Official Superbowl XLIII thread : Congrats Steelers...Keep it real Az

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

i still cant believe this %$%+ ... dirtiest team in sports ... luckiest team in sports ... refs in their pocket ... warner throwin that dumb #+% pick ... why not throw a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADE????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps... gag me on the tomlin comments ... dude doesnt do jack +%$% for that team except reep the benefits of possibly the best d coordinator EVER ... how you gonna be known as a defensive coach and not even touch the defense
... and dont give me that "o he leads the team" !*%@#*+$ ...

u could only wish you had a guy like him coaching the Cowboys...
lol ... my bad ... i just didnt want that bunch to win ... i dont even care about the 6 super bowl things really, i just hate the steelers ... from tomlin tohines to ben to harrison ... theyre not a class act ...

u could only wish you had a guy like him coaching the Cowboys...
... .... NOOOOOOOOOOT ... if he coached the cowboys we would have gone 4-12 ... how do you give that guy any credit (other than hes black) when hescome out and say repeatedly that he is a defensive coach but doesnt even touch the defense? he doesnt call plays ... he doesnt do anything
what do Ben and Mike do to make you say that? And besides the punt play, what has James done? I don't agree about Ward but I do see why some feel that wayabout him
Originally Posted by RICO7JT

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

Originally Posted by ShoesBcRack

im just sad football is now over
That's what i hate about superbowls. A Sick Game no doubt and all but once its over, dang. this season flew by.

I hate it too .... Life is so much better with football in it ... Now on to baseball , I guess .
never knew it was this serious. this guy is on some cut his wrists business cuz he's so sad.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

what do Ben and Mike do to make you say that? And besides the punt play, what has James done? I don't agree about Ward but I do see why some feel that way about him
its just my personal opinion ... ben gets away with poor play because he has the best defense in football and lets be honest, the cardinalsdefense isnt exactly difficult to beat ... the steelers offense didnt score enough to win that game and cardinals offense put up 23 on the best defense infootball ...

and already addressed tomlin ... as far as harrison goes, hes a punk ... if it wasnt the super bowl and he didnt play for the steelers he would have beenejected from the game for his cheap shot ... and i bet hines ward would get wooped by 98% of the people in the league, hiding behind pads and the refs knowingdamn well he cant really get in a fight ...

What exactly do you think the job of a Head Coach entails?
its not about what a head coach should do ... its about giving credit where credit is due ... the only thing tomlin does is make decisions on 4thand goal and 80% of the time he got them wrong over the course of the season ... lebeau won the steelers the super bowl
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

What exactly do you think the job of a Head Coach entails?
its not about what a head coach should do ... its about giving credit where credit is due ... the only thing tomlin does is make decisions on 4th and goal and 80% of the time he got them wrong over the course of the season ... lebeau won the steelers the super bowl

What type of nonsense are you typing right now. Lebeau won the Steelers the Superbowl when our D gave up over 400 yards??? How you gon marginalizea guy that won a Superbowl title his 2nd year head coaching. He only makes 4th and goal decisions??? its clear you know nothing about football. Tomlin took ateam that arguably had the toughest schedule in the league to 12 wins and a SB title and you insinuate that he's insignificant.

You sound supremely ignorant as to what a head coach in football does.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

What type of nonsense are you typing right now. Lebeau won the Steelers the Superbowl when our D gave up over 400 yards??? How you gon marginalize a guy that won a Superbowl title his 2nd year head coaching. He only makes 4th and goal decisions??? its clear you know nothing about football. Tomlin took a team that arguably had the toughest schedule in the league to 12 wins and a SB title and you insinuate that he's insignificant.

