Questions for Nters who graduated from college with mediocre majors

want a story about passion and doing what you love (and getting paid to do it) AND WITH NO COLLEGE DEGREE? Check out Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Both dropped out of Harvard. Both guys didn't even finish college. Both guys weren't hung up on majors or degrees. They went out and made their mark on their own and didn't say they needed a "cool kids" degree to achieve success.
Anything is possible yes, but those two guys are geniuses. Being a harvard dropout is still more crediblity than a lot of us have even with degrees lol
Your tone has been condescending and ignorant for the most part. Just because you have an "in demand" degree doesn't mean that you will be hired. Everyone who's unemployed (8.3% of the population) or underemployed (10%+ of the population) didn't graduate with a "mediocre" major. Go on your local Craigslist and you'll see IT jobs that offer $10-$13/hr and there are people who are vying for that gig. Your degree is merely a tool for you to put your foot in the door, but if you have nothing desirable to benefit an employer you'll be on the outside looking in.

Besides engineering majors, there are very few people that come out of school making a good amount of money. Most starting salaries are 35-45k and there aren't many seeing that 45k either. Salary is commensurate with experience.

I never have and never will put down anyone's choice of major. You should be able to chase your passion as long as you can figure out a way to make it work for you after graduation. I was once just like you until I actually took a Psychology course and realized that there was more Biology involved (the one you called mediocre) than actual theory. Regardless of field of study, as you get to the 300 and 400 level courses, there is very little room for error.
Graduated with a BS in Business Administration in 2008. 3.541 GPA while working 30+ hours a week.

Landed a Govt job as a Contracts Specialist starting at 40K back in 2009 by being one of the 2 out of 900 folks from my school that applied.

Still work as a Contracts Specialist as a contractor now for more money and dabble in Program Management as well.

A degree is nice, but your desire/work ethic/experience/networking are all crucial.

You can have a great degree and have a piss poor resume, networking skills or terrible interpersonal communication skills that limit you.

Become well rounded and you'll be alright.

I have people contacting me for new jobs on a weekly basis or so as I am located in the DMV and Govt Contracts/Acquisition is a field in need.
Graduated with a BS in Business Administration in 2008. 3.541 GPA while working 30+ hours a week.
Landed a Govt job as a Contracts Specialist starting at 40K back in 2009 by being one of the 2 out of 900 folks from my school that applied.
Still work as a Contracts Specialist as a contractor now for more money and dabble in Program Management as well.
A degree is nice, but your desire/work ethic/experience/networking are all crucial.
You can have a great degree and have a piss poor resume, networking skills or terrible interpersonal communication skills that limit you.
Become well rounded and you'll be alright.
I have people contacting me for new jobs on a weekly basis or so as I am located in the DMV and Govt Contracts/Acquisition is a field in need.
government jobs are cool, but you gotta really just love what your doing. Job security is one of the best perks.
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majored in graphic design...
had to go through being unemployed and a bunch of no end jobs but i ended up working for wells fargo (obviously doing something completely different than what i majored in).
getting $$$ now.:D
fk a degree it takes prayer and having faith, IMO.

Please dont teach this to your children...
Hey i have a few question for those of you who graduated from college with majors such as

Sociology, Biology, Art, Communication, Environmental studies, Psychology, Political Science, History, etc. I know there are a tons more of these less difficult majors that i may not list here.


Did you land a decent job with these majors? If so what jobs did you get? Is what you do related to what you learned in school at all? Are you making okay money to live comfortable? I'm talking 40K and up.

It seem like outside of Law, Medical, Engineer, Computer majors. Where you actually have to learn. Every other major to me is just "for show". A hustle for the paper in the end that say you earn a "insert" degree.

Feel free to discuss. I want to know if college is worthy to go back.

you mad ignorant fams, im pretty positive everyone who goes on to med/dental school are Biology undergrad majors, my friend was an environmental studies major and now he makes six figures working for some oil company back in his home country, psychology. . . . it is hit or miss ( i have a couple friends who are scrapin and friends who are livin that six fig life) political science? you dumb, history. . . . again dumb seeing as most good lawyers know a ton of history (kind of what makes them good)

you really put your foot in your own *** fams, pure ignorance and you tried to flex with it
government jobs are cool, but you gotta really just love what your doing. Job security is one of the best perks.

If you are one of the few folks who get paid to do what you love that's great. I don't love what I do, but I'm good at it and it is an ends to a mean at the moment for what I do on the side. The money I make now funds my other ventures and soon I hope my side ventures will be my main gig. 5-6 more years and goodbye cubicle life.
LMAO, im sayin, this dude sounds so ignorant, hes comparing grad programs to undergrad

Biology is hard as hell.

