***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cornyn breaks with Grassley, says he's 'glad' Feinstein released Fusion GPS transcript
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) broke with colleague Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Tuesday in saying he was "glad" that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) released the Senate testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson.

“I think that’s a good idea," Cornyn said. "I’m glad that it was done.”

"I respect Chairman Grassley, and I don't really understand how this happened, but I do think more transparency is important," Cornyn said.

A spokesman for Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued a statement saying it was "confounding" that Feinstein would release a transcript of the panel's interview with Simpson in the middle of an investigation.

"It’s totally confounding that Senator Feinstein would unilaterally release a transcript of a witness interview in the middle of an ongoing investigation — a witness that Feinstein herself subpoenaed last year for lack of cooperation," Grassley's press secretary said in a statement.

The committee interviewed Simpson in August as part of its wider investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The chairman's spokesman said that while Grassley advocates transparency during the investigation, the unilateral decision by the Democrats to release the transcript "jeopardizes" the committee's ability to secure future voluntary witnesses in its investigation.

Cornyn said that he thinks Grassley "has a point" in not wanting to show the committee's full hand before its investigation is through, but said, "I'm glad it's out."
You like do this thing, you did it a ton as a libertarian and you do it as a socialist. Saying something you claim is innocuous and expect people to ignore the racial implications of it. Also, conflating groups so you can sound like you are criticizing one but you are criticizing the other

Of the “non professionals” you mentioned, anyone paying attention knows only Oprah has a serious chance right now. And clearly by your follow up comments you know that it is through the black vote, let us not be coy.

The center left in your argument is no affluent white liberals, it is black Southerner votes (especially women), that is who your issue is with who they might nominate. That is who you want to not nominate a professional and that is who you will claim you will purity test that doesn’t want good governance.

The thing is, if you came out said “black Southern voters” or “black women” your argument becomes pretty entitled and kind of laughable real quick.


You want to preach to black people how much a group has voted consistently for a specific party and feels ignored?

You want to talk about how you will have no choice to purity test black people’s desire for good governance?

You want to complain about leftist being told they get nothing and fall in line to black voters?

You want to talk about how much leftist feel antagonized by other members of the coalition?

By all means, get it off your chest pheighboi

Don’t be coy and hide behind calling me or black voters “the center left”. Don’t be a lame like Bernie with his BS dog whistle of “Southern state have too much power and distort things”. Say what you mean, that if black people make a choice leftist don’t like one more time, they will choose to no longer be in a coalition with them.

As a mental exercise let us consider…..

What if the black community said “No Northerners” (doesn’t matter the gender or race, doesn’t matter if it is Michelle Obama or Oprah, just no northerner’s), they have failed urban areas not only by not fighting for them and most of us live in the South anyways. That seems fair enough, they want a candidate closer to where the base is located. And if the Democratic Party nominates one, **** it will form our own party.

I can guarantee the leftist will hate that. They come with the same “we have to be united talk”, say how much better Sanders or Warren is than Trump is. They will dread the thought of one part of a coalition sinking the entire ship like that.

Then you gonna say something like if Oprah turns out to be a leftist things might change. :smh: Ignoring the fact that completely undercuts your argument of not wanting a novice, to continue with my point...

But what if to avoid that these voters then say, “Ok, for the sake of unity just focus on civil rights issues and helping our communities”…..Oh yeah I forgot, leftist also requested after 2016 that racial justice rhetoric take a backseat come election time because it pisses off white swing voters. “just trust them, they will sneak it through when it office, just don’t make us talk about it during election”

This entire argument assumes that leftist is this oppressed minority with the Democratic Party, and strangely, the group that break the camel’s back is the choices of black voters. Really!? Negro please.

And I'm not talking about any nominee there. This is the nonsense that comes from TYT, Jacobin, and Chapo. Because I remember 12 months ago how much leftist were complaining about "identity politics".

Choosing the Democratic nominee is probably the only time the black vote is truly empowered. So, like I said, will we have a primary, a wide-open primary, and if leftist find the choices of black voters, especially black women, so objectionable, then by all means they should do what they feel is best.

And bounce.

Don’t put yourselves through this level of neglect from those black voters.

I could care less about white people within the Democratic Party. My concern is about poor people and yes, poor people are ignored within the Democratic Party. To me, nominating a billionaire with no clear policy goals or experience shows a degree of frivolity that signals much deeper issues.

Ya know we always get lectured about intersectionality by Democratic elites ( and some leftists do need those lectures) but there is very little introspection about the wealth off professionals and retirees who form the elite of the center left coalition. You cannot be intersectional without reckoning with social class. The rhetorical trick among the establishment is to call any mention of wealth, income and social class "marxist reductivism."

Within the discourse of the Democratic Party, a social class free dialectic has been so hegemonic that even modest inroads on the part of Marxist analysis are seen as a complete takeover of the discourse.

