Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

I know times are hard on many people and being a single mom is especially hard but she spent 100+ on her meal. If she is tight on money, she shouldn't have eaten out in the 1st place. Better to have bought something and home cooked it since it would be cheaper.

yeah but... who cares what her reason was? it's her choice. she shouldn't have to provide a reason.

Minimum wage for tipped employees in Texas is 2.15 an hour

I wouldn't want some that makes that much handling my food.

In a perfect world inner city schools would have proper funding and you wouldn't have to tip but that's not way the game works.

except that what you said is misleading. hourly wage combined with tips has to equal the federal minimum wage.
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theyre already getting paid for it. like i said bro i know u got money coming out your A*S but i dont bro and im not tipping if im paying a delivery fee or tax. plain and simple. and after raising the fare for yellow cabs like 3 times in the past 3 years, they get no tip from me either. what am i suppose to tip my fellow nters when i buy sneakers from them? huh? id rather donate to charity or a relief fund. by the way support the hurricane sandy relief effort everybody
I was a delivery driver for three years and trust me dude. We didn't get paid for it. The only thing we got paid for, delivery wise, was 6.5% of the total sales which means we didn't get a dollar unless YOU spent close to 17 dollars. Add in the fact that most pizza places nowadays have competing $10 pizza deals and most people are cheapskates so they only one which means I'm wasting gas, going to &@$#%? neighborhoods and suspect houses all for 60¢.
Luckily we build enough of a decent client base with familiar faces and can make a pretty penny some night. Most I ever made in one run was around $160 but I've also worked 7 hours and only made 25 bucks. So it depends on which neighborhoods you go to, how many and how much they order, who else is driving so you won't get played for runs/tips.
yeah but... who cares what her reason was? it's her choice. she shouldn't have to provide a reason.
except that what you said is misleading. hourly wage combined with tips has to equal the federal minimum wage.

This is an incorrect statement.

"Wages and Tip Credits

Federal law allows restaurants to pay tipped employees a minimum of $2.13 an hour and provides $5.12 an hour as a maximum tip credit against that wage, for a total of $7.25 an hour. Under Virginia law, there are no such specifications. If a tipped employee makes at least the minimum wage in tips, Virginia doesn't require the employer to pay a wage at all. However, the burden of proof for proving the employee has received these tips rests with the employer.

Read more: Virginia Labor & Tip Laws |"

You can even check out the DOL tables on wages and tips I believe as well.
yeah but... who cares what her reason was? it's her choice. she shouldn't have to provide a reason.
except that what you said is misleading. hourly wage combined with tips has to equal the federal minimum wage.

This is an incorrect statement.

"Wages and Tip Credits

Federal law allows restaurants to pay tipped employees a minimum of $2.13 an hour and provides $5.12 an hour as a maximum tip credit against that wage, for a total of $7.25 an hour. Under Virginia law, there are no such specifications. If a tipped employee makes at least the minimum wage in tips, Virginia doesn't require the employer to pay a wage at all. However, the burden of proof for proving the employee has received these tips rests with the employer.

Read more: Virginia Labor & Tip Laws |"

You can even check out the DOL tables on wages and tips I believe as well.

so, that person in VA still makes minimum wage... right?
Used to worked at a Domino's in VA - received $7.25/hr while inside, and $3.00 + tips on the road
so, that person in VA still makes minimum wage... right?

No. You make what you make in tips. That $2.13 an hour is for tax purposes. You don't see any money from that. I served tables for multiple years in VA and my mother still serves as a second job.
so, that person in VA still makes minimum wage... right?

No. You make what you make in tips. That $2.13 an hour is for tax purposes. You don't see any money from that. I served tables for multiple years in VA and my mother still serves as a second job.

so you make what you make in tips... added on to your base hourly pay... that equals minimum wage?

sorry for sounding ignorant, but it seems like that fills the need to hit the threshold of federal minimum wage somehow or another.

i'm trying to figure this all out

The Virginia minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13 per hour, the same as the federal minimum wage for tipped employees. The Virginia tipped wage applies to employees like waitresses, waiters, bartenders, valets, and other service employees who earn more then $30 in tips a month.

Including tips and cash wages, all tipped employees must still earn at least the Virginia Minimum Wage of $7.25 per hour. If a Virginia employee does not earn at least $7.25 including tips in any given hour of work, their employer must make up the difference in cash.

Virginia Tipped Wage Example:
Amy works in Virginia as a waitress, and earns over $30 in tips a month. This hour, Amy earned $3.50 in tips. Her employer must pay her a cash wage of at least $3.75, to bring her total earnings for the hour up to the Virginia minimum wage of $7.25. Annette, who also works as a waitress, earned $10.50 in tips this hour. Because she is already earning at least the minimum wage, her employer can pay her the Virginia tipped minimum wage of $2.13 for this hour.

