Questions for Nters who graduated from college with mediocre majors

you are missing OP's point
(using your ethnic studies friend as an example) OP was basically asking if someone like that could use their degree to find a job in that field (not sure what type of jobs there are in the ethnic studies field). I think he wanted to know how difficult it was for them to find a job in their respective field of study, compared to STEM majors finding jobs in their respective fields. In your example, your friend either couldnt find work in that field or s/he decided to go a different path (finance) which did lead to a career in that respective field (masters + phd in finance ----> investment firm).
I personally dont think degrees in liberal arts is worthless, it just may not be the best degree if your only goal is to MAKE MONEY. Studying comm, psych, english lit, whatever might bring the person more self enrichment than job offers, and there is nothing wrong with that (in fact, its a damn good thing).
I disagree. I think it was the perfect example to show how someone with what OP would consider a "useless major", can move on to be successful.

The whole premise he presented for this thread is extremely misinformed, so you are going to get all kinds of responses.

Especially when he asked for specific examples of where people have ended up. So there you go.
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After reading your original post and some of your responses, you sound lost. You can major in any of the "for show" fields and be amazingly successful. You have to earn a degree and know what to do with it. If you have a passion for something, study that or something that allows you to learn more about it.
There's a reason why OP is in my ignore list. Also can't handle his Laker stan comments in S&T. He's a clown.
I know someone who graduated from Berkeley with a degree Ethnic Studies (useless right?), went on to do research at Harvard, got his Masters in finance from the University of Chicago, and just finished up his Ph.D from Oxford. He runs his own investment firm making at least 500 K. I also know someone who has their B.S. in EECS (Also, from Berkeley) and is now a teacher. The important thing here is that they are both happy. A lot of NT'ers already mentioned it, but your degree doesn't necessarily dictate what field or career you go into.

you are missing OP's point

(using your ethnic studies friend as an example) OP was basically asking if someone like that could use their degree to find a job in that field (not sure what type of jobs there are in the ethnic studies field). I think he wanted to know how difficult it was for them to find a job in their respective field of study, compared to STEM majors finding jobs in their respective fields. In your example, your friend either couldnt find work in that field or s/he decided to go a different path (finance) which did lead to a career in that respective field (masters + phd in finance ----> investment firm).

I personally dont think degrees in liberal arts is worthless, it just may not be the best degree if your only goal is to MAKE MONEY. Studying comm, psych, english lit, whatever might bring the person more self enrichment than job offers, and there is nothing wrong with that (in fact, its a damn good thing).

I get what you're saying, and I completely agree with you in the bolded area. I suppose I didn't tease out my thought process enough, but most of my point was networking + motivation. He said degrees in liberal arts and humanities (and even Bio) were worthless. To blatantly call them "useless" and "mediocre" is ignorant.

I brought up my friends, because it's all about what you want to do as an individual. If a person wants to make money, go into the STEM majors or Business route. Even then, if you don't want to go that route during undergrad, you can still make bank if you know the right moves. Dude was just hoping he could glide through school and make bank at the end of it. If you're that concerned about making money, do something that will make you money when he obviously doesn't want to get a "useless" or "mediocre" degree. Lastly, in today's age, a Bachelors degree does not hold as much weight as it used to. That's why it is important to consider going to grad school.
Bottom line is people are wired differently...I'm into science and biology stuff and can approach problems a certain way that others may not but I wish I had more creativity and imagination sometimes...I listen to some songs by good writers and how they can convey their emotions and feelings (frank ocean or even a great poet or lyricist) and wish I could do that stuff :lol:

Even reading novels and how great authors can form characters and elaborate stories in the reader's mind makes me mad jealous...seeing cool conceptual art work is incredible to me too.

Some communications and marketing students also have better verbal skills and are great at selling themselves an their abilities. A lot of philosophy and psychology is some of the coolest most in depth info you'll ever read and makes to ponder a lot about the's all about using your strengths to your advantage and brushing up on the weaknesses, in the end you can be Einstein but if you can't communicate and present yourself favorably by networking you'll be sol in today's world. It's more about getting internship or co-op experience and building relationships with people than what you actually know now adays...which everyone has alluded to.

