***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I went back and rewatched Warren's reply as well as the other responses about housing. Warren's reply was actually very good. Supply is a big part of the problem, especially the fact that housing has become more heterogeneous than ever due to the proliferation of luxury housing which has ever more stringent credit checks and enforcement of prohibitions against subletting and having roommates.

The owners of the buildings do not have a big incentive to rent a unit to multiple low to moderate income people. They would rather rent to college students with wealthy parents or very well paid professionals. If they cannot adequately fill up a property with those affluent renters, the owner will just wait to sell it and in major metro areas there is a huge amount of demand that comes from the finance sector rather than from actual residents.

Get the finance induced demand out because the residential demand is already overwhelming the lack of supply. The added bonus is that owners of luxury developments will have to convert their hitherto idle housing stock into accessible and usable housing supply for the non affluent.

We do need to build more housing stock but even if we didn't add any new housing stock, we could create more supply from the housing stock that is currently idle due to the corrosive influence of capital driven demand for housing in major metropolitan areas.

On reflection Warren did a great job, in the short time that candidates were afforded of not only talking about supply but about the fact that so much the new housing stock is off limits for most potential buyers and renters. Now, if she were asked to give an hour long, comprehensive talk and didn't give any mention to the negative effects of financial speculation, then she'd be wrong.

As far as NIMBYs are concerned, most of them suck. Most of them are selfish incumbent home owners who are also frequently motivated by white supremacy. I just think that most YIMBYs are equally cynical, they don't care about housing crisis and they are only saying yes to luxury developments.

Nah fam when you make building housing an incredibly costly regulatory minefield with a throngs of extremely angry homeowner association waiting to beat the **** out of you at the other end that means the only profitable developments are luxury developments.

If zoning was liberalized or abolished people wouldn't just build luxary housing there aren't enough rich people for that, and if you are concerned about speculation put in a vacancy tax or something.

Also that NIBY vs YIMBY thing is just both sides-ism. They are not comparable, there are literally zero redeeming qualities aspects of NIMBYism, it's trash as a label and a crew, while for what ever cynism that exists on the YIMBY side increasing housing supply is actually worthy goal that would improve society.
The Mustache is out for revenge. Pre-order his book now to find out what he may say!
He needs to get his clown *** to Congress


One of the more ridiculous parts of this nonsense is the logic of the server somehow being physically transported to Ukraine.

Crowdstrike's findings have been reaffirmed at every step of the way. The FBI, the Intel agencies, Republican-led Intel committees, the Special Counsel, ...
A bunch of Russians are under indictment for the hack that Crowdstrike attributed to them, and Mueller clearly used far more evidence than just the server. The indictment and report contained details far beyond what a server could tell anyone. Internal GRU deliberations, what the GRU officers were typing, where they were sitting, ...
At the time, Dutch newspapers reported that they had covert access to the hacking group's activities and provided such evidence to the US. That would explain the extreme level of detail in Mueller's DNC hack indictments and the report.

Literally the only purpose this conspiracy theory serves is to exculpate Russia. All Crowdstrike did was examine the server and attribute the hack to Russian intelligence services. Attacking Crowdstrike is denying the DNC hack attribution.

And as we now know from the Mueller probe 302s (interview notes) obtained by Buzzfeed and CNN through FOIA, this conspiracy was planted all the way back in 2016.
Who came up with it? Former GRU officer and suspected spy Konstantin Kilimnik, and Paul Manafort.

Speaking of corruption in Ukraine, all you need to do to crush Trump's defense of supposedly caring about corruption in Ukraine is to look at his treatment of Manafort.

In private, Trump criticized Manafort but only went as far as saying that he never liked Manafort and that Manafort didn't know what he was doing on the campaign.
In public, Trump only praised Manafort. He praised him during jury deliberations in his trial that resulted in 8 felony convictions.
He praised him after those convictions for "refusing to break, unlike Michael Cohen."
After Manafort pleaded guilty to another set of felony charges, including conspiring to obstruct justice with Kilimnik, Trump still publicly assured Manafort that a pardon was still on the table.
Manafort then went on to sabotage his own plea deal to stonewall prosecutors' attempts to learn more about his interactions with Kilimnik.
While Manafort was lying to the prosecutors, his lawyer Kevin Downer kept briefing Giuliani about the interactions with the prosecutors.

Giuliani recently admitted that Manafort was consulting him on Ukraine from prison, and Rudy again defended Manafort by suggesting the so-called 'black ledger' was falsified.
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At the next debate Biden gonna turn back into Jumpoff Joey and tell all dem fools on stage to look at the poll numbers, cause last time he check he was the man on these streets.

Man when he comes out to Soul Survivor, I’m on board

But seriously he probably had someone on his staff mention to him jeezy did a song about Obama 12 years ago and thought it was a good idea
At the next debate Biden gonna turn back into Jumpoff Joey and tell all dem fools on stage to look at the poll numbers, cause last time he check he was the man on these streets.

wait.. dwalk31 dwalk31 who was it again who had a settlement against them to pay a $25 million for running a scam university?

Tucker never smoked a day in his life. The one thing that would constantly ruin my high was having a fleeting thought of my student loan debt. Nobody forgets how deep in debt they are, especially when they're blowing some AK47 or blue cheese.
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