Virginia employers who hire tipped workers like restaurants, bars, and cafes may deduct a tip credit of up to $5.12 from the minimum cash wage paid to their tipped employees, and can pay as little as $2.13 per hour for hours where the tipped employee has earned at least $5.12 in tips.
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1 thing i hate is cheap people. Like seriously. It just annoys me. Its basically an unwritten rule. I can respect if you truly dont have it. But If you do try to give them @ least $2. $2 is nothing. But it at least shows them your thankful for that. Even though its there job they are still doing your lazy a** a favor by delivering you your food in they own car.
so you make what you make in tips... added on to your base hourly pay... that equals minimum wage?
sorry for sounding ignorant, but it seems like that fills the need to hit the threshold of federal minimum wage somehow or another.

A lot of servers do not even claim their cash tips, only their credit card tips.

Even so....if a server works a 5 hour shift and it is a slow night, walking out with $16 or so. There is no magic pot of money that is disbursed to bump their wages up to the minimum wage. Not in VA, things might be different in other states that adhere to that regulation.

Servers never even see that $2.13 an hour. No direct deposit, no $100 or $200 a month.....100% of you the money you make is off your tips.
:rofl: Now its the delivery mans fault that a business pays taxes.  Ya'll have ALL of the excuses.:lol:

man just shut up bro i understand youre a millionare and u tip a whole lot. if im gonna pay tax or a delivery fee im not tipping. i dont care how much money i got in my pocket i dont get tip from anywhere so why should i give away my hard earned cash for sometihng theyre already getting paid for u crazy?

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Nobody tips you so you're not gonna tip nobody.

7% tax on a damn 15 dollar order is like a dollar bruh.  Swing by the grocery on your way home, pick up some pizza dough, ragu, and some fresh mozz if u wanna get fancy and make your own pizza for half what you pay for a pie from your local joint if you wanna save that $$$. 

You don't gotta be a millionaire to spare $2 for someone bringing hot food to your door step.

theyre already getting paid for it. like i said bro i know u got money coming out your A*S but i dont bro and im not tipping if im paying a delivery fee or tax. plain and simple. and after raising the fare for yellow cabs like 3 times in the past 3 years, they get no tip from me either. what am i suppose to tip my fellow nters when i buy sneakers from them? huh? id rather donate to charity or a relief fund. by the way support the hurricane sandy relief effort everybody

strong username to location you live at to cheapassness correlation here

your just a straight up dikhead. les dudes are usually straight up bums when it comes to tipping but i bet you have no problem paying 220+TAX on the foambzzz. the tip is for them hand delivering the food to your hand. your at home in the projects watching stolen cable while this man braves the cold weather putting his safety at risk to make sure your not hungry. especially in manhattan since restaurants can only use a bike to deliver. plus they are making less than 4 dollars an hour. taxes are a legal requirement that the delivery guy does not see a penny of. you think that justifies not tipping? having even the smallest sliver of logic would make you see past that. yes im mad.:smh::smh::smh::smh:
so, that person in VA still makes minimum wage... right?

No. You make what you make in tips. That $2.13 an hour is for tax purposes. You don't see any money from that. I served tables for multiple years in VA and my mother still serves as a second job.

but the information that offbad underlined suggests that you need to at least make enough in tips to equal minimum wage.
but the information that offbad underlined suggests that you need to at least make enough in tips to equal minimum wage.

In theory. Some restaurants are not part of the FLSA and it also is affected by how a restaurant requires servers to record/report their tips.

In my time of serving, I never saw any of the restaurants pay me nor others any amount of money to bring up wages to the minimum wage.

Servers were still forced to tip out barbacks, bartenders, hostess, food runners, expediters as well.
Imma start leaving bs excuses when I don't tip and see if it goes viral :lol:

"My president is black, sorry no tip."

"Black power, sorry no tip"

"Single mother, sorry no tip"

"White privilege, sorry no tip"

"Call me Mr. Pink, sorry no tip"

"Mayan calendar, sorry no tip"

:rofl: @ tipping not being optional
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Ahh another big argument going on in a thread brought about by cheapskates explaining why they dont tip...why do people even bother trying to get them to understand?

Cheap people are going to be cheap. End of.
What are you talking about? Tipping is not an option.
what are you talking about?
you have the option to tip or not...all that other **** you talking about is irrelevant. there is not a requirement to can choose to...or choose not to. the definition of optional.

