***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That makes zero sense to do.

I mean to clarify legal immigration through work visas. Unemployment could get as high as 30% I’m not sure how adding foreign workers would work at this time even Honestly this is a strategy Trump/Biden might look into because it will make sense to a lot Americans.

Don’t think being in favor or legal/illegal immigration will play in a time of extreme unemployment.
I mean to clarify legal immigration through work visas. Unemployment could get as high as 30% I’m not sure how adding foreign workers would work at this time even Honestly this is a strategy Trump/Biden might look into because it will make sense to a lot Americans.

Don’t think being in favor or legal/illegal immigration will play in a time of extreme unemployment.
It still makes no sense. Not economically, not politically.

First economically:

There is not a structural reason unemployment is going to 30%, there is a massive demand side shock to the economy. It is not that we are in a normal recession with low demand causing this, a pandemic is causing economic activity to cease. Most people are not looking to reenter the job market right now, they are hunkering down. So why restrict immigrants when they are not out there crowding out domestic workers anyway.

Some workers come in the tech industry, those people have specialized skills, that the average joe can't fill. In fact it is America's stupid restrictions on healthcare professionals from other countries is one of the reason our healthcare capacity as a country is so low. Most importantly, It will be a terrible idea because a lot of the people that come of work visa work in farming, picking food. You cut off those workers then farms have a hard time staffing, and you get food shortages.


The only people that sincerely will think that restricting immigration, legal documented immigration, is gonna play well besides with people that already have regressive views on immigrants.

If someone can't comprehend that a pandemic is the reason people are out of work, not an oversupply of foreign workers, and they want to blame immigrants, they already have made up their mind for which candidate they will vote for in the Fall.

So again, restricting legal immigration makes no sense. We need stronger restrictions on movement. We need a massive test and trace program up and running. We need to research and test therapeutics like crazy. Those things will put people back to work faster, not a policy proposal that sounds straight out the mind of Stephen Miller.
maybe we'll need warm bodies after millions die.
The majority of legal immigrants are coming through the family reunion option. Very few immigrants are H1-B compared to all the other categories.

With all the trashing Trump has done to the reputation of the US abroad (one egregious example is placing Nigeria on the list of banned countries, even though it's one of the rare African countries where he is popular), the last thing he wants to do is keep people from coming in if they follow the process, especially when we know how important immigration has been for the US when it comes to the issue of low birth rate and population replacement.
I mean to clarify legal immigration through work visas. Unemployment could get as high as 30% I’m not sure how adding foreign workers would work at this time even Honestly this is a strategy Trump/Biden might look into because it will make sense to a lot Americans.

Don’t think being in favor or legal/illegal immigration will play in a time of extreme unemployment.

Bans on legal immigration will play very well for those on the left that accuse those on the right of being xenophobic.

Would not play well politically for those, like me, on the right.
According to our trusted economist, RustyShackleford RustyShackleford , jobs reports are insignificant and are not a valid gauge of the economy
I am pretty sure I said in the past jobs reports by itself are insufficient measure of the overall health of the economy. That professional economist monitor multiple, dozens in fact, metrics to get the full picture of what is going on in the economy.

But since you are more aware of my post than me, show me saying this.

I am sure Meth will be interested to see if you are not just trying to antagonize people by misrepresenting their previous post. Perfect example time to display to him that you are engaging in good faith.
I am pretty sure I said in the past jobs reports by itself are insufficient measure of the overall health of the economy. That professional economist monitor multiple, dozens in fact, metrics to get the full picture of what is going on in the economy.

But since you are more aware of my post than me, show me saying this.

I am sure Meth will be interested to see if you are not just trying to antagonize people by misrepresenting their previous post. Perfect example time to display to him that you are engaging in good faith.

I will rephrase.

The jobs report, by itself, is an insufficient measure of the overall health of the economy.
Bans on legal immigration will play very well for those on the left that accuse those on the right of being xenophobic.

Would not play well politically for those, like me, on the right.

You think the hotel guy is going ban those who come to the country legally?

also pretty hilarious that the hotel guy doesnt speak of those who enter the country legally and then just stay and thus become illegal
You can't use any one piece of information to say how strong the economy is. So you gotta integrate it all, my friends. Let me show you how:

Fact 1: Dow Jones down 9000 points in a few weeks.

Fact 2: A quarter of people unemployed.

Fact 3: Most optimistic projections say 100k to 250k Americans will die from this virus.

Fact 4: Trump is still president.

Conclusion: Ignore Facts 1-3 because Fact 4 is all that matters. The state of the economy is STRONG.

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