***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Opinions on the Nordic countries are a great way to tell if someone is a white supremacists or not.

Everyone sings their praises but a white supremacists will focus on how great their people are as the reason for their success

A non white supremacists will cite their economics and social democracy.

A white supremacists wants to import the people, a non white supremacists wants to import the policies.
Good point, didn't even think about this.

I wonder why these white supremacists don't protest more against military involvement in the Middle East? If you don't want refugees coming to the US and Europe, maybe stop destabilizing the region so that those people don't have to flee their homes???

I mentioned it before, but I don't believe that any country is obligated to take on refugees EXCEPT when that country is responsible for that situation in the first place.
Because it requires them to think.
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Opinions on the Nordic countries are a great way to tell if someone is a white supremacists or not.

Everyone sings their praises but a white supremacists will focus on how great their people are as the reason for their success

A non white supremacists will cite their economics and social democracy.

A white supremacists wants to import the people, a non white supremacists wants to import the policies.

I get the same old response every time when I mention the success of Northern European Social Democracies. It's always something about how the US is "different" and how the Nordic countries are "small." I know it's a dog whistle for non white and white, respectively. Large countries can have social democracy better than smaller countries. The US's diversified economy would make socdem policies and funding stronger since we will always have economically successful regions and sectors even if others are faltering.

It's the same why that patriarchal people think that home ownership and higher education were more attainable in the 1950s' ( for white people at least). they think that because men could smoke cigarettes, commit date rape and drank whiskey at lunch, that is why wages actually rose with GDP. In other words, it's pure identity politics for these people.

I hope people have learned by now that the face of an oppressive force isn't that of an impoverished blockaded country with guerrilla militants as an army (Palestine.) The conflict is spun as Israelis being oppressed by living in constant fear of deranged muslims.

It's a taboo topic in this country, but for a true left it wouldn't be. It's very obvious that what's going on there are countless human rights violations that add up to a systemic genocide and desire to wipe Palestine off the map. Our foreign policy there matters a lot, and I know it's wishful thinking but I hope our generation can make a difference there.
America has this fascination with Israel that I never understood aside from them being fair skinned and opposing middle easterners

In the past, it was just an indirect American occupation of the Middle East (obviously we've had direct occupation over the past two decades)
Christians love it because of the apocalypse.

Yea biblical prophecy and the whole "chosen people" stuff has a lot to do with it...

Ethnonationalist solidarity too with the whole 'developed/westernized nation in the middle of evil medieval mooslims' narrative that's been propagated for years

Also the humanity of Palestinians has basically been taken away from them in the portrayals of them within our society,they're almost always grouped in with the extremists among them when discussed as if a population that's 50% of minor age is entirely made up of Hamas extremists...>D
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Don't forget both dems and republicans being bought by Israel's lobbying

Very random but I just read that they spent $40m alone on unsuccessfully opposing the Iran nuclear deal by creating a new lobby with a very ironic name:

AIPAC created a new tax-exempt lobbying group in July called Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran. The sole purpose of the organization is to oppose the Iran deal—which, in spite of the name of the group, will in fact prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons (weapons the Iranian government denies ever even seeking in the first place, and for which there is not a shred of evidence) in return for an end to Western sanctions on the country.

Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran is spending up to $40 million to place anti-Iran deal ads in 35 states, according to the Times, up from a previous estimate of $20 million. This figure may increase even more as the 60-day period in which Congress can review the deal draws to a close.
That name is ridiculously ironic :lol:. This assumption that going back on the internationally sanctioned nuclear deal is gonna somehow prevent or even discourage Iran from building Nukes is absolutely insane and not even based in reality

They'd have all the incentive to go through with it given that the diplomatic option didn't work for them and the West (the US mainly) can't be trusted on their word

That's the same reason why NK is never gonna get rid of their Nuclear program under the current status quo,it's a legit deterrent from a traditionally cowboy foreign policy of regime change that would surely rear it's head again if ever either country were vulnerable...
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