***Official Political Discussion Thread***

A minimum wage job is not supposed to be a permanent job. It's just how you support yourself until you get a better job, go through school, etc

At least that's what it supposed to be

You raise it that high and ppl just never going to be content to move on.

Not to mention that employers will just react and either create more layoffs and/or pass the extra cost to consumers.

Its just stupid all around.
LOL @ this type of understanding of economics.   You realize in your theoretical land where everyone pulls themselves up by their own bootstraps to get a better job and everyone is college educated because they all tried real hard... That someone still has to flip your ****** burger and serve it to you? Anyone doing anything for 40 hours a week should be able to live off of their wage.
we had one jill stein supporter in our campus handing flyers yesterday

she was getting swerved by everyone :rofl:
am i the only one who hears "Jill Stein the science guy" play in my head every time I see her name?
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A minimum wage job is not supposed to be a permanent job. It's just how you support yourself until you get a better job, go through school, etc

At least that's what it supposed to be

You raise it that high and ppl just never going to be content to move on.

Not to mention that employers will just react and either create more layoffs and/or pass the extra cost to consumers.

Its just stupid all around.
LOL @ this type of understanding of economics.   You realize in your theoretical land where everyone pulls themselves up by their own bootstraps to get a better job and everyone is college educated because they all tried real hard... That someone still has to flip your ****** burger and serve it to you? Anyone doing anything for 40 hours a week should be able to live off of their wage.

Yea minimum wage jobs are not going to disappear. I never said that. I would hope it's not the same ppl.

Like if I go to a restaurant and I see a waiter when I go back in a yr I hope it's not the same waiter waiting on me. Which unfortunately I've seen.
No. Donald, Stein, and Johnson are all poor choices.

Donald just managed to fool way more ppl. Right time, right place, right ppl.

I disagree.

Hillary without the backing of a Democratic majority in the Senate is a poor choice as nothing she is promising will be accomplished. Hell the GOP are already talking impeachment so good luck with that infrastructure bill or tax increase to the wealthy. (Let's revisit this in 2017)

Trump doesn't need a description

Johnson seems very uninformed and in this for the laughs

The only one to me that truly cares about the people is that woman fighting for injustice and keeps getting in trouble with law enforcement. Hmmmm...
Arrest Warrant Issued for Green Party Candidate Jill Stein
Stein and her running mate have been charged in North Dakota with misdemeanor trespassing and mischief in connection with a protest at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.
[emoji]128514[/emoji] Jill Stein, how you can be more looney than Gary Johnson is beyond me but she is.
The CPD is not an public institution, it is jointly sponsored by the GOP and DNC. I admit they hurt third parties by having the 15% rule, but at the same time, it was established to hold debates between Democratic and Republican candidates.

Stein could have debated the other third party candidates but chose not too
because Johnson was not going to be there. She denied the smaller third parties the exposure she complains she doesn't get because of the GOP and DNC.

So she, and anyone else that shades the CPD, yet defends that move, are being a hypocrites.



:smh: :lol:

Brah this organization: https://freeandequal.org/ . Hosted the third party debates in 2012. The not only usually include the Greens and Libs, but the smaller parties like the Constitution and Socialist. Stein and Johnson participated n 2012. The both didn't do it this year, instead they chose to have the PBS event days later, where they didn't attack one another.

I don't know the quality of this site, but this article summarizes the situation pretty reasonably. LINK

-Btw, 2012, Rocky Anderson sounded the best liberal alternative at the debate, not her. But to best honest I haven;t looked into him all that much

But good effort famb, good effort
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[emoji]128514[/emoji] Jill Stein, how you can be more looney than Gary Johnson is beyond me but she is.

Yeah you're right... she is a loon.

I mean a Presidential Candidate that protest on the streets with Black Lives Matter must be a crazy dingbat


[emoji]128514[/emoji] Jill Stein, how you can be more looney than Gary Johnson is beyond me but she is.

Yeah you're right... she is a loon.

I mean a Presidential Candidate that protest on the streets with Black Lives Matter must be a crazy dingbat



She a real one for doing that.

That don't make her qualified for being president though. And she does have some other red flags.

If she was a fiery Senator, or House member, I would welcome a voice like that. As president, sorry but no.

Hillary has better grasp of the issues facing the country. I may disagree with her on some issues, at least I know see understand the problem. I can't say that with Stein.
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Yep, I consult for a Power company, teach at a community college, tutor, and do freelance STATA work for a data house in town.

Yep, whatever will I do with myself.

Listen pa, I have been blue collar to white collar, slept in cars, couches, 24/7 gyms, and basements of all kinds of establishments, in all kinds of cities, working my *** off to all kinds of jobs.

