Originally Posted by JordanLovah

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Kingtre

One woman was 101 years old. She was wheeled into the polling place and on her way out she said that before she died, she wanted to vote for a black man.
, thats powerful.

dam thats crazy.

What's crazy is that she voted for someone based on skin color.
and so did they


So true.

People always want to reverse any argument to divert any negative attention upon themselves.
barely anyone showed up to class today. hope that means everyone's out voting.
i voted for obama. in and out of there in 5 min.
Originally Posted by nnarum

What's crazy is that she voted for someone based on skin color.

agreed but reality is in the eye of the beholder, to a 101 yr old women... it means something different. there are millions of people wastingvotes today.
I'm not gonna pick on an old woman
Absentee Ballot FTW!!!!!!!! Dudes were getting me tight in class today talking about how he shouldn't be running for Pres because they think he was born inKenya ... SMH ... I hope he pulls through and wins this election
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

Anyone watching CNN? Joe the Plumber is getting destroyed

Word. I saw that and came in here to see if anybody else saw. Dude goes "well obama doesn't want a flat tax" then the anchor goes "mccaindoesn't either so what's your point?" then joe is just like "uhh..."
man im pissed...i waited in line for 5 hours on friday to early vote and i go back to the place to check out the line for my sister and i see like 30 peoplethere................the early voting hype got the best of me

edit: that 101 year old woman must've been sleepin on those jesse jackson days.....
Originally Posted by The Encore

Absentee Ballot FTW!!!!!!!! Dudes were getting me tight in class today talking about how he shouldn't be running for Pres because they think he was born in Kenya ... SMH ... I hope he pulls through and wins this election

dont let that S!!! get to you...
My wife and I walked right in. no wait. We were out in less than 10 minutes.

I got lucky myself - waited in line for maybe 5 minutes, cast my ballot, was out of there in 15.

I don't know about you all - but I had a ton of stuff to vote on - judges, props, etc. Took me longer than expected.
Voting this morning FTL....I tried at 6:15, and nothing was moving so I left and went to work....

Voting this afternoon FTW....I went at 4:15, and was out by 4:20. No one there

Let's get it Obama!
I got there at 12:30 PM AND there was about 4 other people there only. I went straight to the booth and once I scanned my ballot I saw that only 265 peoplehave voted thus far, I'd thought there would be more.
I just got done voting for the first time in my life. Im 29 years old and was convicted of a felony when i was 18. I was told i could never vote. Thanks to theObama campaign I got off my but and really researched this year and found the loophole i needed in order to restore my voting rights.

I can honestly say i thought i would never in my life even care enough to vote, nor do the research to find out if i ever could.

My experience was about a 30 minute wait here in Los Angeles but i had my family out there with me so it wasnt even bad.

Bring it home Obama!
Originally Posted by FeelMode

I just got done voting for the first time in my life. Im 29 years old and was convicted of a felony when i was 18. I was told i could never vote. Thanks to the Obama campaign I got off my but and really researched this year and found the loophole i needed in order to restore my voting rights.

I can honestly say i thought i would never in my life even care enough to vote, nor do the research to find out if i ever could.

My experience was about a 30 minute wait here in Los Angeles but i had my family out there with me so it wasnt even bad.

Bring it home Obama!
Props to you

And cosign to your last statement
Went to vote after work right now, I got off at 2. Got to the church at 220 and got out at 230 no wait at all. I just took my time reading the ballot andsoaking in the experience I had,
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