***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wouldnt it make sense to let these terrorist continue to plan in public? Keep friends close, enemies closer kind if deal?
Kidding aside,

I think twitter has made modern political take marketplace incentivise conformism.
so it makes Yglesias anodyne center left political takes written in a sometimes *** hole-y tone seem more edgelord than they actually are.
Generally, I would agree there is truth in that

That might be somewhat true in his case, but I don't really think that is all of it.

It is not just that his views don't conform to the others; is that he states his views often in a very flippant, often sarcastic way. Over the years he often has clarified a sarcastic comment he made with a Tweet that starts with something like: "I'm being sincere when I say this...". At some point, I would think it would click in dudes head that maybe he should be more direct and clear.

The issue with his Twitter is not that he makes points outside of the consensus, it is delivered in the most ******* way possible. I mean, just look at the one I posted today.

Like I have other issues with his long-form stuff. I think he relies on handwaving and strawman more than he would admit. This econ analysis is kinda basic for my taste. But that is whatever. On Twitter, it comes off to me that not only does he like to fall outside the liberal consensus (I say this because of how much he points that out whenever it happens), it seems he likes to kick the hornet's nest too. I think Matt is victim to the bad incentives Twitter/social media creates for people. But instead of falling victim to the one's pundits usually do, he is falling victim to the ones antisocial teenagers do :lol:

I dunno; maybe he legit thinks he is being funny and doesn't realize how he corrupts so many of the online discussions he engages in. Could be just me but I think people who rely on sarcasm for jokes aren't really funny; they are just *******s overestimating their cleverness. And that might be shaping my views of his Twitter page.

-Also, as a side note, I don't think Matt is that center-left. On economics, he clearly isn't. And on politics, I think he repeats a lot of the ****** takes I hear in leftists circles. I think his center-left reputation is built on the fact he likes to criticize other progressives.
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Was this pack lit in here already??


Fire that pack up G!
Looking forward to smokin several more packs on Jan 20 :smokin
Wouldnt it make sense to let these terrorist continue to plan in public? Keep friends close, enemies closer kind if deal?

no because they are able to recruit as well. These types of organizations focus on losers and nihilist and without the internet it’s harder for them to connect and organize.

Also without this app they will have to find a new source of communication and not for nothing I expect the FBI to have their agents/snitches involved now that Trumpito isn’t forcing them to turn a blind eye to these *******s. Like COINTELPRO demands they destroy the current system so they can ensure they are deeply involved in the next one and in time kill it from inside.

Which is insane to say but I expect them to treat these ****ers like they treated the black panther and destroy them from the inside.
Fire that pack up G!
Looking forward to smokin several more packs on Jan 20 :smokin

I can’t lie I feel sorry for these idiots. They are clearly stupid as **** and losers. No one deserves to die as a joke. Between this and the ball taser guy you got to just shake your head and hope you don’t die in a ironically funny way.

Like slipping and breaking your neck trying on Jordans....
I can’t lie I feel sorry for these idiots. They are clearly stupid as **** and losers. No one deserves to die as a joke. Between this and the ball taser guy you got to just shake your head and hope you don’t die in a ironically funny way.

Like slipping and breaking your neck trying on Jordans....
I'm still bearing the scars of my ancestors so my ability to "feel sorry" is deactivated
Nah, I don't really think that is all of it.

It is not just that his views don't conform to the others; is that he states his views often in a very flippant, often sarcastic way. Like he routinely has to clarify a sarcastic comment he made with a Tweet that starts, "I'm being sincere when I say this...".

The issue with his Twitter is not that he makes points outside of the consensus, it is delivered in the most ******* way possible. I mean, just look at the one I posted today.

Like I have other issues with his long-form stuff. I think he relies on handwaving and strawmaning more than he would admit. This econ analysis is kinda basic for my taste. But that is whatever. On Twitter, it comes off to me that not only does he like to fall outside the liberal consensus (I say this because of how much he points that out whenever it happens), it seems he likes to kick the hornet's nest too.

I dunno; maybe he legit thinks he is being funny and doesn't realize how he corrupts so many of the online discussions he engages in. People who rely on sarcasm for jokes aren't really funny; they are just *******s.

clearly im the wrong person to ask, as you would expect I thought the tweet was amusing and accurate satire lol.

it just seems to me like there are a lot of internet progressives flippantly dunking on whoever says "The Wrong Thing" so it's hard for to take tone complaints seriously.

some progressives tried to brand ta-nehisi coates a neo liberal because he wrote some semi critical Bernie columns.
so im sure to them Yglesias sounds like Pol Pot lol.

I never went. I stopped supporting Trump months ago.
You defended him yesterday.
I don't know what it is about being short, white, fat, and bald, that makes these dudes so fragile and want to be sarcastic asses all the time...
george shrug 2.gif

Yeah, that's a real mystery.

BLM didn't organize to do anything beyond peaceful marches. The overwhelming majority of people protested peacefully.

These MAGA clowns came to DC to do overrun the Capitol and steal an election by force.
It speaks volumes that all these "both sides" hot takes ignore the glaring double standards on display.

How much of the national security and law enforcement infrastructure directed full force at Black Lives Matter this summer has been thus far utilized against White Supremacist terrorists? Red hats have been given the red carpet treatment.

We must not fall for the okey doke, assent to an expansion of broad surveillance state apparatus and impose harsh anti-assembly laws that would ultimately be trained on BLM, not MAGA. That would be like reacting to the 16th Street Baptist Street church bombing by calling for more fire hoses and police dogs.

We should be investigating those within law enforcement who aided and abetted violent insurrectionists - not giving them more power.

No unity without accountability.

I will never cease to be amazed by the level of entitlement displayed by those who perceive oppression as the inability to squat on another person's shoulders.

By this logic: The Wall Street Journal must immediately publish the 1619 project or else communism.

I can't wait to fast forward 3 months to Republicans whining about how their 2G MAGAphones get poor reception and can only play Snake.
snakes on a train.jpg
If you’re against defund the police, you’re either not a leftist, such as Yglesias, or worse yet, you are a leftist, who is a NazBol (nationalist Bolshevik), such as Aimee Tarresa, Michael Tracy or Lee Fang. The NazBols believe that it’s unrealistic to use proletarian Revolution to change the social order in a given country.

This is not only immoral but it cripples a successful and lasting proletarian Revolution in America. The hegemonic American values hold that women, people of color and queer folk are not workers. So the NazBol’s belief that we must not fight for trans or black or indigenous rights in order to not alienate the working class is a bad conclusion based on a bad foundation.

The left has many enemies without but the NazBol is the enemy within who needs to be dealt with before we can really start to make progress in the fight against capital.
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