One of my best friends is in marketing and he has no issue speaking publicly, I tend to get nervous and dude has given me some solid advice whenever I have to do a research presentation :smokin

Use the system to your advantage professors know people in industry, you don't even need a 4.0 if you are passionate about anything you'll become successful fam

EDIT: My fault... I meant to just edit my last post
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Just a random question. What job does one get when they major in African American studies?
Just a random question. What job does one get when they major in African American studies?

if they want a career related to that field of study, probably teaching or research.

but really you can probably get most types of jobs (that dont require specific certifications) if you really apply yourself.

I disagree. I think it was the perfect example to show how someone with what OP would consider a "useless major", can move on to be successful.
The whole premise he presented for this thread is extremely misinformed, so you are going to get all kinds of responses.
Especially when he asked for specific examples of where people have ended up. So there you go.

right, but i dont think OP was asking for examples of people who went on to be financially successful with a "useless" degree. I think everyone can give an example of that like Captain Charisma's buddy that went to Cal.

I got plenty of examples of that in my own family. My older brother, who is a very bright and creative dude graduated with a degree in Philosophy. His true love though has always been video games, comics, and art. He studied Philosophy, probably because he really enjoyed it. As far as jobs/careers go, his first gig out of college was with a video game developer. He's been in that industry now for 10+ years now, eventually went on to start up his own development studio with his buddies and his bank account and earnings make mine look like lunch money (FWIW, I went the cookie cutter route of Business Admin and have worked in Finance for going on 8 yrs now). My kid sister also went the "useless" route and graduated with a degree in English Lit. While she isnt exactly banking it, she managed to find a decent job that is not literature related in any way (works for some organic food distributor or something). Both my siblings got their "useless" degrees from decent schools (both UCLA) and they were able to parlay them into success.
you are missing OP's point
(using your ethnic studies friend as an example) OP was basically asking if someone like that could use their degree to find a job in that field (not sure what type of jobs there are in the ethnic studies field). I think he wanted to know how difficult it was for them to find a job in their respective field of study, compared to STEM majors finding jobs in their respective fields. In your example, your friend either couldnt find work in that field or s/he decided to go a different path (finance) which did lead to a career in that respective field (masters + phd in finance ----> investment firm).
I personally dont think degrees in liberal arts is worthless, it just may not be the best degree if your only goal is to MAKE MONEY. Studying comm, psych, english lit, whatever might bring the person more self enrichment than job offers, and there is nothing wrong with that (in fact, its a damn good thing).

That's what im saying. These guys didn't even read my question lol and went off track.

I will ask them this. How many people with non Stem degree are actually making $$$ compare to people with Stem degree? Give me the stat lol. Let's hear how many English major grad out there are making more money than let's say Doctor, or Engineer grads lol.

That's why i said mediocre degree. Smh

Lock this up now. Can't even have a civil discussion anymore on NT. This place is a joke nowadays
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That's what im saying. These guys didn't even read my question lol and went off track.
I will ask them this. How many people with non Stem degree are actually making $$$ compare to people with Stem degree? Give me the stat lol. Let's hear how many English major grad out there are making more money than let's say Doctor, or Engineer grads lol.
That's why i said mediocre degree. Smh
Lock this up now. Can't even have a civil discussion anymore on NT. This place is a joke nowadays

By calling something mediocre're diminishing somebody's work and passion. Inadvertent or not fam you come off as attacking, which led to the derail. If you were to reword it better you would be given a more "civilized" answer. I think you already know the answer though, STEM degrees will have more job opportunities that will lead to high-paying jobs, but money isn't everything to some people. Come on man you knew you were gonna provoke the flame when you posted this :lol:
After reading your original post and some of your responses, you sound lost. You can major in any of the "for show" fields and be amazingly successful. You have to earn a degree and know what to do with it. If you have a passion for something, study that or something that allows you to learn more about it.

