P90X Discussion

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by dead in 09

I just ordered it for $39.98 and absolutely cannot wait to start the program...

Am I supposed to be receiving 12 dvds? How does this work? They are all labeled with different muscle exercises, where do I start?

Should I wait until I have dumbbells and a chin up bar purchased before I start the program?

Those are questions that all can be answered in their main website or a simple google search.
cool, thanks.

After further research I ntocied that this is selling for $120+

Is this a scam?
Someone mentioned the Core Synergistics, for some reason Tony only has you doing this for a few weeks in one phase, but I think its one of the best workouts.

Anyone else a skinny hard gainer...I find it really hard to gain muscle on my arms/chest with the program, definitely get leaner/more cut tho. I feel that Ineed to mix in bench press and such with heavy weights some nights to really see some growth.
Anyone have any recommendations on a good mat, chin-up bar, dumbbells, bands, yoga blocks, pushup stands, etc? I'm mostly looking for good price, but ifthere is some really good quality equipment, I'll put up the extra money.
Originally Posted by vjetti

Someone mentioned the Core Synergistics, for some reason Tony only has you doing this for a few weeks in one phase, but I think its one of the best workouts.

Anyone else a skinny hard gainer...I find it really hard to gain muscle on my arms/chest with the program, definitely get leaner/more cut tho. I feel that I need to mix in bench press and such with heavy weights some nights to really see some growth.

"Superman to Banana" & "Superman to Boat" FTW!
Okay quick question, did you guys get ALL the equipment needed? I mean, heart rate monitors are friggin' expensive. Did you guys get the P90X brandedrecovery formula and protein bars? Also, are dumbbells better than the resistance bands?
I am about 2 and a half weeks in. IMO the heart rate monitor is not necessary unless maybe you have heart problems and/or are very overweight. I didn't getthe pull-up bar either and so far the band are working very well for me (I think I will need a bar further into the 90 days though). As far as resistance bandsv. dumbells, I think it's mostly personal preference I use both depending on the exercise.
A sample diet for me is:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, Half a grapefruit, Half a bagel
Snack 1 (Usually after the first workout, Cardio X): Protein drink, Banana
Lunch: Tuna Wrap, Mixed Veggies and fruit (usually a mix of cantaloupe or honeydew melons)
Snack 2 (Usually after the second workout): Ultra High Protein Bar, Jay Robb Whey Protein Shake
Dinner: Grilled chicken breasts (marinated), mixed veggies and fruit

In terms of equipment, I bought:
Yoga mat (about 10-12 from TJ Maxx)
Yoga block
Dumbbells (adjustable)
Resistance band (substitute for pull-up bar)
Push up stands (range of motion is excellent)
p90x WILL work. but its VERY difficult to follow, considering how long it is & how hard it gets. if u have that drive & determination then go for it. iwould do it, but adding/subtracting disks turns into a pain. guess im not determined enuff.. ive decided to just do ab ripper x & for arms, to just do agrip of pushups & curls.
For those needing a pull-up bar invest in Iron Gym. It costs around $30. Just throw it up on a doorway and get to work. Very use to use and could be used forpush ups as well. It'll give you a great range of motion like when Tony uses/mentions it in the video.

Glad someone up'ed this. Anyways, on the second week of Phase III. Workouts are going well, still doing doubles (Cardio X in the AM, main workout routinein the PM), and my body is handling it well.

Unfortunately, my diet has taken a huge hit this past two weeks. 4th of July, birthday parties and slacking on my part on regular days. I try to compensate bydoing a lot of running, but cheating is cheating.

Going to L.A. for the next two weeks, so I'll have to probably cut out some Cardio X sessions. Diet will also be another problem. Hopefully, I can stay thecourse.

Hope everyone else is hanging tough.
This is such a good forum for P90X you guys are really getting me moviated to do this routine. The only question I have is this workout for overweight peoplealso or just for people looking to get toned ? Cause myself I'm overweight and looking for a way to start out working out.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild

Glad someone up'ed this. Anyways, on the second week of Phase III. Workouts are going well, still doing doubles (Cardio X in the AM, main workout routine in the PM), and my body is handling it well.

Unfortunately, my diet has taken a huge hit this past two weeks. 4th of July, birthday parties and slacking on my part on regular days. I try to compensate by doing a lot of running, but cheating is cheating.

Going to L.A. for the next two weeks, so I'll have to probably cut out some Cardio X sessions. Diet will also be another problem. Hopefully, I can stay the course.