I've seen the Bio kids be in the library all night, on a regular basis. It's nothing to play with at all.

I'm questioning if you even went to college if you think biology ain't a hard major.
overall i think college is hard for folks at some point throughout their college career. dnt think it's been a breeze for most folks
If you are one of the few folks who get paid to do what you love that's great. I don't love what I do, but I'm good at it and it is an ends to a mean at the moment for what I do on the side. The money I make now funds my other ventures and soon I hope my side ventures will be my main gig. 5-6 more years and goodbye cubicle life.
Thats the goal. Keep working bro.
Seriously, my mind is blown to how oblivious OP is. There are so many people in this thread dropping knowledge, pointing out the fallacies in the his question, yet he remains all holier than thou.

I want to know if college is worthy to go back.
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Biology is hard as hell.
I've seen the Bio kids be in the library all night, on a regular basis. It's nothing to play with at all.
I'm questioning if you even went to college if you think biology ain't a hard major.
got a minor in bio...

its not as much problem solving as other majors... its mostly memorizing...
you mad ignorant fams, im pretty positive everyone who goes on to med/dental school are Biology undergrad majors, my friend was an environmental studies major and now he makes six figures working for some oil company back in his home country, psychology. . . . it is hit or miss ( i have a couple friends who are scrapin and friends who are livin that six fig life) political science? you dumb, history. . . . again dumb seeing as most good lawyers know a ton of history (kind of what makes them good)
you really put your foot in your own *** fams, pure ignorance and you tried to flex with it

Oh you know a few friends that got lucky. Compare the number of lucky friend you have vs the number of people with Stem degree and let me know

Yea im ignorant yet you take example of a few of your lucky friend vs the real world
Oh you know a few friends that got lucky. Compare the number of lucky friend you have vs the number of people with Stem degree and let me know
Yea im ignorant yet you take example of a few of your lucky friend vs the real world are you gonna criticize others for using anecdotal evidence when that's the only thing you've brought to the table?
Your tone has been condescending and ignorant for the most part. Just because you have an "in demand" degree doesn't mean that you will be hired. Everyone who's unemployed (8.3% of the population) or underemployed (10%+ of the population) didn't graduate with a "mediocre" major. Go on your local Craigslist and you'll see IT jobs that offer $10-$13/hr and there are people who are vying for that gig. Your degree is merely a tool for you to put your foot in the door, but if you have nothing desirable to benefit an employer you'll be on the outside looking in.
Besides engineering majors, there are very few people that come out of school making a good amount of money. Most starting salaries are 35-45k and there aren't many seeing that 45k either. Salary is commensurate with experience.
I never have and never will put down anyone's choice of major. You should be able to chase your passion as long as you can figure out a way to make it work for you after graduation. I was once just like you until I actually took a Psychology course and realized that there was more Biology involved (the one you called mediocre) than actual theory. Regardless of field of study, as you get to the 300 and 400 level courses, there is very little room for error.

Sorry but i checked most of the people who are unemployed are people with the major in my OG post. I'm in California btw so

Most people i see get hired out of college within 1- 2 years are either engineers, chem major, accounting, doctor or pharmaceutical etc.

The ones that graduated but are still living at home with their mom are the ones that went to school and majored in communication, psychology, history etc. are you gonna criticize others for using anecdotal evidence when that's the only thing you've brought to the table?

No i asked you dudes directly. Im not looking for examples of a few lucky friends.

So far i got like 2 relevant responses.
Biology is hard as hell.
I've seen the Bio kids be in the library all night, on a regular basis. It's nothing to play with at all.
I'm questioning if you even went to college if you think biology ain't a hard major.

I don't know about you but i took 4 bio classes in college and got all A. I find science and biology subject interesting. Maybe people who don't like bio find the major to be hard but for those who are naturally curious about science/bio will have an easy time in that major.
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No i asked you dudes directly. Im not looking for examples of a few lucky friends.
So far i got like 2 relevant responses.
So you can use your friend with a Marine Biology degree to bolster your arguments, but no one can respond with conflicting anecdotal evidence?

If you say so...
got a minor in bio...
its not as much problem solving as other majors... its mostly memorizing...

This dude just said it. Bio isn't hard at all if you read your book. I got A in bio but Cs in calculus. Luckily my business IT major didn't require me to take anything higher than business calculus
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