***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Because one is satire and one is a vile person supporting the system of white supremacy

Dude doesn't agree with you, he is mocking your ****ed up nonsense.

So being a Republican automatically crucifies you now? We're not all bad people. Just because OUR president is vile doesn't make us one
Accepting racism isn't the problem

It's accepting it and then minimizing it by acting as if nothing needs to be done to correct it...that makes you an ally to racism

If you saw a fire, would you dump water on it or would you let it grow until it consumes everything?
Technically the rancher brothers who were pardoned did not participate in the armed militia occupation and standoff, at least not directly.
They were indicted and subsequently convicted on arson charges because they had set deliberately set 2 fires that proceeded to spread on federal land. Supposedly to cover up illegal deer hunting. There were a number of individuals nearby in the area of the fires, including firefighters I believe.
The Hammond brothers initially welcomed the support of the militia groups but when things got out of hand they changed their stance and told the militias to go home, to no avail.
They were sentenced to 5 year mandatory minimum sentences through a 1996 anti-terrorism law.

There was a different group of brothers, the Bundy family I believe, who played a key role in the armed occupation and standoff against the federal government.

didnt firefighters die because of that mess??
So being a Republican automatically crucifies you now? We're not all bad people. Just because OUR president is vile doesn't make us one
A conservative is not inherently racist or bigoted. A president's views, statements and actions do not necessarily reflect on an individual identifying with the party that president belongs to.
However, voting for and continuing to stand by a president who has repeatedly and publicly engaged in racist remarks and actions does reflect on that individual. Particularly if that kind of behavior is left unchallenged.

A majority of posters who have engaged in this thread for an extended period of time and identified as Republican have been banned for racist behavior, many of them permanently. Note that this is obviously anecdotal and can not be applied on Republicans broadly, at least not without consulting other data, but perhaps it may explain to you why posters tend to argue with a rather aggressive approach.
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How come when you say it it's ok . When I say it I get crucified harder than Jesus Christ himself ?
Perhaps we need #sarcasm after all.

Just because I have accepted racism in the country I'm automatically a racists.
"Just because I have accepted slavery in the country I'm automatically racist?"
"Just because I have accepted Nazism in the country I'm automatically anti-Semitic?"

If you "accepted racism" and voted for a segregationist candidate in 1968, would that make you a racist?
If you "accepted racism" and voted for a pro-slavery candidate in 1828, would that make you a racist?

If you support someone who's committing a crime and then benefit from that crime, you're not an innocent bystander. You're an accomplice.
Accepting racism isn't the problem

It's accepting it and then minimizing it by acting as if nothing needs to be done to correct it...that makes you an ally to racism

If you saw a fire, would you dump water on it or would you let it grow until it consumes everything?

What can be done ? Please explain . It's been going on for decades and still hasn't gone away . You just can't alter people's perspective on racism and expect them to change . Some people are just racists plain and simple.
How come when you say it it's ok . When I say it I get crucified harder than Jesus Christ himself ?

Because a lot of people understand that racism exist and speak up against it and fight for equality, while you've accepted racism and don't care. Big difference dude...
Because a lot of people understand that racism exist and speak up against it and fight for equality, while you've accepted racism and don't care. Big difference dude...

What has fighting for racism and speaking up against it actually do though? It doesn't stop the nation from being racist . People do what you just said and then wake up the next day and people are still racists.
Accepting racism isn't the problem

It's accepting it and then minimizing it by acting as if nothing needs to be done to correct it...that makes you an ally to racism

If you saw a fire, would you dump water on it or would you let it grow until it consumes everything?
That is ONE HUNDRED AND TEN PERCENT correct. Racism is NOT here to stay and I say whites need to STOP being told to just get over it and move on with their days. Being attacked for being white man in 2018 is NO LONGER the way life goes, since people can't help the color of your skin or the privilege you were born with. We can no longer just get over it and keep being big and scary to the heartless minorities who know NOTHING about being attacked for who you are. We must fight the prejudices and help this nation HEAL. And under DAPPER DON we WILL succeed and heal this nation of the beautiful US of SR A and make the entire WORLD GREAT AGAIN AMEN #LOCKHERUP #INCELSRISEUP #SARCASMFLEWOVERTHECUCKOOSNEST
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A conservative is not inherently racist or bigoted. A president's views, statements and actions do not necessarily reflect on an individual identifying with the party that president belongs to.
However, voting for and continuing to stand by a president who has repeatedly and publicly engaged in racist remarks and actions does reflect on that individual. Particularly if that kind of behavior is left unchallenged.

A majority of posters who have engaged in this thread for an extended period of time and identified as Republican have been banned for racist behavior, many of them permanently. Note that this is obviously anecdotal and can not be applied on Republicans broadly, at least not without consulting other data, but perhaps it may explain to you why posters tend to argue with a rather aggressive approach.

I said this many times I vote Republican every election because it benefits me financially. After I said this I was being called a racists and a bigot. When I supported Bush I was never called that .
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