a-hole, this isn't new and its not nee for Trump's persona...people voted for a disruptor and they're getting it in spades to da delight (and chagrin) of da public. alot of da media and his arch detractors go into hyperbolic hyperventilating spats about it, and his supporters have taken notice to simply not care because da truth of da matter lies more in da middle between actual racists and Trump haters.
another reason da "soak da rich" and "rich should pay their fair share" rhetoric doesn't fly with me is cuz when you look at da tax code..


Who are the top 20%?

Any household making above 111k (as of 2014, when that article was written). That's not rich, that's solid middle class. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the 90% in taxes is paid by the bottom of the 20% percent, because they're typically the ones who are too poor to afford lawyers who can hide their assets, but make too much money to qualify for any kind of financial break.
i may sound idealistic and perhaps maybe even naive at da undercurrent of certain aspects of American society, but that's cuz as as a son immigrant, me and my mom would agree its been nothing but a net positive as far as how we've been fairly treated and its been prosperous, so how can you feel anything other than grateful?

Yea, you're naive if this is the justification behind your belief. Just because you personally have been treated a certain way doesn't mean that there are systemically oppressive instruments in place. The larger problem is that you deny data or automatically create an alternate explanation for clear historical examples of oppression that people lay out for you, similar to how Meth has been doing with this here. Open-mindedness is necessary on both ends of the convo, I definitely agree.
Many on the right not understand how the tax code works and how it drives inequality.

The top 20% might pay income taxes, but everyone pay taxes to support government spending.

Everyone pays payroll taxes, those are regressive and capped. This is the stupidest way to do tax taxation. if we uncapped we could not only fund many government programs but you could lower the rate a lil and give the middle and lower class a tax break. With that you will see a lot of efficiency gains, which would help the economy

Secondly, sales taxes, which most of Americans pay. Even if you are in a go sales tax sate, trust me you pay for it in another ways. Either through higher income taxes, higher property taxes, or ****** services. Nevada is a perfect example, Clark County Schools are horrendous. Again a regressive sales that lands harsher on the lower classes. We could make them progressive, start taxing services more, with that you could lower the overall rate and give the folk at the bottom another tax break. But we don't

Furthermore, most tax breaks disproportionately go to the upper classes. Mortgage interest, capital gains, state tax deductions, and other tax breaks disproportionately help the upper classes. Not only that, they have successfully suppressed middle class wages, capture are disproportionate amount of the economic gains, and are the first to be bailed out when a recession comes. America's rich are the biggest welfare queens, by a wide margin.

The upper classes don't pay their fair share given the welfare system in place that not only keeps them from sliding out the upper classes, about makes it harder for the lower classes (especially the poor) to climb the economic ladder. The sad irony is that a lil social democracy might actually end up being a net benefit to the well off but not rich people of America. Yet they are still against it

Trump supporters doesn't know the basic to understand that our tax code actually hurts our economy. If they did, they would realize their plans will just make the situation worst.
Trump is da typical NY a-hole, this isn't new and its not nee for Trump's persona...people voted for a disruptor and they're getting it in spades to da delight (and chagrin) of da public. alot of da media and his arch detractors go into hyperbolic hyperventilating spats about it, and his supporters have taken notice to simply not care because da truth of da matter lies more in da middle between actual racists and Trump haters.
What does this not being new have anything to do with it? There's a reason why many people thought his candidacy was some sort of elaborate trolling attempt at the beginning. He's had a reputation of being an a-hole for a long time but people could just ignore him for the most part. That became a little harder when he became and candidate and ended up winning the election. It puts him in the public eye far more obviously and that amplifies the gravity and the frequency of his bigotry. There will always be hyperbole especially in media but that does nothing to change the fact that he is a bigot. He enjoys proving this to people with his statements and actions on a very regular basis.
I believe there's a fairly wide range of different views amongst his supporters of course but at the end of the day they all support a man who engages in that kind of behavior on such a regular basis. Thus they are either supporting it or complacently condoning it. Choosing to simply not care would be the latter.

Besides, bigotry is a bit of a compliment to him. Anyone who ever engaged in the vile racist birtherism conspiracy theory engaged in racism, period. Especially someone who pushed it for years on a public international scale. And that's just one issue. He could be called far worse than a bigot. The DoJ lawsuits, Central Park 5, NFL, Charlottesville, Jeff Sessions, ...
Or smaller things like this.

This was the picture in the above tweet:
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