***Official Political Discussion Thread***


The family as we understand it has existed only since Victorian Times, the family as the ideal of the father who makes a good wage and acts as sole bread winner has only been the ideal since the 19th century and it was only the norm in the middle of the 20th century.

Freed blacks aspired to that family model and from the 1940’s to the 1970’s, relatively high wages for industrial workers allowed large numbers of black Americans to realize that Victorian ideal. Then neoliberalism and deindustrialization happens. For a variety of reasons, most notably redlining and its negative effects on black home ownership, recently prosperous black communities, in urban cores, lose the relatively good jobs there and it becomes very difficult to leave those communities.

When we trap large numbers of people, any group of people, behavior changes. Long term planning, community bonds and rituals and expectations of formerly more wealthy people are abandoned, at least in part of among some members of the black community.

Many of the same issues that appeared among intercity black people in the late 20th century have now become apperant in downwardly mobile white communities in the 21st century. In the future, as artificial intelligence along with reprolaterianization of the profession class bring poverty and precarious to now upper middle class communities, we will see many high and mighty leafy inner ring suburbs reduced to shorter, less healthy, less secure and less dignified lives.

Material conditions dictate culture and not the other way around. Black working class communities were simply the first groups to succumb to this reconquista of capital which is neoliberalism. Blaming some sui generis decline of black adherence the Victorian family ideal is both racist and a capitulation to the moneyed interests who have created the social problems that exist in the black community.
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-It was in bad taste, but those countries do suck. Would it be racist had a majority of those countries been white? Those countries are ****e, i'd chose the us over that any day.

Let me guess, the USA is the best country in the world right? And one more guess, you’ve never visited these countries have you?

There’s a reason he chose those countries and not predominantly white ones. That might be a little too complicated for you to wrap your head around, which is totally understandable given all the other context clues you have given us.
The racist dems understood that once you break the family you break the individual. In thinking this they created social welfare, and promised it to blacks. latinos, native americans etc.... and said look if you get rid of the man in your house and promise us your vote we will give you $$.

I argue that the war on drugs had a worse effect on the black family than your little story up there.

Who have been championing heavy sentences and harsher drug enforcement in black communities? Law enforcement (strong republican voting block) and suburban population (leans republican). Who started it? Ronald Reagan.

Read the "New Jim Crow."

Who has reduced discrepancies in sentencing that will help Black folks get out of jail sooner and keep judges from being extra when in front of black defendants? Barack Obama. And who is championing for the the return of stop and frisk, which has proven to not work has been targeted at black people? Republicans.

And again, you cannot ignore the ideological realignment of parties after the civil Rights act. Southern Democrats, Dixicrats, left the Democratic party to align with Republicans because they didn't want to integrate schools. Ignoring the above to fit your worldview is wrong and unethical.
Bruh i've always said their's some merit to it. But to claim that this big racist white man is out their holding you down at every turn is bs. If thats the case why are their poor whites who are on hard time, while their are rich and upper class blacks? What happened to their white privilege and why did it not kick in? Question..... you white aint you?

You've never been to the rural US, have you? It shows.

Poor whites loooooove the government up there, and the government loves them back. Unemployment, disability, loans with no down payment, cheap housing, etc... Look up the various USDA programs for rural areas. Sometimes, what is considered rural is merely 30 miles from a urban centre. Meanwhile, city folks can't own a home if they don't go through hoops and the rent never seem to stabilize.

Also look up how the USDA favors White farmers more than Black ones. There have been articles written about it.

The minute poor Blacks demand the same considerations, it's "welfare this" and "lazy that." All of a sudden, all black city folks are drug addicts, dealers, moochers who wouldn't live if it weren't for the government.
The “war on drugs” for some reason turned into “help the epidemic” once white kids started OD’ing on their parents’ pills. No jail time there, just “help” and rehab. For some reason that’s looked at as if those people were tricked or forced to do it........

No lie, vice news had a segment this week on voters from West Virginia, they all blamed the Democrats for "getting them hooked" on opioids. :lol:
This dude has clearly had his ideology molded by T_D or some other internet cesspit

That or came up with it/was taught it. These folks existed pre-Trump too they're just more vocal now.

Soyboy always makes me laugh.

Also that man/woman breakdown was great :lol:
Racist southern democrats only agreed to vote for the expansion of the welfare state in the New Deal if black people were systematically locked out of it.

So as while "The racist dems understood that once you break the family you break the individual, so they created social welfare" sounds like a compelling super villain narrative, it doesn't really jive the the facts.

These youtube "black people aint **** talking points" are easily disproven if you read a little bit.
Does anyone even use the term "SJWs" in real life? :lol:
Very very popular term amongst white comic book readers at the moment that hate Marvel for pushing minority writers.

on another note, This particular video shows why I can't stand most Black Republicans. I don't have a problem with blacks being for the red, but often times the ones we see "all in the videos" are too busy denying documented facts that show the Republican party doing minorities dirty. It's a 30 minute watch, but entertaining.

Speaking of blacks and Republicans... I find it funny that Kanye chooses to have Candace Owens be his right hand woman. This woman has been exposed as a legit internet troll, but he's promoting her. Hell the other Republicans don't even respect her.
Very very popular term amongst white comic book readers at the moment that hate Marvel for pushing minority writers.

on another note, This particular video shows why I can't stand most Black Republicans. I don't have a problem with blacks being for the red, but often times the ones we see "all in the videos" are too busy denying documented facts that show the Republican party doing minorities dirty. It's a 30 minute watch, but entertaining.

Speaking of blacks and Republicans... I find it funny that Kanye chooses to have Candace Owens be his right hand woman. This woman has been exposed as a legit internet troll, but he's promoting her. Hell the other Republicans don't even respect her.

this is the thing I cant stand. be the change you wanna see in your party. why is it so hard to just say theyre wrong for what theyre doing?
That’s why I just hit the ignore dude. He’s not asking legitimate questions for answers. He’s throwing things out in hopes you don’t answer at all. Now he’ll take everything you said, not read a damn thing and claim you’re the one being ignorant thinking all those racist things make him a racist.

The troll/racist trap just ain't worth it. Your great arguments with facts will not be read.
^^^ Does anyone know why he went back over there? I read where he was banned but didn’t know if it was family or the Government lured him, or maybe a story.
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