***Official Political Discussion Thread***


some people just vote late

I get that people vote after work etc, but like on the news there was a place in West Hollywood that had a 3 hour line still at 11 pm. Why not go somewhere else (probably) with a shorter line or even no line?

It didn’t help that there was a new system in place that you had to walk people through.
It appeals to the youth so much that they didn’t vote yesterday? You’re missing the entire point here. He didn’t get young voters to turnout.

You’re putting it all on Bernie and that’s the point you’re missing. It has to be systemic through the entire party to convince the youth its worth voting for their party.

You can’t just write off youth voters as lazy and unwilling to participate because one man alone couldn’t bring the entire youth out. It has to resonate through the whole party.
although i dont think trump and/or pence will show up for debates..

whoever ends up being the nominee needs to have a woman VP just to force pence to potentially be alone on stage with a woman

he gonna special request for Mother to be in a chair next to him, and no eye contact with the other candidate.
younger voters are just too lazy to take that walk/drive to the polling site for 5 minutes. The only way you will get their vote is if you allow them to vote on their favorite social media app.

Even then they probably wouldn't vote. At some point you get what you deserve. Bernie was their candidate but they left him out there without help. Bernie was robbed but not by the DNC but by people that didn't vote.
Seriously man at a certain point people gonna have to acknowledge that despite how much we like him maybe Bernie isn’t as strong of a candidate as we like to think. Y’all said Hilary was weak he lost to her comprehensively. Y’all said Biden was weak and Sanders seems to be have lost the front runner spot to him now and it’s not looking too hot. Maybe he’s just not that guy.
Yea, Trump telegraphed months ago that he wasn’t going to participate in the debates citing “fairness”. He may do one near the election to rile up his voters.

i think he trolls it like he did with the GOP debates.. he has his rallies the same night and time and of course fox news will give him the platform and the party will be all behind him
Even then they probably wouldn't vote. At some point you get what you deserve. Bernie was their candidate but they left him out there without help. Bernie was robbed but not by the DNC but by people that didn't vote.

yep, he’s trying and had a real shot.

if we get four more years of trump and the youths are complaining it’s our job to smack the fire out of them. :lol:
You’re putting it all on Bernie and that’s the point you’re missing. It has to be systemic through the entire party to convince the youth its worth voting for their party.

You can’t just write off youth voters as lazy and unwilling to participate because one man alone couldn’t bring the entire youth out. It has to resonate through the whole party.
Brah, nah, you are trying to change the subject.

Bernie and many of his supporters are the one that said his candidacy and platform would drive large scale youth mobilization. It clearly didn't happen.

So now you want to put his failings on the party because.....check notes.....they don't sound more like him. The fact they didn't show up for Bernie undercuts this argument.
Not to **** on young folk, but I think many on the margin need to fall in love with the candidate for them to turn out. Bernie is just not that guy to enough folk. He is for the ones into politics, but not for the ones you need to convince for a real politicial revolution to actually pop off.

I do hope the ones that are left to vote, do come out and support Prime in the primary.
I’m not even a big Bernie fan but I was just voting for him to try and get these people some health care and for the loud and the planet. :lol:

most importantly I wanted to see the righttards lose their minds if he won. I’m gonna be straight regardless on the healthcare but it would be cool to see people not going broke over having a child.

plus if we ever get a green new deal poppin while I’m still working that’s gonna be good for us blue collar union scumbags.
that’s the thing. There isn’t any “fair weather” Republicans. Those ****ers are brain washed to the max and will die republicans.

And that’s the problem here. People think their candidate is the only one who can deliver on big issues when in reality every candidate is running on healthcare reform, education reform, gun reform. While the policies may differ from exactly what Bernie is offering, it’s likely what was going to get passed anyways even if Bernie was the candidate because he didn’t have the funding to get his plans passed with 50 votes instead 60
Not really a good idea to rely on young voters anyway. Appeal to them but you have to widen your reach.
Seriously man at a certain point people gonna have to acknowledge that despite how much we like him maybe Bernie isn’t as strong of a candidate as we like to think. Y’all said Hilary was weak he lost to her comprehensively. Y’all said Biden was weak and Sanders seems to be have lost the front runner spot to him now and it’s not looking too hot. Maybe he’s just not that guy.
That's the thing about democracy—you make the case to the people and they decide who to support. There are a lot of factors working against a Sanders candidacy, none of which fall under the umbrella of "conspiracy" (routine bad-faith coverage by mainstream media would come closest). It's just tough to do what he's trying to do. And he could have (and could) probably do some things differently that would help his cause. But he's only as strong a candidate as his electoral performance indicates, at the end of the day.

With that said, though, the primaries are far from over. Biden has a relatively small lead right now, but it's not like the nomination has been decided. It's just that most folks were unprepared for a Biden resurgence like this.
Seriously man at a certain point people gonna have to acknowledge that despite how much we like him maybe Bernie isn’t as strong of a candidate as we like to think. Y’all said Hilary was weak he lost to her comprehensively. Y’all said Biden was weak and Sanders seems to be have lost the front runner spot to him now and it’s not looking too hot. Maybe he’s just not that guy.
Not hard to see though ....

He has a fanbase that doesn't go out and vote or actually have voting rights.

You think anyone gives a **** about prison reforms if they haven't been to prison. Or give a **** about restoring voting rights to felons besides felons that cant vote?

These kids that want afforable school aren't willing to put the work in. The people that want debt forgiveness dont want to be subject to 40%+ percent taxes (doctors, lawyers, etc).

All signs are there.
If he talked about reparations like he talks about free college and free healthcare - the black vote would not only give him the primary but the election as well.

Sanders has had a blind spot on race not that much different than President "Rising tide lifts all boats" Obama...but President Obama is black so.....
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Here in LA county they had early voting for a week, just had to drop off a ballot at a box at an official spot. And then yesterday, you weren’t tied to a specific polling place anymore I went to my OG spot and my folks went to the civic center two miles away, etc.

And yet people were still waiting in 3 hour lines at places at 10 pm. Were people not aware of the new rules? Like if I saw a line I would’ve just bounced to another spot. I don’t get it.

It's sad how something that should be incredibly easy gets confusing for folks across the country and that's not including intentional interference from one party.

WA's setup with the pre-paid ballots for mail or drop off has been worthwhile the last few years. Little to no wait even if you decide to drop it off the day of an election

but I think we're getting an app up here soon now. Not sure how I feel about that

Either way, I'm just hoping Dems can have a path forward of battling voter suppression
Us deep south states know this all too well.

It’s the same here, like yeah the metro area in the twin cities is blue. The whole rest of the state is red and will always be red.

like trump flags mixed with rebel flags and lock her up flags. :lol:

that’s basically all of ‘Mercia though. That’s why I don’t clown the south, everywhere is just the same whether they want to admit it or not. Once you’re out of the city it’s all the same **** different place.
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