***Official Political Discussion Thread***

not everything is about race when it comes to voting.... cubans are not racist people just cause they vote republican
It’s complicated. They don’t see themselves as such but almost everyone else thinks they are.....
nothing racist about bien ruled by one person for 50 plus years and not wanting that in the new country your in. yall gotta. chill with the cubans a racist talk . latinos will not just hand the dem their vote bru.
It's kinda baffling how they seem unable to do a double take when the incumbent president "jokes" about getting an extra term because he was "cheated" for four years. Funny how the alarm doesn't go off when he refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power. Sounds like those 50 years of authoritarian rule don't mean much in the grand scheme of things.
It's kinda baffling how they seem unable to do a double take when the incumbent president "jokes" about getting an extra term because he was "cheated" for four years. Funny how the alarm doesn't go off when he refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power. Sounds like those 50 years of authoritarian rule don't mean much in the grand scheme of things.
Almost seems like its never been about some moral stand against 'fascism' like they claim doesn't it? :lol:>D

So often it comes down to these families and their descendants still being pissed over losing their monopoly on exploiting Cuban workers back home for their own gain that they had pre-Castro.
trump got more hispanic votes in florida not just cubans but others voted him too, venezulians columbians, other socialist counties in south american those people voted for trump
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