Hope everyone else is hanging tough.
I hear you dude. I'm going to Birmingham on Wednesday for a week. I'm thinking about bringing my disks along and just do something downthere at my Uncle's. Haha.
Figured I'd post what I've been doing...finished phase 1 (classic) following it verbatim with the schedule included and started phase 2 today, butafter doing some research and talking to some experts, I'm switching it up quite drastically to suit my personal goals and needs. Essentially, I'mgonna start going to the gym again on Mon/Wed/Fri and do low rep / high weight lifting for upper body muscles since I want to add bulk there while also gettinggenerally cut. Here it is:

flat bench press 3 x 8-12
decline bench press (with dumbbells) 3 x 8-12
incline dumbbell press / flyes 3 x 8-12

standing barbell / ez-bar curl 3 x 8-12
chin ups 2 x 8-12
standing hammer curls 2 x 8-12
Preacher Curls 3 x 8-12
ab ripper x
cardio x


Pull ups 3 x 8-12
Dumbbell Rows 3 x 8-12
Dead lifts 3 x 8-12

tricep cable pulldown 3 x 8-12
dumbbell behind your neck extension 3 x 8-12
close grip bench press 2 x 8-12
weighted dips 2 x 8-12
ab ripper x
cardio x (afternoon/evening)


Side raises 3 x 8-12
Barbell upright row 3 x 8-12
Seated dumbbell military press 3 x 8-12
Legs (according to the workout in legs/back day of P90X)
ab ripper x
cardio x (afternoon/evening)

core synergetics

Not following the P90X diet, but have been eating SUPER healthy and have incoroporated a moderately low carb, high protein diet.
Cut out ALL junk food (chips, pop, chocolate bars, etc.)
only whole wheat bread
cottage cheese
regular oatmeal (no sugar)
only skim milk
lean chicken breast with very minimal seasoning
no more rice (maybe brown rice here and there occasionally)
lots of fruits and vegetables (especially apples, bananas, carrots, celery, and mandarins)

I'll post pics either at the end of phase 2 or phase 3.
Originally Posted by sjuelz

This is such a good forum for P90X you guys are really getting me moviated to do this routine. The only question I have is this workout for overweight people also or just for people looking to get toned ? Cause myself I'm overweight and looking for a way to start out working out.

overweight, underweight, weak, strong. this workout is GREAT FOR EVERYONE. u might have to very strictly follow that diet if u wanna see results tho.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

For those needing a pull-up bar invest in Iron Gym. It costs around $30. Just throw it up on a doorway and get to work. Very use to use and could be used for push ups as well. It'll give you a great range of motion like when Tony uses/mentions it in the video.

If you've got a Bed, Bath & Beyond then buy it there with the $10 off. You can use expired coupons there BTW and the thing is great. Ithink I've had it over a year now and it's easy to assemble and use.
sweet guys, i have acquried P90x.. looking forward to starting next week.

just one thing, do we start:

Monday: Chest & Back/ AB ripper X
Tuesday: Plyometrics
Wednesday: Shoulders & Arms/ Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: Legs & Back / AB Ripper X
Saturday: Kenpo X
Sunday: Rest or X stretch

The same for routine for 3 weeks? The worksheet is also difficult to understand..
Originally Posted by I3

sweet guys, i have acquried P90x.. looking forward to starting next week.

just one thing, do we start:

Monday: Chest & Back/ AB ripper X
Tuesday: Plyometrics
Wednesday: Shoulders & Arms/ Ab Ripper X
Thursday: Yoga X
Friday: Legs & Back / AB Ripper X
Saturday: Kenpo X
Sunday: Rest or X stretch

The same for routine for 3 weeks? The worksheet is also difficult to understand..
That is correct. The 4th week you switch to something else.
Welp, I started P90X yesterday afternoon and I felt ok. Woke up today not feeling sore, so thats a plus. I was a little sore during the workout
. I HATEpullups, I had to use a chair. I took Tonys advice and feel the need to push myself til I hurt. Otherwise I'd be typing this from a hospital bed. Today isplyometrics. Hooray!
Originally Posted by bossjulio

Originally Posted by sjuelz

This is such a good forum for P90X you guys are really getting me moviated to do this routine. The only question I have is this workout for overweight people also or just for people looking to get toned ? Cause myself I'm overweight and looking for a way to start out working out.

overweight, underweight, weak, strong. this workout is GREAT FOR EVERYONE. u might have to very strictly follow that diet if u wanna see results tho.

I am inclined to say that this workout is for the overweight. I mean sure they say it will work for anyone but I just don't think this program will makeanyone overweight lose as much lbs by doing more cardio. Plus some of these workouts are brutal, someone who is really overweight might have issues and reallystruggle with some of these workouts like pull-ups and plyo to a point that it might not be beneficial anymore. I personally wouldn't recommend these tosomeone overweight without trying to lose a few lbs first and getting used to daily workouts.
Today I started using p90x but im only doing apartial p90x. Since ive had my surgery on my foot i really couldnt do anything that put weight on my foot. Butnow it's a lot better and im more mobile. Im only going to be doing the Upper Body parts of the workout. Shoulders/Arms Chest.Back and Ab Ripper X. Ihavent gotten clearance to nor can i do any running at all. So im going to stick with my eating right, and these 3 workouts.Ive even cut down on the calorieintake by eating more fruit daily.

Here's my question. Today was shoulders/arms. Should I rest tomorrow and do chest/back and ab ripper x thurs or should i do it tomorrow?? I dont want tooverwork my body. I could just do ab ripper x tomorrow only too?? A little advice is greatly appreciated. I gotta find a way to get some kind of cardio inthough. Im thinking stationary bike but the doc havent cleared me to do that either.
With this program, after doing some lifting one day, the next is usually cardio like Kenpo or Plyo.
Since you can't do either, I would suggest maybe Yoga X (if possible) or X-Stretch instead of doing another lifting workout the next day.
You can actually do part of Kenpo X, just skip the kicking part. Not much jumping is involved in it like the Plyo.
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