Now, I do not expect black and brown folks to rush to support Bernie, he has issues of his own. I understand or try to understand why black and brown folks tended to support Clinton. 2016 offered up a very limited range of choices. Going forward, with more choices, I wonder why people of color, who are not wealthy (and due to America History, you are more likely to be poor if you are not white) would preemptively lower expectations and accept a bundled package of neoliberalism and modest civil rights reforms when surely we can find someone who can be a whole lot better at both.
You like do this thing, you did it a ton as a libertarian and you do it as a socialist. Saying something you claim is innocuous and expect people to ignore the racial implications of it. Also, conflating groups so you can sound like you are criticizing one but you are criticizing the other

Of the “non professionals” you mentioned, anyone paying attention knows only Oprah has a serious chance right now. And clearly by your follow up comments you know that it is through the black vote, let us not be coy.

The center left in your argument is no affluent white liberals, it is black Southerner votes (especially women), that is who your issue is with who they might nominate. That is who you want to not nominate a professional and that is who you will claim you will purity test that doesn’t want good governance.

The thing is, if you came out said “black Southern voters” or “black women” your argument becomes pretty entitled and kind of laughable real quick.


You want to preach to black people how much a group has voted consistently for a specific party and feels ignored?

You want to talk about how you will have no choice to purity test black people’s desire for good governance?

You want to complain about leftist being told they get nothing and fall in line to black voters?

You want to talk about how much leftist feel antagonized by other members of the coalition?

By all means, get it off your chest pheighboi

Don’t be coy and hide behind calling me or black voters “the center left”. Don’t be a lame like Bernie with his BS dog whistle of “Southern state have too much power and distort things”. Say what you mean, that if black people make a choice leftist don’t like one more time, they will choose to no longer be in a coalition with them.

As a mental exercise let us consider…..

What if the black community said “No Northerners” (doesn’t matter the gender or race, doesn’t matter if it is Michelle Obama or Oprah, just no northerner’s), they have failed urban areas not only by not fighting for them and most of us live in the South anyways. That seems fair enough, they want a candidate closer to where the base is located. And if the Democratic Party nominates one, **** it will form our own party.

I can guarantee the leftist will hate that. They come with the same “we have to be united talk”, say how much better Sanders or Warren is than Trump is. They will dread the thought of one part of a coalition sinking the entire ship like that.

Then you gonna say something like if Oprah turns out to be a leftist things might change. :smh: Ignoring the fact that completely undercuts your argument of not wanting a novice, to continue with my point...

But what if to avoid that these voters then say, “Ok, for the sake of unity just focus on civil rights issues and helping our communities”…..Oh yeah I forgot, leftist also requested after 2016 that racial justice rhetoric take a backseat come election time because it pisses off white swing voters. “just trust them, they will sneak it through when it office, just don’t make us talk about it during election”

This entire argument assumes that leftist is this oppressed minority with the Democratic Party, and strangely, the group that break the camel’s back is the choices of black voters. Really!? Negro please.

And I'm not talking about any nominee there. This is the nonsense that comes from TYT, Jacobin, and Chapo. Because I remember 12 months ago how much leftist were complaining about "identity politics".

Choosing the Democratic nominee is probably the only time the black vote is truly empowered. So, like I said, will we have a primary, a wide-open primary, and if leftist find the choices of black voters, especially black women, so objectionable, then by all means they should do what they feel is best.

And bounce.

Don’t put yourselves through this level of neglect and incompetency from the center left....excuse me, from black voters.

Exhibit A: Folks, this is a man that has had it.
to me it's pretty simple. it's not tinder. you're not swiping yes or no on someone.

this is last call at the bar and there's two girls left and you're not going home alone. pick one. and if you don't because "oh neither one is good enough for me. give me better choices" well too bad because you're going to end up with the fat, ugly one.

every night.

for four years.
Transcript was a long read. Expect a Trump tweet on it soon. Most likely about the allegations that he's a terrible businessman with suspicious criminal ties.
I hate when it's Republicans turn to question during these hearings. They just shamelessly attempt to discredit the testifier instead of asking questions relevant to the investigation.
There shouldn't just be 2 parties

I wish we had a Jedi party here

There's too many different viewpoints for anything to be decided by just two sides

Hopefully with Joe running, this is the end of the GOP

I wouldn't vote Jedi for ****. Tone def, arrogant and inept.
I could care less about white people within the Democratic Party. My concern is about poor people and yes, poor people are ignored within the Democratic Party. To me, nominating a billionaire with no clear policy goals or experience shows a degree of frivolity that signals much deeper issues.

I agree with this on a very fundamental level: we should not make the same mistake Republicans have made and conflate business with politics. Business is self-serving, politics is about serving the public. I am very much against very wealthy people being given political power, regardless of where they stand on the political spectrum.


With that said, if the choice in the general ends up being GOP vs Oprah, you already know which way I'm gonna go...
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