You sound supremely ignorant as to what a head coach in football does.
toughest schedule in the league? LOLOLOLOL and i know nothing about football ... so youre telling me mike tomlin or the o coordinator won you thesuper bowl? ... ... ... ... cuz i seem to have watched a game where a PERFECT play was called at the PERFECT time which caused at least a 10 point swing ... asi said before, %#+! lebeau won the steelers the super bowl this year ... dont forget you had to win a few other games to actually make it to the super bowl ...shame on you for throwing your d under the bus cuz they gave up 23 points to the most dangerous O in the league this year ... and not only that but gave youroffense the luxury of milking the clock for the 3rd quarter, wearing down the cardinals d in the process ... you couldnt have done that tied 10-10 or down14-10 ... THE STEELERS DEFENSE AND %#+! LEBEAU WON THEM THE SUPER BOWL, not tomlin, not ben, not anyone else ...
I was asking about your comment on Ben and Mike having no class, not what you don't like about them playing/coaching wise. And again with James what has hedone besides the punt play, guy is usually very humble (with his story how could he not be)
That game was a great game to watch/witness

Hats off to both teams for making that a Super Bowl for the ages.
THE STEELERS DEFENSE AND %#+! LEBEAU WON THEM THE SUPER BOWL, not tomlin, not ben, not anyone else ...


What about the Game winning TD throw by Ben and the great catch by Santonio?

(without that play the Cards win right...I'm just saying)
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

lfrom tomlin to hines to ben to harrison ... theyre not a class act ...
From what I gathered, Harrison was pissed that Francisco went for his knees on a block. What happened afterwards was absolutely excessive andtotally unnecessary, but I suppose calling him "not a class act" is a perfectly logical reaction. First unsportmanlike conduct penalty all year? The guy's a thug, throw him out. Ward? Classic example of "Hate him because he's not on your team". Whine about "cheap shots"all you want, but you'd love to have him throwing those blocks for your team. Ben and Tomlin? Calling themanything less than a class act is idiocy. If you don't like the way that they play or coach, that's one thing, but they're stand-up guys who blamenobody but themselves when things go wrong. Can't get much more class-act than that.

A couple questionable calls last night that went the Steelers' way, pretty much all on one drive:

- holding on whomever was covering Ward (whenever you're trailing and pulling on the jersey, you give the refs a reason to throw a flag. Was ittechnically a penalty? Yes. Should it have been called? Nah. Kinda like the much-whined-about offensive pass interference call on Darrell Jackson(?) thatnegated a touchdown during the Steelers/Seahawks Super Bowl. When you extend your arm against the defensive player, you give the refs a reason to throw aflag. Still shouldn't have been called though)

- roughing the passer (absolute $#@%%@@! call)

- probably should've been an intentional grounding call on the same play where they called roughing the passer

- running into the holder. I think the refs got this one right. Wilson should know that he can't run into the holder any more than he can run into thekicker (I didn't know that, but, then again, I'm not an NFL player. Besides, when the hell do you ever seethat happen?). "But he was stumbling!" Does it matter if you stumble into the kicker? Try to hold up, try to steady yourself on Berger, do something besides knock him over and trot away nonchalantly. Had he done that, I don't think that a flag would've beenthrown.

That being said, it was still a great game. Arizona made one hell of a comeback, but you can't knock what Pittsburgh did in the final two minutes either. When it looked like the Cardinals were gonna pull it out, I had to watch Eagles fans celebrate (literally, giving fist-pounds and feeling good aboutthemselves) that they considered themselves to be the second-best team in football. Just made the victory that much sweeter
i still cant believe this %$%+ ... dirtiest team in sports ... luckiest team in sports ... refs in their pocket ... warner throwin that dumb #+% pick

Well said Marley. Was it just me or did everyone else in the world miss the fact that Santonio Holmes used the football as a prop in his celebration which isa 15 yard penalty to be assessed on the Kick Off or on the Extra Point, Why was that not called??? I feel now like Seahawks fans did then... I guess when youplay the Steelers in the Super Bowl you have to play against the Refs too. Hmmmm funny how a lot of people are saying a lot of calls were called or missed.
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

lol ... my bad ... i just didnt want that bunch to win ... i dont even care about the 6 super bowl things really, i just hate the steelers ... from tomlin to hines to ben to harrison ... theyre not a class act ...

