***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Anyone’s mind changed yet re: removal based on the testimony?
Anyone’s mind changed yet re: removal based on the testimony?
yes, me.
before i suspected that he should be removed and now i'm certain he should be removed. i'm guessing that all of us in here don't think he'll be removed though...not because of a lack of evidence or the case against the president being a really weak one. he'll remain in office simply because the senators will turn a blind eye to the evidence and protect their own interests.
The Ministry of Truth has released a statement on Trump's remarks.

White House says Trump wasn't boasting about withholding material from Congress
“What the president was clearly saying was that the evidence was all on our side,” Gidley told reporters at the White House when asked about Trump’s comments a day prior in Davos, Switzerland.
and protect their own interests.

or they know they're f'd either way.. if they turn on trump, might be able to keep the swing voters they need but then they lose the cult 45 folks.. they stay loyal to trump, well they lose the swing voters.. i guess you gotta hope a politician has a conscience and has country 1st

only positive i can see is they're hoping to run out the clock and trump somehow wins and they somehow keep the majority in senate

or else, like the republican party as a whole, theyre F'd

if the dems can get control of both the house and senate in a couple months republicans are F'd.. dems can put in legit fair rules for elections and can have legit power when it comes to getting evidence on trump and others

republicans have zero real choice to be all in on trump and doing everything in their power to not have legit straight up elections.. with the amount of people we know and/or are seemingly implicated in everything, hard to see how they survive unless the status quo is maintained and they can continue to block or stifle which means them winning full control of 2/3rds while losing majority votes by huge margins
I think there's a substantial faction of potential Dem voters that would not vote for Bernie - some moderate Dems and Independents. Specifically, I'm thinking about PA, MI, and WI. 3 states that are similar demographically, that Hillary lost by thin margins. I realize that's not the only path but it seems most likely.

I'd be most concerned about Independents. Someone that might've voted for Biden but would vote for Trump otherwise. Someone that voted for Obama and Trump, Romney and Hillary. Those people are out there as odd as it seems.

I don't consider those people ideologues though. They would be voting (or see themselves as voting) for the candidate that mostly closely mirrors their beliefs. Of course voters feel passionately about certain issues and values but the appetite for "far-left" economic policy isn't so strong in most places. Philly to Pittsburgh is MAGA country.

Anyone that believes in Bernie's core policies/beliefs and then went and voted for Trump or didn't vote was not voting for the candidate that most closely mirrored their beliefs.

I get the sentiment that Dems shouldn't be most concerned about appealing to R-lites. But it's part of the equation unfortunately as long as we have the EC or the current math changes.

For the record - I think any of the Big 3 (lol) could beat Trump - only that Bernie is the least likely/most probably candidate.
My point is that while "Bernie Bros" are routinely—and, based on historical context, completely unfairly—lambasted for their alleged role in Clinton's 2016 loss, and there has been tons of handwringing about their possibly sabotaging a Democratic nominee that isn't Sanders in 2020, there are other elements of the Democratic coalition that are as staunchly anti-Sanders in their politics as the Bernie Bros are, say, anti-Joe Biden. In other words, the Bernie Bros are not the only ideologues in the party that may abandon the Democratic nominee if that person isn't to their liking.

Your recent posts have alluded to this, the talk of "independents" in this post notwithstanding, and it's a point that I think needs to be highlighted.
My point is that while "Bernie Bros" are routinely—and, based on historical context, completely unfairly—lambasted for their alleged role in Clinton's 2016 loss, and there has been tons of handwringing about their possibly sabotaging a Democratic nominee that isn't Sanders in 2020, there are other elements of the Democratic coalition that are as staunchly anti-Sanders in their politics as the Bernie Bros are, say, anti-Joe Biden. In other words, the Bernie Bros are not the only ideologues in the party that may abandon the Democratic nominee if that person isn't to their liking.

Your recent posts have alluded to this, the talk of "independents" in this post notwithstanding, and it's a point that I think needs to be highlighted.

You think Warren forum or Buttigang folks are as likely to abandon the Dems as Berners are if their preferred nominee isn't chosen?

Berners seem to be the only one's not buying into "Anyone but Trump". I strongly dislike Buttigieg and Biden and I'll sprint to the polls to vote for them if they're the nominee. I know a lot of Bernie supporters who plan to write his name in or not vote at all.

Same folks in NY who voted for Trump as a "throwaway-protest-vote" in 2016 then were left looking like


by 11pm that night.
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