POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

She talks like she does everything on the show besides act on camera.

She should be criticized about how comically bad the writing has become.

If you really think about it this show fell off a cliff after Kanan survived the fire

All logic, character development, integrity, etc all out if the window

I wasn't suggesting she didn't deserve blame.

But the talk of how/why some of the characters left made me wonder the same about the writers.

The Kanan **** was ridiculous but Ghost putting the prints on the glass was inexcusable.

And y'all gotta stop listening to her talk :lol:
Yeah sleeping with any mans wife can turn ugly. You smashing this mans wife and you been calling him a killer from the day Proctor brought you in?

It's bad writing. Dude was all in Tasha's face like "Anything for you Ms. St Patrick
" from the begging. It's real forced.
I'll be that guy. Ghost didn't just simply "****" Angela. He tried to wife her.

If Ghost doesn't step out on his marriage, none of this happens. Is Tasha foul? Maybe for playing the "2 wrongs" game...but she didn't drop the first domino.

I suppose this speaks to the double standard. The idea of a woman revenge cheating on a man is the scariest **** in the world to a man.
A hug is what set Tasha off. She been looking for an out from the beginning.

Ever heard of "women's intuition". It's a real thing...and she ended up being right.

What suggests she's been looking for an out from the beginning?
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Wrong is wrong but cheating and an affair aren't the same to me.

I'm not siding with anyone but Ghost was talking about moving to Miami and leaving his kids in NYC
Ghost was definitely foul for his part. Like someone else said, Tasha was exposing herself to Sean after seeing ghost hug Angela. You see how easy she been giving it up.

And then if Ghost hadn't got involved with Angela, he woulda missed out on that inside info that helped their organization.
Ghost was definitely foul for his part. Like someone else said, Tasha was exposing herself to Sean after seeing ghost hug Angela. You see how easy she been giving it up.

And then if Ghost hadn't got involved with Angela, he woulda missed out on that inside info that helped their organization.

Helped his organization do what exactly? :lol:

She helped him get off the murder wrap...but by putting him in it in the first place...now the feds are on to how they clean their money. They're still in the line of fire...and it literally stems from his decision to be with Angela.

There is absolutely NO WAY you can slice his relationship with Angela as a positive. If he didn't have an affair...LITERALLY NONE OF THIS HAPPENS.
Helped his organization do what exactly? :lol:

She helped him get off the murder wrap...but by putting him in it in the first place...now the feds are on to how they clean their money. They're still in the line of fire...and it literally stems from his decision to be with Angela.

There is absolutely NO WAY you can slice his relationship with Angela as a positive. If he didn't have an affair...LITERALLY NONE OF THIS HAPPENS.

Then we have no show ‍♂️
Tasha is trash that's why ghost was doing what he was doing...she never matured she 30 plus with kids ..still wanting her husband in the streets EVEN tho he had legal income ... straight bird ... you can tell she was only with him because of his rep and money

Cool....should have asked for the divorce then. The way he went about it ultimately cost him.

If he could it all over again...WHAT DO YALL think he would have done?

I'm guessing it's not the same thing.
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