POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Ghost wanted to get out and Tasha talked to him like he was crazy... That let him know she wasn't the one.

And why do people continue to act like Angela was just some joint. She was his first love. If she didn't leave there would have never been a Tasha in the first place.
Ghost wanted to get out and Tasha talked to him like he was crazy... That let him know she wasn't the one.

And why do people continue to act like Angela was just some joint. She was his first love. If she didn't leave there would have never been a Tasha in the first place.

Yeah. I mean Ghost was wrong for cheating but Tasha was acting like some ratchet that wanted him to keep selling dope forever, they was growing apart then he saw his first love in that red dress and was a wrap.
Sounds like ya'll are justifying an affair by highlighting Tasha's "ratchetness". There's no "but" here. Ghost is at the root of everything.

Word of advice...if you're in a relationship and the **** go sour or you want another life with someone else....LEAVE. An prolonged affair will 9 times out 10 lead to a non-desired result.

If we're speaking within the realm of the show strictly...then trying to start a new life with a fed when you're a drug kingpin (or former) is the dumbest **** in the world. Old flame or not...

This is a "man is always right" board right? Don't men prioritize their brains over their hearts?
Sounds like ya'll are justifying an affair by highlighting Tasha's "ratchetness". There's no "but" here. Ghost is at the root of everything.

Word of advice...if you're in a relationship and the **** go sour or you want another life with someone else....LEAVE. An prolonged affair will 9 times out 10 lead to a non-desired result.

It's not a but it's a because. No justifying it but you can explain it. Just like Issa and Lawrence in Insecure from the little I've seen
I'll be that guy. Ghost didn't just simply "****" Angela. He tried to wife her.

On a semi related note, I find this whole **** fascinating. I had a married homie ready to risk it all for a side piece.

Talking about moving in with her etc. Dog.....you see this chick like twice a week for a few hours. **** make you think you can be with her 24/7?

On top of that, you suck at the relationship you're in right now. Why would you trying to have ANOTHER relationship on top of/right after that?

Smash by all means......but one thing the show does get right is dudes really make dumb ******* decisions for ***** sometimes.
Yeah too many ppl both male and female will blame the relationship not being right on the other person but they don't stop and think they maybe they themselves aren't built for that life

On a semi related note, I find this whole **** fascinating. I had a married homie ready to risk it all for a side piece.

Talking about moving in with her etc. Dog.....you see this chick like twice a week for a few hours. **** make you think you can be with her 24/7?

On top of that, you suck at the relationship you're in right now. Why would you trying to have ANOTHER relationship on top of/right after that?

Smash by all means......but one thing the show does get right is dudes really make dumb ****ing decisions for ***** sometimes.
Sounds like ya'll are justifying an affair by highlighting Tasha's "ratchetness". There's no "but" here. Ghost is at the root of everything.

Word of advice...if you're in a relationship and the **** go sour or you want another life with someone else....LEAVE. An prolonged affair will 9 times out 10 lead to a non-desired result.

If we're speaking within the realm of the show strictly...then trying to start a new life with a fed when you're a drug kingpin (or former) is the dumbest **** in the world. Old flame or not...

This is a "man is always right" board right? Don't men prioritize their brains over their hearts?

This is actually the perfect comparison.

How many of ya'll that are co-signing Ghost would co-sign Issa?

I don't think anybody is co-signing or justifying Ghost. :lol:

People get cheated on for all types of reasons. Some times just for sex, men and women since you made it a gender thing. :lol:

Ghost and Issa was growing apart from who they were with and cheated with their "what if" person.
I'll be that guy. Ghost didn't just simply "****" Angela. He tried to wife her.

If Ghost doesn't step out on his marriage, none of this happens. Is Tasha foul? Maybe for playing the "2 wrongs" game...but she didn't drop the first domino.

I suppose this speaks to the double standard. The idea of a woman revenge cheating on a man is the scariest **** in the world to a man.

my only issue is her pay back was Sean

This is just inconsistent writing and throwing women viewers a bone
Cool....should have asked for the divorce then. The way he went about it ultimately cost him.

If he could it all over again...WHAT DO YALL think he would have done?

I'm guessing it's not the same thing.
and asking for a divorce could've cost him more ....if they were divorced she could've and would've testified against him ....she seen him a hug a woman and was offering up the cheeks ...if he would've showed up with divorce papers and a new joint ...she wouldve try to destroy him
and asking for a divorce could've cost him more ....if they were divorced she could've and would've testified against him ....she seen him a hug a woman and was offering up the cheeks ...if he would've showed up with divorce papers and a new joint ...she wouldve try to destroy him

Impossible. He goes to jail...she goes to jail. She was an accomplice the entire time.
and asking for a divorce could've cost him more ....if they were divorced she could've and would've testified against him ....she seen him a hug a woman and was offering up the cheeks ...if he would've showed up with divorce papers and a new joint ...she wouldve try to destroy him

You're missing the point though - if he never got with Angela there would be no need to testify because there would be no case against him for Knox's death. He only caught those charges because he broke into Knox's apartment to find evidence that Angela told him about.
This show got y'all having in depth discussions about the love and relationships like the stuff is real :rofl::

Maybe one day you'll realize that one of the goals of film is to spark discussion and engage intellect. Why the hell do you think film forums exist?

We know it isn't "real". But the themes and narratives within the show are VERY real and that's what's being discussed.
Maybe one day you'll realize that one of the goals of film is to spark discussion and engage intellect. Why the hell do you think film forums exist?

We know it isn't "real". But the themes and narratives within the show are VERY real and that's what's being discussed.
You're saying one day like we've been going back and forth about it, chill Varnell. You caping for the heart and lives of fictional dboys/club owners and their wives. Relax.
You're saying one day like we've been going back and forth about it, chill Varnell. You caping for the heart and lives of fictional dboys/club owners and their wives. Relax.

Not caping. I just addressed stupidity. It merely took 5 seconds out of my work day to do it. I can't get any chiller.
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