***Official Political Discussion Thread***

When I clicked back in the thread I all of a sudden felt frightened.

Then I realized a "scary white male" had just posted. :lol:
Funny thing is that Trump has a lot of Jewish connections. His son in law Jared Kushner is Jewish and Ivanka converted to Judaism too. Very ironic when his supporters turn to anti-semitism.

This is why the argument that he’s a white supremacist falls kind of flat.

Your reading comprehension skills are showing.

Having a lot of connections or even family members of a certain group bears litle relevance in any case on whether or not someone might have hateful views against that group more broadly.
Having a lot of connections or even family members of a certain group bears litle relevance in any case on whether or not someone might have hateful views against that group more broadly.

I will defer to you on white supremacy. You seem more knowledgeable than me on the subject.
Having a lot of connections or even family members of a certain group bears litle relevance in any case on whether or not someone might have hateful views against that group more broadly.
Trump doesn't hate Jewish people though. He loves to pander to Zionists especially.
Trump has different views when it comes to Latinos or black people given his track record though.

Oh wait I noticed you quoted the burger flipper
I can't see since they are on the block list :lol:
I will defer to you on white supremacy. You seem more knowledgeable than me on the subject.

C’mon bro, he specifically didn’t say white supremacy. Like for instance, a black kid growing up in private schools with whites may have predominantly white friends and professors he respects but could still hate white people as an aggregate because of all they’ve done to African Americans. Lets not be intellectually dishonest here.
C’mon bro, he specifically didn’t say white supremacy. Like for instance, a black kid growing up in private schools with whites may have predominantly white friends and professors he respects but could still hate white people as an aggregate because of all they’ve done to African Americans. Lets not be intellectually dishonest here.

If you recall, my post said that is why the argument that he is a white supremacist falls flat. It sounds like you are shifting the initial discussion.
If you recall, my post said that is why the argument that he is a white supremacist falls flat. It sounds like you are shifting the initial discussion.

No - I am merely stating that using the fact he has some amount of Jewish business partners and that his daughter married a Jewish man then converted to say the argument that he is a white supremacist is flimsy. Especially considering the mountains of arguments that would suggest that he is.
dwalk31 dwalk31
I thought you said 3-5 years poppi?
Looks like Trump University owes you a refund for that Coal Slaw Degree.

Yea, that article is stating the maximum penalty. Realistically, he will probably face 3-4, if any. These are bank fraud and tax fraud charges. People do 2 years for vehicular homicide, from drunk driving, to put it in perspective.

He will undoubtedly face a hefty fine.
I will defer to you on white supremacy. You seem more knowledgeable than me on the subject.
Applies to hateful views in general really, that has to be judged based on their statements, actions and views. Having friends or relatives of that group is hardly relevant in any case.
The person could be privately ranting behind their backs ranting about those associations. If I had a dollar for every white racist who not only associates with black people but is even friends with some, I'd be a wealthy man.
Whether it's about associating with jews, gay people or black people the defense argument it's never really reasonable to suggest suggest exculpation simply by association.

With regards to Trump and his relationship with Jews, you could point at his strongly pro-Israel rhetoric and policy and that he hasn't really managed to piss off the Jewish community that much or specifically attack them. But simply associating with Jewish people and/or having Jewish family members is mostly irrelevant as an exculpatory argument.
No - I am merely stating that using the fact he has some amount of Jewish business partners and that his daughter married a Jewish man then converted to say the argument that he is a white supremacist is flimsy. Especially considering the mountains of arguments that would suggest that he is.

I imagine you ignore the many times he has clearly condemned racism, white supremacists, and Neo-nazis.

He could very well be a white supremacist, I don't know him personally. But the fact that he considers Jared Kushner a trusted advisor would suggest that he is not.
I imagine you ignore the many times he has clearly condemned racism, white supremacists, and Neo-nazis.

He could very well be a white supremacist, I don't know him personally. But the fact that he considers Jared Kushner a trusted advisor would suggest that he is not.
And at the same time he has given fiercer criticism towards black athletes peacefully protesting. He was fiercer in his criticism of Democrats who didn't applaud for his speech, calling them treasonous.
I don't seem to recall him saying that "get that son of a ***** off the streets" to the white supremacist rallies or suggesting they should "maybe get out of the country."
Even Mueller and his lawyers have faced harsher criticism from Trump. Just this week he disparaged Mueller and his lawyers as "thugs" and "national disgrace".