u could only wish you had a guy like him coaching the Cowboys...
... .... NOOOOOOOOOOT ... if he coached the cowboys we would have gone 4-12 ... how do you give that guy any credit (other than hes black) when hes come out and say repeatedly that he is a defensive coach but doesnt even touch the defense? he doesnt call plays ... he doesnt do anything

, ok cuz the cowboys are such a class act
@ you for such foolish comments. Have you ever seen how damn arrogant the cowboys have been over theyears, from irvin's trash talking/pushoffs & Holly wood henderson's trash talking to JErry Jones being the most arrogant person in the world. IFanything the cowboys could learn how to win/ and be humble from the steelers. Especially Troy Polamalu, dude is soft spoken, never talks trash and his level ofplay is typically out of this world.
Originally Posted by Respect21

I thought there was a penalty for using the ball in a TD celebration?

It probably wouldn't have mattered, either way.

I'm just curious.

Yup. There's supposed to be a 15 yard penalty accessed @ kickoff which means the Cardinals would have had better field position. But when you got the refsin your pockets for 2 SB's in a row, thats the way the cookie crumbles.

I''m really feeling bad for Fitz. You could see him saying "No....No....No..." Fitz played his heart out and lit up the "#1"defense, something no other WR did all season. And who cares if hes saying "I didn't get the ball, I don't know why and Im not gonna point thefinger" ++$$. What NT continues to fail to realize is that big time playmakers at some point always open their mouth. Its not just Terrell Owens
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

What type of nonsense are you typing right now. Lebeau won the Steelers the Superbowl when our D gave up over 400 yards??? How you gon marginalize a guy that won a Superbowl title his 2nd year head coaching. He only makes 4th and goal decisions??? its clear you know nothing about football. Tomlin took a team that arguably had the toughest schedule in the league to 12 wins and a SB title and you insinuate that he's insignificant.

You sound supremely ignorant as to what a head coach in football does.
toughest schedule in the league? LOLOLOLOL and i know nothing about football ... so youre telling me mike tomlin or the o coordinator won you the super bowl? ... ... ... ... cuz i seem to have watched a game where a PERFECT play was called at the PERFECT time which caused at least a 10 point swing ... as i said before, %#+! lebeau won the steelers the super bowl this year ... dont forget you had to win a few other games to actually make it to the super bowl ... shame on you for throwing your d under the bus cuz they gave up 23 points to the most dangerous O in the league this year ... and not only that but gave your offense the luxury of milking the clock for the 3rd quarter, wearing down the cardinals d in the process ... you couldnt have done that tied 10-10 or down 14-10 ... THE STEELERS DEFENSE AND %#+! LEBEAU WON THEM THE SUPER BOWL, not tomlin, not ben, not anyone else ...


Why are you so angry!!

Do you know anything about football at all? You know nothing about how the team is run, and seem salty at all the players for no real apparent reason. So MikeTomlin has NOTHING to do with the Steelers D at all? It was all *%%% lebeau right!?
Originally Posted by Fade On You

MarleysProtege wrote:
NostrandAve68 wrote:
What type of nonsense are you typing right now. Lebeau won the Steelers the Superbowl when our D gave up over 400 yards??? How you gon marginalize a guy that won a Superbowl title his 2nd year head coaching. He only makes 4th and goal decisions??? its clear you know nothing about football. Tomlin took a team that arguably had the toughest schedule in the league to 12 wins and a SB title and you insinuate that he's insignificant.

You sound supremely ignorant as to what a head coach in football does.
toughest schedule in the league? LOLOLOLOL and i know nothing about football ... so youre telling me mike tomlin or the o coordinator won you the super bowl? ... ... ... ... cuz i seem to have watched a game where a PERFECT play was called at the PERFECT time which caused at least a 10 point swing ... as i said before, %#+! lebeau won the steelers the super bowl this year ... dont forget you had to win a few other games to actually make it to the super bowl ... shame on you for throwing your d under the bus cuz they gave up 23 points to the most dangerous O in the league this year ... and not only that but gave your offense the luxury of milking the clock for the 3rd quarter, wearing down the cardinals d in the process ... you couldnt have done that tied 10-10 or down 14-10 ... THE STEELERS DEFENSE AND %#+! LEBEAU WON THEM THE SUPER BOWL, not tomlin, not ben, not anyone else ...


