***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don't want Biden to win, I don't want to have to vote for him and campaign for him.

I find his style of campaigning extremely condescending, he is out of touch with where this country needs to go, the Republican Party's construction, and he doesn't seem up to the task for the fight ahead.

But I am not gonna buy into this feeling that of all demographics that make up the Democratic coalition, Southern black voters are the ones that are holding up progress.

Old folks blame my generation all the time for stuff that has nothing to do with us. If they make Biden the nominee and he gets washed, they need to hold that L.
Old folks blame my generation all the time for stuff that has nothing to do with us. If they make Biden the nominee and he gets washed, they need to hold that L.
So because you think they are unfair to your generation, your answer is to be unfair back?

Everyone is gonna hold and L if Biden loses. Same as Bernie, or Kamala, or Booker, or anyone else.

For decades it has been obvious the road to nomination, if candidates still want to make the same mistakes over and over, it is on them first and foremost.
typically i only expect the jobless libs to be gathered like that during the work day, im kind of confused how the patriots can be out there during the day.

With proper planning you can utilize your vacation or PTO for such glorious events
also when you work from home as a welfare recipient your schedule is quite flexible


the only good thing about this is that when **** gets real bad, i’ll still be alive to throw it in the faces of people i know who think climate change is a hoax. i’m keeping a list of em too #petty
HPV is highly contagious and untreated they can lead to cancer. It was the reason a dude on NT developed throat cancer.

I came out my pocket $700 to get one when I was 31.

They should definitely be standard for teenagers. Especially kids going off to college.
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