***Official Political Discussion Thread***


If you told me that came straight out of a script for Veep I would believe it. :smh: :lol:
I don't care about who's giving who credit. I'm not suggesting anyone needs to give Bezos credit or celebrate him

I'm saying Dems should stop trying to demonize allies in the climate debate and instead get down to brass tacks and talk about what works rather than who is evil or who is most responsible for climate change

We are probably screwed anyway by warming baked in to existing emissions but this kind of fratricide just slows progress, no matter how cathartic it is for those casting stones
I'm not saying you care who's getting credit—I'm saying Bezos cares. And this charade that the wealthy are altruistic dispensers of charity that are so interested in alleviating the suffering of the masses and protecting the planet only serves to obfuscate the reality that the very wealth upon which this image is based is only possible via the suffering of the masses and the destruction of planet. At the end of the day, these people will protect their wealth and the system that enabled its accumulation at all costs. So I don't see Bezos as an "ally" in this struggle. He's cool with acting the role of hero by donating some money to the cause, but let us get down to those brass tacks about what needs to be done to actually address the issue the way it needs to be addressed and he will show where his ultimate allegiances lie. Make no mistake about it.
And this charade that the wealthy are altruistic dispensers of charity that are so interested in alleviating the suffering of the masses and protecting the planet only serves to obfuscate the reality that the very wealth upon which this image is based is only possible via the suffering of the masses and the destruction of planet

This x10000000000000000000.

Oil companies were the first to discover the effects of CO2 release on the environment in the 70s. What did they do? They buried the research. Fifty years later, when we are approaching the cataclysmic conditions they misinformed the public about, they release ads to make the public think that they on the side of green energy (see that BP PR campaign of turning into an energy company). They're on the side of making money, even if it hurts folks.
this would have to assume that bloomberg wanted trump out of office AND didnt want to be president
Does this person happen to live in a rent-stabilized apartment in Washington Heights, Manhattan?

My whole thing is each party only endorses one person, correct? And a plethora of states cancelled GOP primaries so Trump will get the Republican nod. Therefore Bloomberg would have to run as an independent and would likely siphon more Dem votes than Republican votes (similar to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein) therefore resulting in a larger Trump win.

I could be thinking of this wrong, though :lol:
My whole thing is each party only endorses one person, correct? And a plethora of states cancelled GOP primaries so Trump will get the Republican nod. Therefore Bloomberg would have to run as an independent and would likely siphon more Dem votes than Republican votes (similar to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein) therefore resulting in a larger Trump win.

I could be thinking of this wrong, though :lol:

theyre talking about at the primary stage, not the general election. the idea is to beat trump as the republican nominee and keep him from making it to general election to begin with.
I'm not saying you care who's getting credit—I'm saying Bezos cares. And this charade that the wealthy are altruistic dispensers of charity that are so interested in alleviating the suffering of the masses and protecting the planet only serves to obfuscate the reality that the very wealth upon which this image is based is only possible via the suffering of the masses and the destruction of planet.

rich person philanthropy very clearly isn't a substitute for policies for reducing income inequality or an argument against a wealth tax

At the end of the day, these people will protect their wealth and the system that enabled its accumulation at all costs. So I don't see Bezos as an "ally" in this struggle. He's cool with acting the role of hero by donating some money to the cause, but let us get down to those brass tacks about what needs to be done to actually address the issue the way it needs to be addressed and he will show where his ultimate allegiances lie. Make no mistake about it.

there it is - "actually address the issue" - scoff at $10B because they ascribe to a fantasy of the rapid transformation of the entire economy in 10 years

progressives won't (can't?) talk about the climate policy split substantively - beyond the labeling and guilt-by-association

money is inherently part of the American political process for now - the Supreme Court saw to that. corporations (and rich people) have to be part of the conversation because ultimately they will have to be part of the solution

until Bezos joins the Kochs to help implore GOP facism and climate denial, he's an ally
rich person philanthropy very clearly isn't a substitute for policies for reducing income inequality or an argument against a wealth tax

there it is - "actually address the issue" - scoff at $10B because they ascribe to a fantasy of the rapid transformation of the entire economy in 10 years

progressives won't (can't?) talk about the climate policy split substantively - beyond the labeling and guilt-by-association

money is inherently part of the American political process for now - the Supreme Court saw to that. corporations (and rich people) have to be part of the conversation because ultimately they will have to be part of the solution

until Bezos joins the Kochs to help implore GOP facism and climate denial, he's an ally
He is not an ally. Corporations and billionaires won't be part of the solution. Stripping them of their wealth and their power will be part of the solution.
Newly released deposition of Roger Stone by incompetent attorney Larry Klayman. It took place a week ago.
This might be one of the dumbest interactions I've heard in a long time. You could skip to literally any moment in this deposition and you'll be facepalming before you know it.
He is not an ally. Corporations and billionaires won't be part of the solution. Stripping them of their wealth and their power will be part of the solution.

ruling corporations out of the potential solution set slows progress toward carbon reductions

there is an enormous amount of pent up private investment waiting to be made for utility scale wind and solar. Corporate customers want it, and so do increasing numbers of homeowners. It is the cheapest, cleanest power

the grid dispatches it to customers first, whenever the wind is blowing and the sun is shining, before other forms of generation, so that investors can predict with a high degree of certainty how much power they will be able to sell. It is an explosion of development waiting to happen

it isn’t happening because there is no transmission to get that power to market. the barrier to transmission is regulatory in nature. States veto transmission lines that would cross their territory or that would be built by entrepreneurs rather than utilities

why displace that private investment with a federal take over of this kind of development? why not address the transmission bottleneck instead? you believe that there is some way in which a federal takeover might build these facilities better or cheaper or faster than the market would if the transmission barrier could be overcome?
Just to clarify, would you prefer a Sanders nomination or a Bloomberg nomination?

I’m all about that candidate that can’t BEAT Trump. That’s all that matters to me. So with that in mind to answer your question I would prefer a Bloomberg nomination.
Bloomberg is the worst possible outcome if turnout to beat trump is the goal. Two bigots on the ballot massive amount of people would stay home. Bloomberg ain’t beating trump either. Bloomberg would be horrible for everyone involved. People that just wanna best trump or people who are desperate for progress
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Bertrand is a very good reporter but I don't know the person she's quoting. Take the underlying claim with a hefty bag of salt. If this did take place during a pre-trial hearing, reporting by more credible outlets should surface sooner or later.
:lol: Wayment... you the blackness police and you're in support of the guy who terrorized black people across NYC with his stop and frisk policy.


Obviously not my ideal candidate but we have future Supreme Court Justice appointments, as well as countless federal judges and a long list of other important items on the board champ. Now’s the time for the Democratic Party voters to put away all the purity tests for the time being and get rid of the worst President in modern history which is Trump. It’s time to start thinking about what’s important. Let’s see if Bloomberg is actually apologetic for his past actions and comments and makes up for his mistakes with tangible items.
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