I'm not, and never have been, scared to fight for my economic life if need be.

sounds like ur a victim of da economy u pretend to praise :smh: >D

then u out here prognosticaing these fallacious virtues of an ideology thats basically gotchu working 3x as hard for 1/2 da money.

these idealistic sophistries u prognosticate about ur beliefs with so much passion with da same tongue u affirming your support for Hillary Clinton is a absolute joke b :smh:

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tied in the new Washington Post-ABC News Tracking Poll, which finds Trump now holds an edge on which candidate is honest and trustworthy.

A 59 percent majority of likely voters disapprove of Clinton's handling of questions about her use of personal email while secretary of state. This number, however, is no higher than the 60 percent who disapproved just over one week ago, before the FBI's announcement Friday that it may examine additional emails after previously closing its investigation in June.

However, Trump has opened up an eight-point advantage over Clinton on which candidate is more honest and trustworthy, leading 46 to 38 percent among likely voters. The two candidates were tied on this measure the last time a Post-ABC poll asked the question in September; when asked individually, past polls found majorities seeing each candidate as dishonest.


and this poll oversampled Democrats something awful.

da real reason minority turnout sucks for Clinton is NO ONE BELIEVES HER

u gonna learn though...
Black turnout is down and Latino turnout is up, it's all going to be a wash in the end. She's still getting enough minority support overall to win.
Black turnout is down and Latino turnout is up, it's all going to be a wash in the end. She's still getting enough minority support overall to win.

latino voters vote in lesser numbers than blacks thou... and aren't da monolithic bloc that portends to be Democratic votes.

and those early voter numbers lookin ominous for dems...i been trying to tell ya...
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latino voters vote is lesser numbers than blacks thou...

and those early voter numbers lookin ominous for dems...i been trying to tell ya...

You say a lot of **** but as usual it's not rooted in fact. A drop in black participation was to be expected if nothing else thefts not a black man on the ballot this time. The Latino uptick in places like FL and AZ is significant and enough to offset most of not all of the downturn from the black constituency. In North Carolina it may be somewhat problematic because they do make up a smaller portion of the electorate.
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Yep, I consult for a Power company, teach at a community college, tutor, and do freelance STATA work for a data house in town.

Yep, whatever will I do with myself.

Listen pa, I have been blue collar to white collar, slept in cars, couches, 24/7 gyms, and basements of all kinds of establishments, in all kinds of cities, working my *** off to all kinds of jobs.

I'm not, and never have been, scared to fight for my economic life if need be.

sounds like ur a victim of da economy u pretend to praise :smh: >D

then u out here prognosticaing these fallacious virtues of an ideology thats basically gotchu working 3x as hard for 1/2 da money.

these idealistic sophistries u prognosticate about ur beliefs with so much passion with da same tongue u affirming your support for Hillary Clinton is a absolute joke b :smh:

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tied in the new Washington Post-ABC News Tracking Poll, which finds Trump now holds an edge on which candidate is honest and trustworthy.

A 59 percent majority of likely voters disapprove of Clinton's handling of questions about her use of personal email while secretary of state. This number, however, is no higher than the 60 percent who disapproved just over one week ago, before the FBI's announcement Friday that it may examine additional emails after previously closing its investigation in June.

However, Trump has opened up an eight-point advantage over Clinton on which candidate is more honest and trustworthy, leading 46 to 38 percent among likely voters. The two candidates were tied on this measure the last time a Post-ABC poll asked the question in September; when asked individually, past polls found majorities seeing each candidate as dishonest.


and this poll oversampled Democrats something awful.

da real reason minority turnout sucks for Clinton is NO ONE BELIEVES HER

u gonna learn though...

Dude I am 30, i have been grinding to make my way in this world for a while. I don't come from money, and I been living on my own most of my adult life. Yes I have struggled at time to keep myself above water, I could have ran to my family for help at times, but I didn't.

I go into the office twice a week, I teach because I like it, I tutor and extra session for MBA students in a statistics class because it is an easy extra 12 grand a year for three semester of work. And then I work on campus or at home freelancing because I like the aspect of working different projects every couple months.

I probably work like 50 hours a week. But the teaching I love so it is not really work, I have the flexibility, and make good money overall.

I am more than happy to pay more in taxes, to make it easier for the kids coming up after me, so that life doesn't break them.

I proud of my work, and I think it is in line with my political views. Believing self sufficiency and social democracy are not at odds. I truly believe people will be able to lead more productive, and fulfilling lives if society insured some basic level of economic well being.

Nothing a person like you says is gonna make be ashamed of how I have chosen to lead my life.
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lets be clear. EARLY black voting turn out is lower than it was in 2008, and 2012. which makes sense because blacks in general were more enthusiastic about voting a black president. to me thats understandable. thing about the early voting stage is that it doesnt end until Monday at 5. I think its too early to say that the early turnout for blacks is in complete shambles.
She a real one for doing that.

That don't make her qualified for being president though. And she does have some other red flags.

If she was a fiery Senator, or House member, I would welcome a voice like that. As president, sorry but no.

Hillary has better grasp of the issues facing the country. I may disagree with her on some issues, at least I know see understand the problem. I can't say that with Stein.