I didn't say you can't be successful if you majored in "___" major.

I simply asked how many of you are actually making good $ with those majors?

So far i only got like 2 responses that is relevant to my OG post. Smh
What's more likely.. that EVERYONE  misinterpreted you unfairly and we're all wrong.. or it's you. Your posts have been riddled with condescension and subtle insults. And you're actually complaining about civility on NT? Give me a break..

And again, you're failing to grasp the problem with your question. Many of these "mediocre" majors you list aren't comparable to becoming a doctor or lawyer which require going to a graduate school for specialized training. More training and schooling = higher salary jobs. So of course the pay wouldn't be comparable.
want a story about passion and doing what you love (and getting paid to do it) AND WITH NO COLLEGE DEGREE? Check out Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Both dropped out of Harvard. Both guys didn't even finish college. Both guys weren't hung up on majors or degrees. They went out and made their mark on their own and didn't say they needed a "cool kids" degree to achieve success.
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By calling something mediocre're diminishing somebody's work and passion. Inadvertent or not fam you come off as attacking, which led to the derail. If you were to reword it better you would be given a more "civilized" answer. I think you already know the answer though, STEM degrees will have more job opportunities that will lead to high-paying jobs, but money isn't everything to some people. Come on man you knew you were gonna provoke the flame when you posted this :lol:

:lol: nah im just being real. I know plenty of people went to college and majored in communication. Communication? Are you saying a major in communication is more difficult to pass and is more rewarding than let's say a BA in Pharmacy or Engineering? :lol: .

That's why i said mediocre major. Many people just want to graduate from college so they pick one of these mediocre majors and call it a day. They think as long as they have a college degree they will land that good job. That's why we have so many unemployed college grads right now. Employers ain't going to hire dudes who majored in communication more than a dude in lets say Engineering or Business etc
want a story about passion and doing what you love (and getting paid to do it) AND WITH NO COLLEGE DEGREE? Check out Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Both dropped out of Harvard. Both guys didn't even finish college. Both guys weren't hung up on majors or degrees. They went out and made their mark on their own and didn't say they needed a "cool kids" degree to achieve success.

Yea and how many Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg out here do you know? :stoneface:
If you have nothing useful to say then stay out of the thread peasant
Hey, if you're talking about the subject, it's engineering, not engineer. I knew your lame self would reply back to me, but obviously you're the one in need of an education bum.
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What's more likely.. that EVERYONE misinterpreted you unfairly and we're all wrong.. or it's you. Your posts have been riddled with condescension and subtle insults. And you're actually complaining about civility on NT? Give me a break..

And again, you're failing to grasp the problem with your question. Many of these "mediocre" majors you list aren't comparable to becoming a doctor or lawyer which require going to a graduate school for specialized training. More training and schooling = higher salary jobs. So of course the pay wouldn't be comparable.

And thus i said mediocre degrees. You don't agree with that? lol Anyone with a decent IQ and a decent study habit could have graduated from school with one of these mediocre degrees.

My question is did they land a decent job? So far i got like 2 relevant responses. I guess NT is the wrong place to ask. Lock this up

Hey, if you're talking about the subject, it's engineering, not engineer. I knew your lame self would reply back to me, but obviously you're the one in need of an education bum.

LOL you're a peasant. What do you know about engineer anyway. Stay out of my thread troll
LOL you're a peasant. What do you know about engineer anyway. Stay out of my thread troll
I'm doing Business Admin and CS. I know more about said subject than someone like u who never went to school. Were u born in 1984? That makes you 28 years old? jeez
If anything you're the troll. You don't have a four year degree and you're putting down people who worked hard on their majors? Just admit it- you're a bum.
If anything you're the troll. You don't have a four year degree and you're putting down people who worked hard on their majors? Just admit it- you're a bum.

LOL i do have a degree. YOu know nothing about me yet you say im a bum and never went to school lol.
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