***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Seems pretty obvious these lengthy monologues aren’t going to sway many voters one way or the other. Even if they are watching.

im sure it won’t impact Susan Collins..



heelsandeers heelsandeers just to clarify that we’re on the same page here, you’re arguing that there is a potentially substantial faction of centrist Democratic voters who may not vote for Bernie in the general if he wins the Democratic nomination—who may vote for Trump, abstain, or vote for a potential third candidate? So “Bernie Bros” are not the only ideologues who may potentially defect and tank the Dem nominee’s chances if they don’t like who that nominee is—a faction of moderate Democrats may fall into this category as well?

I think there's a substantial faction of potential Dem voters that would not vote for Bernie - some moderate Dems and Independents. Specifically, I'm thinking about PA, MI, and WI. 3 states that are similar demographically, that Hillary lost by thin margins. I realize that's not the only path but it seems most likely.

I'd be most concerned about Independents. Someone that might've voted for Biden but would vote for Trump otherwise. Someone that voted for Obama and Trump, Romney and Hillary. Those people are out there as odd as it seems.

I don't consider those people ideologues though. They would be voting (or see themselves as voting) for the candidate that mostly closely mirrors their beliefs. Of course voters feel passionately about certain issues and values but the appetite for "far-left" economic policy isn't so strong in most places. Philly to Pittsburgh is MAGA country.

Anyone that believes in Bernie's core policies/beliefs and then went and voted for Trump or didn't vote was not voting for the candidate that most closely mirrored their beliefs.

I get the sentiment that Dems shouldn't be most concerned about appealing to R-lites. But it's part of the equation unfortunately as long as we have the EC or the current math changes.

For the record - I think any of the Big 3 (lol) could beat Trump - only that Bernie is the least likely/most probably candidate.
Chief Justice Roberts is now allowing Senators to view classified evidence. Republicans killed an amendment earlier that would have allowed classified evidence to be entered into the record.

The specific document at issue was the testimony of a top Pence adviser about a Pence-Zelensky phonecall.

Wonder what the same poll would have said about the same witnesses at the House impeachment proceedings when the house didn’t move to compel said witnesses to testify at that time.

Also, the majority of Americans do not fall on the side That the president should be removed? Or, put another way, the majority of Americans are okay with acquittal...shocker....
Wonder what the same poll would have said about the same witnesses at the House impeachment proceedings when the house didn’t move to compel said witnesses to testify at that time.

Also, the majority of Americans do not fall on the side That the president should be removed? Or, put another way, the majority of Americans are okay with acquittal...shocker....




It makes sense why the GOP is afraid of education and white people are afraid of diversity.
This is a reach. Especially in reference to the comments made in here.

People made a simple comparison about one sub group of Sanders supporters and Trump supporters.

In online spaces and in my own life I have seen the petulance. You have apologized yourself for displaying said petulance.

My girlfriend had to delete her Twitter because after she jumped off the Bernie wagon she made the mistake of shading Bernie and his supporters over the identity politics thing. Her Bernie supporting friends got on her, then one made the mistake of retweeting a reply and then she got inundated with vile racist, sexist bull**** from some of his Stans.

She is an immigrant that grew up poor and and is just trying to take care of her parents and community. Her views on Bernie supporters is way harsher than mine now. So I would like to know, she just a member of the PMC trying to sell out workers?

How about myself? Or @Mark Antony? or any of the people that have made similar comparisons and criticisms of Bernie or agreed with them. I am just curious at who is allowed to ever make a criticism of dude.

Really all you are doing know is the same "my morals are better than yours" shtick DWalk been doing but in long form.

Famb you so lost in the Bern Sauce that you think you anyone that dare critical of Bernie, no matter how narrow the make the criticism is some enemy to the common man. You claim him to be this champion of the non-white and working class, you throw out these claims like they give Bernie and his supporters immunity from criticism. Even worst, when people from these groups whose politics a close to Bernie dare make a criticism, you hand wave it.

It was a fair comparison, you just didn't like it because it involved Bernie.

Bernie could speak on issues in a more forceful manner. On foreign policy, criminal justice, reparations and decolonialism, he could be more emphatic. I wish he'd advocate for the end of the war on drugs, he needs to use less gendered language and I hate the provisio that "those who work 40 hours a week shouldn't live in poverty."

With that said, his campaign and potential presidency is the only relatively painless and bloodless off ramp away from the apocalypse. I am riding with him and hopefully, we will turn primary victories and a general victory into organization of a permanent revolution against capital and we can parley that into a global push back against capitalism and its existential risks poses to our ecosystem, in particular, and against our general well being, in general.

Putting all the blame on the Dems not being left enough on economics as a reason for low turnout ignores a ton of ****.

If we want to increase turnout at the margins then the #1 issue should giving poor and working class people easy access to the ballot.

But somehow, someway, nominating Bernie or a candidate like him, is the panacea to the problem. Good grief.

The Democrats spent the 2010's not caring much about state politics and it cost them as many States did voter suppression and gerrymandering.

Not every State did voter ID or other voter ID tactics and turnout was low in the 2016 election in States with no changes to their voting law since 2010.

So the problem is two fold. The Democratic platform in 2016 was innervating for marginal voters and many States had a sustained effort to suppress the black vote.

The solution is to overwhelm their voter suppression systems, get a left democratic majority and get ride of any laws that make it hard to vote.

What do Kim Jong Un, Vlad Putin, MBS, and Bernie Sanders all have in common?

Trump knows that all four dudes are zaddy af.


My comment was on the more recent poll that I quoted.

Seems your poll shows that the amount of people that feel he should be removed is trending down.
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over and over, the only demographic sustaining Trump is the same one that got him elected: uneducated whites.

religion, gender, and age (old male Protestant/Evangelical) are also factors but being an uneducated white is consistently the strongest predictor of being a MAGA (and of course being a Republican).
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seems kinda hard when the cnn poll came out 1st AND THEN the poll I posted

which shows a 2% increase in a short period, wonder what changed recently?

O and while you’re here

I’m talking about the Reuter’s poll
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