Finally a post without attacks. :smokin

No doubt Hillary has all the qualifications, all the money, all the connections, all the backing of the 1%, the Neo-Cons, etc..

Will she make a better President than Stein.. yeah probably just based of everything here ^ however Hillary to me just lacks that compassion or sincerity to me like with Obama back in 08. I am just not convinced Hillary wants to be President to help the American people or her donors. All these wikileak emails showcasing the corruption of the Democratic Party didn't help either. Truly if I was in a battleground State, I would vote for Hillary but as of now I am supporting the 3rd party because our country need more choices and more ideas than these typical Corporation bought Republican and Democratic candidates.
Yep, I consult for a Power company, teach at a community college, tutor, and do freelance STATA work for a data house in town.

Yep, whatever will I do with myself.

Listen pa, I have been blue collar to white collar, slept in cars, couches, 24/7 gyms, and basements of all kinds of establishments, in all kinds of cities, working my *** off to all kinds of jobs.

I'm not, and never have been, scared to fight for my economic life if need be.
sounds like ur a victim of da economy u pretend to praise

then u out here prognosticaing these fallacious virtues of an ideology thats basically gotchu working 3x as hard for 1/2 da money.

these idealistic sophistries u prognosticate about ur beliefs with so much passion with da same tongue u affirming your support for Hillary Clinton is a absolute joke b
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are tied in the new Washington Post-ABC News Tracking Poll, which finds Trump now holds an edge on which candidate is honest and trustworthy.

A 59 percent majority of likely voters disapprove of Clinton's handling of questions about her use of personal email while secretary of state. This number, however, is no higher than the 60 percent who disapproved just over one week ago, before the FBI's announcement Friday that it may examine additional emails after previously closing its investigation in June.

However, Trump has opened up an eight-point advantage over Clinton on which candidate is more honest and trustworthy, leading 46 to 38 percent among likely voters. The two candidates were tied on this measure the last time a Post-ABC poll asked the question in September; when asked individually, past polls found majorities seeing each candidate as dishonest.

and this poll oversampled Democrats something awful.

da real reason minority turnout sucks for Clinton is NO ONE BELIEVES HER

u gonna learn though...
Dude I am 30, i have been grinding to make my way in this world for a while. I don't come from money, and I been living on my own most of my adult life. Yes I have struggled at time to keep myself above water, I could have ran to my family for help at time, but I didn't.

I go into the office twice a week, I teach because I like it, I tutor and extra session for MBA students in a statistics class because it is an easy extra 12 grand a year for three semester of work. And then I work on campus or at home because I like the aspect of working different projects every couple months.

I probably work like 50 hours a week. But the teaching I love so it is not really work, I have the flexibility, and make good money overall.

I am more than happy to pay more in taxes, to make it easier for the kidding coming up after me, so life doesn't break them.

I proud of my work, and I think it is in line with my political views. Believing self sufficiency and social democracy are not at odds. I truly believe people will be able to lead more productive, and fulfilling lives if society insured some basic level of economic well being.

Nothing a person like you says is gonna make be be ashamed of how I have chosen to lead my life.
Respect fam. 
Latino uptick in places like FL and AZ is significant and enough to offset most of not all of the downturn from the black constituency

u can clean it up all u want, that fact of da matter is da Democratic turnout aint seeing 2012 #'s let alone 2008, millennials is a no-show & latinos aint da 90%+ Democratic voting bloc u portends it is, so u can think latinos just gonna supplant black votes at a even clip to ur peril :lol:....
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u can clean it up all u want, that fact of da matter is da Democratic turnout aint seeing 2012 #'s let alone 2008, millennials is a no-show & latinos aint da 90%+ Democratic voting bloc u portends it is, so u can think latinos just gonna supplant black votes at a even clip to ur peril :lol:....

You clearly can't read. In states like Arizona and the critical state of FL (which Drumpf cannot win the race without).

FL has a 24% Hispanic population, early voting numbers for Latinos are up to 14% from 9% in 2008. Black voting is down to 12% from 15% in the same period. They may not all be voting Democratic, but in sheer numbers that's more Latinos gained than black votes lost theoretically.
u can clean it up all u want, that fact of da matter is da Democratic turnout aint seeing 2012 #'s let alone 2008, millennials is a no-show & latinos aint da 90%+ Democratic voting bloc u portends it is, so u can think latinos just gonna supplant black votes at a even clip to ur peril :lol:....

You clearly can't read. In states like Arizona and the critical state of FL (which Drumpf cannot win the race without).

FL has a 24% Hispanic population, early voting numbers for Latinos are up to 14% from 9% in 2008. Black voting is down to 12% from 15% in the same period. They may not all be voting Democratic, but in sheer numbers that's more Latinos gained than black votes lost theoretically.

they're not gonna all vote Democratic to replace black Democratic votes, and in Florida's case, u got Republicans Cubans..so like i said... believe latino votes will resuscitate absent black votes at your peril.
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