I was being sarcastic. I agree that tipping IS an option. :lol:

I was just saying that the customer shouldn't be responsible for the wage. They are responsible for the food and if they decide to, it's their decision to tip. Read my other posts in this thread.

A tip isn't a tip in North America anymore. To me it's a fee.
Ahh another big argument going on in a thread brought about by cheapskates explaining why they dont tip...why do people even bother trying to get them to understand?

Cheap people are going to be cheap. End of.
So your assumption is that a person has to be cheap not to tip? Actually believing that it's unnecessary and not something they want to take part in is even considered?

You'd be surprised how many ppl are only "cheap" when it comes to tipping.
I hadn't read this thread and was like, "why is it 8 pages?" Kinda knew it had to be about tipping and all I had to do was check the last page.

You're either cheap, lazy, poor, classless or all of the above if you refuse to tip. Deal with it.
Plenty of people just aren't convinced it's their responsibility to attone for your ****** work agreement that you voluntarily got yourself into. And all the repetitive "do it or we'll mess with your food next time," comments probably don't help people feel empathy for your plight. And it's still a job that requires about a 3rd grade education level at the end of the day so just add all all , "OMG, I made $400 in tips in 4 hrs on Friday during the game," comments with those people and deal with it.
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Unless the service was poor you are a dirtbag if you dont tip just how I feel

And once people realize you dont tip your service just got halfassed at best ask any barber they'll tell you that dudes who dont tip cuts always reflect their cheapness :smh:
strong username to location you live at to cheapassness correlation here
your just a straight up dikhead. les dudes are usually straight up bums when it comes to tipping but i bet you have no problem paying 220+TAX on the foambzzz. the tip is for them hand delivering the food to your hand. your at home in the projects watching stolen cable while this man braves the cold weather putting his safety at risk to make sure your not hungry. especially in manhattan since restaurants can only use a bike to deliver. plus they are making less than 4 dollars an hour. taxes are a legal requirement that the delivery guy does not see a penny of. you think that justifies not tipping? having even the smallest sliver of logic would make you see past that. yes im mad.:smh::smh::smh::smh:

all u think of is projects when u hear of nyc or sometihng u dumb f*^*. if i dont wanna tip thats my choice. im not giving extra money when im paying tax plus delivery fee. like i said i understand youre a white boy who continues to get supported by your parents but not over here in the les buddy. and i aint broke and i aint rich i just refuse to pay extra when im already paying extra. keep asking your parents for money u spoiled rich brat lol
and i aint broke and i aint rich i just refuse to pay extra when im already paying extra. keep asking your parents for money u spoiled rich brat lol
did this dude really just say your home in the projects watching your stolen cable??? lmao..hahaha... 

you can tell which NTers earn a living on their own, and which ones spend daddys platinum card everyday....with that said....adding homie to the block list...

u won that battle lower eastside tru life....aint even worth responding to self entitled trash like that...
oh i forgot to mention. i dont do anyting that requires tip. im not no food delivery guy. and in New York we got the highest taxes 8.875%. and u want me to put tip on top of that plus the delivery fee? what if one day im broke with no money and im hungry? will they give me some free food for being a good customer and tipper? i dont think so. f*$* outta here. like i said id rather donate a years worth of tip to charity. maybe i should do that, have a jar where i put $1 or $2 everytime i order food then donate it to charity when it piles up
did this dude really just say your home in the projects watching your stolen cable??? lmao..hahaha... 

you can tell which NTers earn a living on their own, and which ones spend daddys platinum card everyday....with that said....adding homie to the block list...

u won that battle lower eastside tru life....aint even worth responding to self entitled trash like that...

thats what im saying bro being racist and sterotypical i aint gonna stoop that low f*C* him hes mad cause his mommy probably cutting off his money since hes getting older
1 thing i hate is cheap people. Like seriously. It just annoys me. Its basically an unwritten rule. I can respect if you truly dont have it. But If you do try to give them @ least $2. $2 is nothing. But it at least shows them your thankful for that. Even though its there job they are still doing your lazy a** a favor by delivering you your food in they own car.

People not tipping, never hang out with them :lol:

Nothing worse than hanging out with friends and that one dude who doesn't tip a single penny, especially while out eating with a group of people.
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all u think of is projects when u hear of nyc or sometihng u dumb f*^*. if i dont wanna tip thats my choice. im not giving extra money when im paying tax plus delivery fee. like i said
You're just now mentioning Delivery fee's???????  So you pay the extra $ for the delivery fee no problem right?

So if you ordered from a place with NO delivery fee... Then what? Do you tip? 
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