Issuing a condemnation is a nice gesture and all but one has to wonder why he chooses to not unleash the same fury against that particular group that he has targeted on many other groups.
And at the same time he has given fiercer criticism towards black athletes peacefully protesting. He was fiercer in his criticism of Democrats who didn't applaud for his speech, calling them treasonous.
I don't seem to recall him saying that "get that son of a ***** off the streets" to the white supremacist rallies or suggesting they should "maybe get out of the country."
Even Mueller and his lawyers have faced harsher criticism from Trump. Just this week he disparaged Mueller and his lawyers as "thugs" and "national disgrace".

Issuing a condemnation is a nice gesture and all but one has to wonder why he chooses to not unleash the same fury against that particular group that he has targeted on many other groups.

And, at the same time, Robert Mueller is white. And he just questioned Phillip Mudd's (who is also a white man) mental condition.
Statement just in from Trump's rally. Not sure what to make of it as Wilbur Ross just a few hours delayed a timeline to publish the Commerce Department's report on auto tariffs.
Could just be Trump up to his usual rambling at a rally.
Trump: We are going to put a 25% tariff on every car from the European Union
President Donald Trump said Tuesday night that the U.S. would slap a 25 percent tariff on cars coming from the European Union.

The president's statement came hours after The Wall Street Journal reported that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said he had postponed an August timeline to publish a report on auto tariffs.

"We're going to put a 25 percent tax on every car that comes into the United States from the European Union," Trump said at a campaign rally in West Virginia.

Ross told The Journal that it wasn't clear that a report on potential tariffs would come out by the end of August. The Commerce secretary also declined to set a new timeline, according to the newspaper. He said the report was being delayed because of ongoing negotiations with Mexico, Canada, and the European Commission.

Ross also said it was taking longer than anticipated to go through materials submitted by automakers, who are largely against tariffs that critics say would drive up costs to consumers and to their own supply chain.

The president has said he could impose tariffs of 20 to 25 percent on auto imports. In May, he asked the Commerce Department to examine whether such imports are threats to national security. He used a similar argument to put tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

A White House spokeswoman didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
You hear the ringing? It’s that time again. Another one has bitten the dust…but For whom does the bell toll?

The bell tolls for one Michael Cohen, described once as the president’s most loyal servant. He displayed and unmatched level of zeal, and servile devotion, which led him to deliver this stunning quote.

"It means that if somebody does something Mr. Trump doesn't like, I do everything in my power to resolve it to Mr. Trump's benefit," "If you do something wrong, I'm going to come at you, grab you by the neck, and I'm not going to let you go until I'm finished."

Well…Michael Cohen is finished,

and to be honest his fate is far better than he deserves. Cohen is an eel, a Remora fish, a parasite, a creature whose existence is dependent on feeding on the excrement that bigger more powerful organisms, **** out.

One is tempted to call Cohen a Con man but that would be unfair to Con men.

Con man is short for confidence man and there is certain flair, intelligence, and brazenness born from extreme confidence that comes with that title, and for better or worse we live in a society that respects confidence. Paul Manafrot is a conman. Cohen is a simple crook, and he doesn’t even have the distinction of being an exceptional crook, one worthy of a certain amount of begrudging respect if only for the brazenness of the hustle.

Cohen is not clever, his schemes are basic and his continued freedom is ONLY because he is a beneficiary of the fact that the federal government is far more concerned with the crimes of black and brown children then they are with the Michael Cohen’s of the world.

Crooks in the hood go to jail, crooks at mara lago, dine on overpriced, fake truffle oil slathered ourdourves, and buy their wives lip injections and boob jobs.

Michael Cohen is like those boneless, deepwater fish that wash-up from the bottom of the ocean. When they’re in the darkness of the ocean floor, they can appear lively, even formidable, but once exposed to sunlight they melt into a soulless gelatinous blob.


If this was ancient Egypt, they would bury Michael Cohen alive in the pyramid with his pharos mummified remains, to serve as an eternal reminder of an eternal truth…

Bro I’ve seen racist white people call everyone (including fellow white people) every name in the book b. Just cuz they **** on white people too should never make them not racist.
Bank and tax fraud and yall rejoicing LOL ... We are investigating election collusion, albeit with a mandate so broad and vague, you enable this nonsense to be funded by taxpayer dollars ...

This is why libbies lose me ... A WASTE OF TIME
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