***Official Political Discussion Thread***

im just here to make this face at people who can achknowledge bloomberg is racist for pushing stop and frisk, but conveniently forget that trump made the architect of it his personal lawer

Architect? WAY too much credit to Mayo Ghouliani.

Funny how a lot of these laws changed right around the same time the Civil Rights bills passed...Hmmmmmmm.

This is the "Terry" in "Terry Stop"...


The United States Supreme Court made an important ruling on the use of stop-and-frisk in the 1968 case Terry v. Ohio, hence why the stops are also referred to as Terry stops. While frisks were arguably illegal, until then, a police officer could search only someone who had been arrested, unless a search warrant had been obtained. In the cases of Terry v. Ohio, Sibron v. New York, and Peters v. New York, the Supreme Court granted limited approval in 1968 to frisks conducted by officers lacking probable cause for an arrest in order to search for weapons if the officer believes the subject to be dangerous. The Court's decision made suspicion of danger to an officer grounds for a "reasonable search."[8]

In the early 1980s, if a police officer had reasonable suspicion of a possible crime, he or she had the authority to stop someone and ask questions. If, based on the subject's answers, the suspicion level did not escalate to probable cause for an arrest, the person would be released immediately. That was only a "stop-and-question". The "frisk" part of the equation did not come into play except on two cases: if possession of a weapon was suspected, or reasonable suspicion of a possible crime escalated to probable cause to arrest for an actual crime based on facts developed after the initial stop-and-question. That all changed in the 1990s, when CompStat was developed under then-Police Commissioner William Bratton. High-ranking police officials widely incorporated the "stop, question and frisk".[9]

Use of stop-and-frisk is often associated with "broken windows" policing. According to the "broken windows theory," low-level crime and disorder creates an environment that encourages more serious crimes. Among the key proponents of the theory are George L. Kelling and William Bratton, who was Chief of the New York City Transit Police from 1990 to 1992 and Commissioner of the New York City Police Department from 1994 to 1996. Mayor Rudy Giuliani hired Bratton for the latter job and endorsed broken windows policing. Giuliani and Bratton presided over an expansion of the New York police department and a crackdown on low-level crimes, including fare evasion, public drinking, public urination, graffiti artists, and "squeegee men" (who had been wiping windshields of stopped cars and aggressively demanding payment).[10]

Bratton and Kelling argue that stop-and-frisk has been wrongly conflated with broken windows policing.[11] They argue that stop-and-frisk is a short-term tactic for preventing a potential crime, whereas broken windows policing is a long-term tactic that requires the police to engage with communities.

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I see bathroom bills as a distaction.

The voting rights bill - not so much.

If you have to make a 30 second elevator for left politics, of course you’d lead with economic issues. Heck, all my trans comrades say that having a decent job and housing and healthcare is more important than having their identity celebrated.

At the same time, leftists play a dangerous game when they believe that basic human dignity for a relatively small group is a distraction or a boutique issue.

Also on the specific case of trans bathrooms, it was conversations which made it an issue. Before 2015, trans people used the bathroom which matched their gender expression. The GOP and other right wing forces wanted to make an issue of it and create a public and psychological wage, for cis workers ,which the GOP could posit itself as defenders of.

Being black or being gay or being trans aren’t the same thing but the ruling class uses in the exact same way to discourage solidarity.
If you have to make a 30 second elevator for left politics, of course you’d lead with economic issues. Heck, all my trans comrades say that having a decent job and housing and healthcare is more important than having their identity celebrated.

At the same time, leftists play a dangerous game when they believe that basic human dignity for a relatively small group is a distraction or a boutique issue.

Also on the specific case of trans bathrooms, it was conversations which made it an issue. Before 2015, trans people used the bathroom which matched their gender expression. The GOP and other right wing forces wanted to make an issue of it and create a public and psychological wage, for cis workers ,which the GOP could posit itself as defenders of.

Being black or being gay or being trans aren’t the same thing but the ruling class uses in the exact same way to discourage solidarity.


Be glad when we realize that what you do to one of us, you do to all of us.

Imagine LGBTQ folks showing up deep after an unarmed black kid is shot by a cop.

Imagine Black Lives Matter folks showing up deep for a Me Too rally.

Imagine Gun Rights folks showing up deep for a Black Lives Matter march.

Fists vs Fingers
Jeff Bezos announced a $10 billion pledge to fight climate change and the Bernie Bros on my twitter feed are tying themselves in knots trying to find the downside

There's no reasonable reason for any person to have that much money.

Bezos gets to play God and take credit for throwing money around when and where he wants instead of those decisions being made democratically.

The consumption entailed in Bezos's own lifestyle could probably be measured as an independent variable in climate change.

Bezos giving away $10 billion is less meaningful than an average person giving away $100 but he gets to soak up the adulation of being a good guy/savior while sacrificing nothing.

I could go on. Take your pick...
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Bloomberg is the kinda cat that smiles with you until you tell him you're moving to his neighborhood. Then, he pulls his kids out of public school and defunds it, moves one town over but maintains his current address just so he can vote to get the garbage collection budget of his old neighborhood slashed. Y'all still exchange that good, casual convo at the grocery store though.


He's commuting Rod "whatchu got for Obama's seat" Blagojevich's sentence too. Dude is like the Joker opening up the gates of Arkam.
Man named in court by federal prosecutors as the person who directed a conspiracy to commit felony campaign finance violations claims to be concerned about campaign finance law.

Dude is just mad he had to do the same thing with Russians' money, not his own...

... Cuz he can't.
Farming is very tough. Picking the crops is physically demanding and requires a great deal of specialized skill and whenever possible the tasks are assisted by capital machinery which is so stoned simple but other times is very complex.

Farms in the 21st Century are giant outdoor factories which use a lot of computers, employ a lot people with STEM degrees and sit at a nexus of global markets, immigrant labor and complex supply chains. Not to mention environmental challenges and in Western States, the never ending drama of water scarcity.

Once again, eat a **** mini Mike.
Farming is very tough. Picking the crops is physically demanding and requires a great deal of specialized skill and whenever possible the tasks are assisted by capital machinery which is so stoned simple but other times is very complex.

Farms in the 21st Century are giant outdoor factories which use a lot of computers, employ a lot people with STEM degrees and sit at a nexus of global markets, immigrant labor and complex supply chains. Not to mention environmental challenges and in Western States, the never ending drama of water scarcity.

Once again, eat a **** mini Mike.

not to mention he completely negates the animal side of things. Most farmers are raising hundreds to thousands of cattle and hogs on top of growing crops
There's no reasonable reason for any person to have that much money.

I don't disagree
but that's not the issue at hand which is climate change

Bezos gets to play God and take credit for throwing money around when and where he wants instead of those decisions being made democratically.

who cares who is credited. What matters is some action is being taken and how the money is used

how is it possible that global warming is the biggest threat facing the earth today and yet there are zero large charitable foundations (at least that I'm aware of) devoted to mitigating it?

the reality is there aren't nearly enough resources being thrown at climate change. The US government can and should be funding more climate science and climate mitigation research and implementation. That would be first-best.

Until we get there, I'm not sure what slamming on people who are doing something with what resources are available accomplishes

Bezos giving away $10 billion is less meaningful than an average person giving away $100 but he gets to soak up the adulation of being a good guy/savior while sacrificing nothing.

no... it's not
perpetually angry progressiveness twitter is tiresome
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