***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He was not overtly bigoted but he appealed to racist throughout his career:

-He voted against MLK day

-He picked Palin as a VP candidate to whip up support from hardcore conservatives

-He used the Tea Party and the dog whistles to criticize Obama in the first two years he was president

-He featured "tough on immigration" types at campaign events and ads. One time if famously blew up on him because he featured a sheriff that was on a white nationalist radio show

-He was a flip-flopper and a hypocrite, read this profile from 2008:


This piece sheds some light on how he sold out his principles all the way:


I understand someone not wanting to speak ill of McCain because of his service, and many have called him a decent person, but he was a trash politician.

I will not celebrate his passing, because I did not wish the man dead, but I refuse to praise him.

Somewhat tangential but talk about the 2008 election that is something that reminds me of how swiftly time passes.

Looking back on it, it was the last time the GOP ran a 1990's style, end of history style campaign, At least at the top of the ticket. Palin was the harbinger of what was to follow. Let us not forget that conservative elites did not disown her because she was a racist nor because of her bombastic anti intellectualism, they disliked her because she negotiated a bigger dividend fund for her largely white constituents in Alaska and despite her theatrics over the so called "bridge to no where" she enthusiastically embraced her State's status as a net taker of Federal Dollars.

In retrospect, Palin was the smart one or at least she possessed a sort of beastly intuition that the big government-small government construct was phony and that politics was, is and always will be a contest over power and resources and she was a pit pull about winning that contest for her side, for her State, for her race.

The upper middle class, center-left, center-right cadres down in the big cities of the lower 48 still wanted to believe that vision; articulated by Francis Fukuyama, in Academia, and by Aaron Sorkin, in popular culture, that the world would soon belong to fast talking, highly educated urban professionals. The conceit that a well intentioned elite could talk and think away conflict, has been laid bare. Sarah Palin saw the rot, Sarah Palin, the "C" student from Idaho State saw the rot before most of professional, post grad educated America was able (or willing) to see it.

So, yeah, this crystal meth addled grifter saw the writing on the wall before most of the experts did. Also she had sex with Glen Rice, which I feel is not talked about enough.

Paris looking dapper with the beard
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