***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I saw Biden's remark to denounce violence on "all sides" (paraphrasing here), and I think it just illustrates the problem that Democrats have to face that the Republican party can constantly ignore: Democrats have to constantly appeal to structure and common decency, while the other side can sow chaos, provoke violence, and avoid dealing with the same consequences Democrats would be charged with if they engaged in the same acts. Because the left is the hypothetical adult in the room, they're tasked with correcting the mess caused by the GOP every time. With the GOP openly appealing to what a few posters above me have detailed, it again seems like Biden will be tasked with cleaning up the mess as if *he* caused it, and the GOP can retreat back to mucking up the process all over again (if Trump loses). The expectations of the GOP are excruciatingly low, and they understand that and use that to their advantage. It's so frustrating. And even if Biden wins, the attacks and provocations from the Right to their lunatic base won't stop. Huge problem. I don't know how you fix that.
Over the last few days I've come to recognize the urgent need to distinguish between white supremacism and Nazism.

The GOP is the party of white supremacists. Some blow the dog whistle. Others traffic in biological notions of race and nativism. And others are unapologetically anti-black. Despite these differences, the entire party believes in elite white rule.

Of course, Nazism, like all fascists regimes, is predicated on white/aryan rule. But it's increasingly clear that we are not only facing white supremacists thugs and thuglicans, but also a would-be Hitler backed by Nazis. What's the connection?

  • Peep the material connection in the form of donations from Neo-Nazis ( IATT IATT ).
  • Check the symbolic regalia at last week's RNC: the innumerable eagles atop the American flag was eerily similar to the Reichsadler of the Nazi Party in Germany (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichsadler#Modern_history).
  • Rhetoric. Do you Hear echoes of the 'Big Lie'? How the president and his enablers can say, with a straight face, that the division he has sown and that is happening RIGHT NOW, portends a Biden presidency. The 'little lies' are petulant and may have enabled such bold-faced lies regarding the economy, covid-19, and civil unrest. But more than that, the 'Big Lie' they're telling is a Nazi move: to blame the other side for that which they have created, to insist that only they can fix it, and to deploy their ministers of propaganda, state power, and law enforcement to bury the truth (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie).
So the GOP is a party of white supremacists, with different factions battling over just how far to take its logical conclusion. Some factions want to hold onto white supremacy through the Nixonian/1970s plan of law and order, continued incarceration, gerrymandering, and select incorporation of racial 'others.' For 30+ years, that was the plan to stomp out black radicalism and Third World solidarity movements by offering black capitalism and representation within existing institutions. It is what helps explain the rise of the 'lonely' Black republican and ovetures to Hispanics. That project of assimilation and emasculation is basically dead.

Another faction wants to maintain white racial dominance while still performing the rituals of constitutionalism and democracy (about which they ultimately care little). This is the John Roberts Ted Cruz contingent.

Then there's the ascendant faction--the Trump faction, the Nazi faction--that wants to destroy non-pliable institutions and purge all alternative political projects (BLM, Occupy, Democratic Socialism, etc). As a rule, that means eliminating the majority of black folks, POC, white allies, and others who oppose Nazism.

We are in danger.

think I saw this here or Twitter

Watching your country as an outsider it seems to me that USA needs a purge. 24h free for all to clear out the country. Atleast half of your people are ****ing crazy. And not to mention your president.

Well he has a history of not weighing in on such matters.

It's not like he publicly praised Manafort and attacked the prosecution right before and during jury deliberations in Manafort's trial.
He has no history of things like publicly demanding prison sentences for his political opponents, demanding arrestations and prosecutions of people who shouted things at Republican lawmakers, declaring Rosenstein should be in jail for appointing Mueller, calling for the execution of the Central Park 5 and doubling down on that stance after DNA exhoneration, ...
In other words, their only option if this ruling stands is to use inherent contempt to forcibly drag people to the House floor or imprison them.
I saw Biden's remark to denounce violence on "all sides" (paraphrasing here), and I think it just illustrates the problem that Democrats have to face that the Republican party can constantly ignore: Democrats have to constantly appeal to structure and common decency, while the other side can sow chaos, provoke violence, and avoid dealing with the same consequences Democrats would be charged with if they engaged in the same acts. Because the left is the hypothetical adult in the room, they're tasked with correcting the mess caused by the GOP every time. With the GOP openly appealing to what a few posters above me have detailed, it again seems like Biden will be tasked with cleaning up the mess as if *he* caused it, and the GOP can retreat back to mucking up the process all over again (if Trump loses). The expectations of the GOP are excruciatingly low, and they understand that and use that to their advantage. It's so frustrating. And even if Biden wins, the attacks and provocations from the Right to their lunatic base won't stop. Huge problem. I don't know how you fix that.
All of this is happening because they are still able to use figureheads in all political sections of America and across ages and races to give them relevancy among their White base.

This is why I posted the NPR link above: it's a Black Republican strategist who quit the GOP after their convention and said that the party has to die. His example MUST be followed by every single conservative minority in order for the GOP to face what it truly is: the party of white Supremacy. Unfortunately, this is not going to happen for a lot of reasons, hence why I'm very worried about the next few months.

Our President Elect Senpai Hokage is looking out for all Americans not just lib ANTIFA. He is undergoing sage training with Pepe the frog at Mount Myoboku. Combined with da 9 Tailed Fox News Chakra slower Biden Bros won't have a chance.
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