***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Berlin police: 9 dead, at least 50 injured in truck crash

This was deliberate. Haven't determined whether it's terror related or not yet.
Here we go again

RIP to the deceased. 
Guy who shot the Russian ambassador to Turkey, if I'm not mistaken.
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I find all the Archduke comparisons being made with regards to the Russian ambassador being assassinated to be a bit lazy tbh.

Totally different set of circumstances and I highly doubt that this is gonna be the match to set off some kind of World War. War . What's most likely gonna happen is that relations between both countries are gonna fall backward after they seemed to be warming up this year. Probably to the point where they were last year when Turkey 'accidentally' shot down a Russian jet over Syria.

Turkey being a member of NATO, and not to mention them having the largest standing army in the alliance, makes the odds of a forceful Russian response quite low imo.

This isn't anywhere near a Sarajevo but it's definitely not positive at all especially given how the fragile Aleppo ceasefire was brokered by both countries, if anything it's gonna make Syria an even larger mess :x

The most interesting part of the whole thing is how the assassin ended up being a member of Turkish police,pretty odd...:nerd:

Definitely expecting all sides to jump at the chance to blame their enemies though. I.e Erdogan with the PKK and Gulem and Russia with the Syrian rebels/the west
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I thought the MSM said that none of the electors were going to vote for Trump? Bernie still had a chance!! /s

Talking nonsense isn't going to help the democrats.
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I thought the MSM said that none of the electors were going to vote for Trump? Bernie still had a chance!! /s

Talking nonsense isn't going to help the democrats.

Most faithless electors were democrats; that hasn't been disputed anywhere.
Idiots, idiots everywhere.

Just cast your damb vote according to your states results and be over with it.
This. Do whatever you feel like you have to do why should they have to wait for the go ahead from Hillary or her team lol

Some liberals really take the "Blame the Clintons" shtick a lil too far.

Now it is Hillary's fault she didn't encourage you to go against the election results to elect Mitt Romney or Jon Kaisch.

What buffoonery :lol:
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