***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Never fails to amaze me that we elected this guy to be president.

The Dunning Kruger Effect = Why Stupid People Think They're Smart.

The Dumber people are = the Smarter they believe they are.

Dumb people are too dumb to know or care about what they don’t know, thus allowing them to believe beyond any logic or reason that they know everything.

This belief literally translates to Pride.

Pride (aka vanity) has been called the sin from which all others arise.

People like Trump are thier saviors.

He gives them hope.

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Trumpbot is malfunctioning

Quid pro quo?? What’s that? sounds like a seafood dish.

I don’t see anything wrong with asking your ally to bring a corrupt Democrat like Biden to justice.

If you aren’t doing anything wrong what’s the big deal with Ukrainian government investigating?

There is a second whistler blower on a whole other subject :lol:

I think I posted that last month, it's actually from a few weeks ago but it didn't receive that much attention. Here's a more reputable source.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/co...e-improper-influence-trump-tax-audit-n1044791 August 21
Dems cite whistleblower claim of possible improper 'influence' in Trump tax audit
The Ways and Means Committee received "credible allegations" of "potential 'inappropriate efforts to influence the mandatory audit program,'" the panel's chairman said.
Quid pro quo?? What’s that? sounds like a seafood dish.

I don’t see anything wrong with asking your ally to bring a corrupt Democrat like Biden to justice.

If you aren’t doing anything wrong what’s the big deal with Ukrainian government investigating?
If you aren't doing anything wrong, why don't you let the feds raid your home, surveil all your electronic devices, scan your fingerprints and take your DNA? Why not erase all privacy laws altogether?

The only reason Trump is asking Ukraine to investigate Biden is to assist his re-election campaign. That's why the Trump-appointed IC Inspector General issued a criminal referral to both the DOJ and separately to the FBI to open a criminal investigation into the president.

If Trump cared even one bit about corruption in Ukraine, he wouldn't appointed Paul Manafort as his campaign manager. He publicly praised Manafort while the jury was deliberating on his felony charges and praised him for "refusing to break, unlike Michael Cohen" while Manafort was under indictment for conspiring to obstruct justice in the Special Counsel investigation. At no point has Trump publicly criticized Manafort for any of his Ukraine-related crimes. Back in November 2018, after Manafort had been convicted and after he pleaded guilty to violating FARA and conspiracy to obstruct justice, Trump publicly stated that a pardon was not off the table.

That's not the only thing Trump asked of Ukraine. He also asked Zelensky to undermine the finding that Russian GRU officers were responsible for the DNC hack. This finding was established by the intel agencies, the Republican House and Senate Intel committees and the Special Counsel, who indicted the GRU officers responsible.

Additionally, Trump and Giuliani are spreading a lie about the circumstances of the Ukrainian prosecutor who was removed after pressure from Joe Biden, the IMF and the UK.
Hunter Biden was never personally under investigation, it centered on the owner (Mykola Zlochevsky) of the gas company Burisma Group, where Hunter was a boardmember.

By the time Biden called for prosecutor Shokin's removal, the Zlochevsky probe had long been shelved by Shokin, along with a number of other corruption investigations.
The UK was conducting their own investigation of Zlochevsky but Viktor Shokin refused to cooperate and effectively obstructed the UK investigation.
Shokin's deputy wanted to pursue the Zlochevsky/Burisma probe but was unable to do so due to Shokin shelving it and leaving it dormant. The deputy resigned in 2016, citing Shokin's corruption.
Ironically, the pressure from Biden etc. made it more likely that Hunter Biden could come under scrutiny in an investigation.
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