***Official Political Discussion Thread***

It’s the height of hypocrisy by the left that Kenyan Bron Barack Hussein nominates a white male to the Supreme Court but Trump nominates a left leaning female.

Also love that the media doesn’t report the real reason why Mitch said no to Baracks nominee: he wanted more diversity and hence another woman nominated.

That's why he's widely known as Mitch "Critical Race Theory" McConnell, some times he's known simply as the "notorious CRT."

Many people don't know that he's been likened to a turtle or tortoise because he the shell protects the body of the turtle and that's a metaphor for the notorious CRT, he protects all bodies.
I googled. Based on what I saw, 60 million people were infected with H1N1 compared to 7 million with coronavirus.

So the amount of deaths, based on that figure, seems to be more attributable to the deadliness of the virus than the response of an administration.

I don’t think her emails reflect poorly on Biden—I said the logic is that her emails reflect poorly on the decision-making of the DNC.
This ignores many details and that seems to be for the sake of absolving Trump from responsibility. It's an interesting strategy to think that people won't compare the U.S.'s coronavirus response to the responses in other countries like South Korea.
corporate media is complicit in this cluster****, having failed in their role as custodian of civil discourse.

In their defense, they are interested parties. They stand to gain from the continuation of the show. Many careers have been made not only covering this presidency, but also writing books about it.
In their defense, they are interested parties. They stand to gain from the continuation of the show. Many careers have been made not only covering this presidency, but also writing books about it.

yeah I remember when the elected officials at NBC openly fomented white supremacist domestic terrorism.

I bet you laugh when you type this ****.
I googled. Based on what I saw, 60 million people were infected with H1N1 compared to 7 million with coronavirus.

So the amount of deaths, based on that figure, seems to be more attributable to the deadliness of the virus than the response of an administration.
You say a lot of stupid ****, but the above takes the cake.

Do you take antibacterial medicine for a viral infection and blame the deadliness of the virus when it kills you, rather than the fact that you didn't take the right medicine?

There were no lockdowns during the H1N1 epidemic like there have been with COVID, and we didn't have an executive branch that was downplaying the disease like we do now. You're not even comparing apples to oranges here; it's more like black holes to oranges.

Trump and Pence failed. It's not a matter of opinion.
These are the “satirical” type of posts that I said they sounded like.

One almost couldn’t tell the difference dacomeup dacomeup
I wouldn’t say “satirical”

I would call them “Alternative facts”

If my president can say he “feels like he’s not contagious” then I can say that Mitch didn’t want Obama’s pick bc he was a white make and not diverse enough. I believe it so it has to true in my mind

Yep, the video this morning was probably shot in front of a green screen.

Biden and Harris are probably avoiding the court packing question because of down ticket races.

Tons of centrist are running in purple House districts. You have close Senate races in purple and red states.

Biden and Harris could say they will consider it and it won't make much of a difference for their race. But it give the GOP an opening to use the sound bite to attacking down ticket Dems.

So vague no answers might be for the best.
Perhaps a little "Republican democracy" is in order here.

Keep nine Supreme Court Justices, but divide them into three odd-numbered voting blocs.

The California bloc: Alito, Coney Barrett, Gorsuch, Kavanagh, Thomas
The Texas bloc: Breyer, Kagan, Roberts
The Wyoming bloc: Sotomayor

Or is gerrymandering only wrong when it suppresses a Republican majority?

Much attention has been paid to the Supreme Court's potential impact on the Affordable Care Act and women's reproductive rights, but not enough has been said about the right's unyielding assault on affirmative action.

Remember that it was the appointment of John Roberts and Samuel Alito during the George W. Bush administration that allowed the Court to strike down racial balancing efforts in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District and its companion case, Meredith v. Jefferson County.

Roberts, at the time, speciously opined, "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race,” which is rather like saying, “the way to pay back a loan is to stop borrowing money.”

I can think of nothing that does more to dishonor Justice Marshall's memory than twisting the language of racial equality to perpetuate White Supremacism.

Vote accordingly.

same dummies bought this trash 🤷🏽
No one:

Adidas: Hey, what if H.R. Giger had designed Crocs?

I think the logic is that she is who the DNC chose to nominate in the last presidential election, so what the emails show would reflect poorly on the DNC’s decision-making.
All those struggle searches, and you still don't know how primary elections work.

What till they release the bombshell scrolls on Pharaoh King Ramesses II.
do you remember.gif
literally any news from the past few pages would have been a six month 24-hour story arc in the before times.

I´m losing my patience with the soft talk and rounded edges on every word criticizing these outcomes tho.

people need to CONDEMN this administration.

the White House CAUSED a superspreader event. POTUS and the COVID captain SPREAD THE PLAGUE.

the chief executive is guilty of STOCHASTIC TERRORISM for telling randoms to ¨liberate Michigan.¨

the President LIED about...well, most things.

use the words that say the things: this is a CLUSTER****.
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