Why are you so angry!!

Do you know anything about football at all? You know nothing about how the team is run, and seem salty at all the players for no real apparent reason. So Mike Tomlin has NOTHING to do with the Steelers D at all? It was all *%%% lebeau right!?


Nah Cowboys Fans have been salty and haven't given props when props is due all year...I fully expected this out of the ones who #*!!@ and complain abouteverything.

They mad like the Cowboys lost the SB...Chill out it was a great game.
I find it a bit of a stretch that the Rooneys are close enough with Godell for him to meet with the officiating crew and have them swing the calls towardsPitt. Plain and simple if the Cards get a stop on the final drive, they win
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

lol ... my bad ... i just didnt want that bunch to win ... i dont even care about the 6 super bowl things really, i just hate the steelers ... from tomlin to hines to ben to harrison ... theyre not a class act ...

u could only wish you had a guy like him coaching the Cowboys...
... .... NOOOOOOOOOOT ... if he coached the cowboys we would have gone 4-12 ... how do you give that guy any credit (other than hes black) when hes come out and say repeatedly that he is a defensive coach but doesnt even touch the defense? he doesnt call plays ... he doesnt do anything

Come on Marley... give credit where credit is due! If your team ( I assume the Cow____) were more concerned with winning on the field instead of"marketing" you could have won your 6th...

But after seeing Zona ball like they did throughout the playoffs.... Dallas might have gotten molly-whopped ...
hmmm lets see ... ... ... the steelers have the largest fan base in football ... ... ... the economy is in shambles ... isnt it just convenient how that wholething worked out? im not one for conspiracy, but first the 9/11 "Patriots" winning the super bowl, and now the largest fan base aka cash cow winning... someone knwos what they are doing ...

brandonb ... youre a bama ... i guess me giving credit to santonio and ben on that last drive wasnt enough huh? or me giving credit to the entire cardinalsteam wasnt enough huh? shut your salty beltway $#$ up ...

Come on Marley... give credit where credit is due! If your team ( I assume the Cow____) were more concerned with winning on the field instead of "marketing" you could have won your 6th...

But after seeing Zona ball like they did throughout the playoffs.... Dallas might have gotten molly-whopped ...

ive already given credit to zona and the steelers ...
theres a fineline between completely disliking a team and coming up with nonsense reasons to hate on the team n its players. you go further past that nonsenseand you have purely salty dudes with blind hate.

regardless of the fact that big ben has the most game winning drives in the 4th/OT in the league in the past how many years and they just can't digestthat. ben doesn't put up stats like warner, brees, rivers, romo etc and that totally makes him a bad qb. right. he misses/underthrows on some occassionsmuch like most qbs. hes extremely accurate, hes blessed with an amazing D led by one of the best co-ordinator to ever play in the league, hes very poised for ayoung qb, hes got excellent movement in and out of the pocket and he creates plays when he needs to. you can't logically argue to not get someone to changetheir hate on ben.

all it takes is one play to completely change the public perception of a dude, harrison is far from a dirty player. that one penalty was definitely cheap onhis part, uncharacteristic but ya'll are talking like none of you have ever done anything out of character. unlike average joes like you and me, athletesunder the publics eye are gonna get judged for every action and word.
If that is the case why did the NFL allow the Cards to be in it in the first place? Just seems like a bit of a stretch
Originally Posted by dmxfury

If that is the case why did the NFL allow the Cards to be in it in the first place? Just seems like a bit of a stretch
why wouldnt they allow them to? one of the WORST drawing franchises all of a sudden in the super bowl ... a team that can barely sell out theirfirst home game in the playoffs, in the super bowl? a team that has the longest championship drought in sports behind the cubs, in the super bowl? in fact,you proved my point even more ... any organization or team is only as good as their weakest link ...
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