R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

f it takes a documentary for people to finally get upset about Kellz and stop turning a blind eye to it, then so be it. That inherently isn't the worst thing in the world. Even if it is "Fake Outrage" (which it is) if it gets R. Kelly out of the paint then that's a good thing. Fake outrage has led to a ton of 'good' things within society.

I don't have a problem with fake outrage in regards to R. Kelly because it's the entertainment industry, that's par for the course. There are no morals in celebrity culture. They're outraged because it's the in thing to do right now, be outraged by r. Kelly.

But if that fake outrage can save young black girls and future young black girls and get people talking about this topic, then that is inherently good.

the fact that this is lost on soo many of these dummies is crazy

who cares why people are ****ting on and distancing themselves from rkelly

they should be
No it’s from the dictionary. Stop with y’all this emotional crap, y’all self righteous dudes in here are annoying.

If a 100 yo man is sexually attracted to a fully developed 16 or 17 yo there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Actually going about it and doing the act is something to judge of course, but y’all throwing around the word “pedo” in here waaay too freely

:rofl: 100
the fact that this is lost on soo many of these dummies is crazy

who cares why people are ****ting on and distancing themselves from rkelly

they should be
No, those that knew, should be held responsible.

That's what I'm advocating.

In addition, a lot of them knew and didnt care because they were benefiting. How about give the money to charity???

Stop, read and comprehend.
The R. Kelly doc has led to discussions about not only him, but discussions on age of consent, the role parents play in underaged dating, pedophilia, decision making in teenagers, there's people that don't know that young girls can't consent to sex.

That is good. Those are conversations that should be had.

R. Kelly married a 15 year old girl and peed on a 14 year old girl.

Bringing that back to light is a good thing.

Like I said, it absolutely is fake outrage. Y'all are right about that. By the celebrities, the parents involved to me are exhibiting fake outrage, (Because they legit didn't care about his past transgressions when he was promising their daughters fame. It was known that R. Kelly was on his underaged girls wave since before his first album. No one really cares) if it was real outrage he would have been cooked a long time ago.

But if that fake outrage leads to some good (i.e. awareness, bringing Kellz and people around Kelly to justice, shedding a light on young black girls, etc) then that's good.
Exactly my point. There's nothing bad about anyone exploring their sexuality. Hence the reason why **** is not black and white. Furthermore, you hit the nail on the head, men are thirsty and thus are willing to engage with a youngins that are willing to compensate for money or gift, but let not act that guys are the only thirsty ones. It's obvious woman are just as thirsty for attention ... look at then all over ig.

Are the parents at fault? Who knows .... let's not act like there arent plenty of great parents that try to discipline their kids and give them great advice . Yet the kids feel like their parents are hating, they are to old and or they dont understand and they take the advice from their friends.

Dont come with all this because **** is a two way street.

But it is black and white when it comes to adults preying on teenagers/kids. I don’t care how you try to spin. Teenagers/kids shouldn’t be expected to be more responsible than an adult. Doesn’t matter if they’re thirsty for money or not or aren’t listening to their parents. None of that stuff justifies a grown man sleeping with kids. There is no 2 way street on that instance.

I should add KNOWINGLY sleeping with teenagers/kids. I understand things get confusing or some girls may lie about their age, and I’ll admit that things can get a little harder to judge in those instances. But still.
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Posted this in the music forum and thought this thread would appreciate....

Homie texted me this. I’m in Chicago as we speak. Names deleted....

________put together a protest in front of his house/studio last night...not only did he have his goons out standing in front and behind us all trying to intimidate everyone but as it was ending Kells pulled up in his truck blaring “happy people”
Sad thing is because he's so shielded with his inability to read well, i'm not sure he knows how close it is to all coming down.
Yes some people always knew but in this turn of consciousness where there is zero tolerance for sexual abuse and assault, this is where finally he can be brought to justice.

People did not understand the gravity of it all until the #MeToo movement. Even men and women at times kept certain things in that gray area, but now with better education and awareness, it is better understood and it gave a platform to publicly come forward.

R. Kelly's should have locked up years ago but the system he created to keep doing this was too entrenched and protected. Now finally there's cracks and even some of his former people are coming out in stronger force.

Even if it took 30 yrs for this psychopath predator to finally be brought to justice, then thank goodness for this appropriate and powerful outrage against him because it's the right thing to do.
“You already knew why do you only care now?” Is such a false statement. Again, what you guys choose to defend is perplexing
100 pages... wow!

Waiting to see if this will blow over in a week or two like Jared Kushner always likes to say to Trump or it will have long lasting effects to R. Kelly.

Even if they take all of his music off of streaming services he still makes the majority of his money touring and I just saw there was an uptick bookings for him.
Ain't really defending. Just pointing out an inconsistency.
Leave it up to idiots to equate asking questions or having a different opinion with defending and justifying RKellys actions.

Then some in here ask, why can ya teach ya kids or have an open dialogue, probably cause they can't.
If you catholic and in this thread you full of s**t!

Don’t care who tries to say I’m defending R Kelly. I’m just being honest about how I see society. The point I’m making is you really ain’t that concerned or you’d treat all pedophiles and the people who protect them the same.
Get off yo azzz and do something instead of sitting hear judging people because it don’t do ish for the victims.
Plenty of kids going through the same stuff who could use a big brother or sister to show they care about protecting children.
Judges give light sentences to sex offenders and they keep getting re elected.
Won’t even touch how there’s an entire thread about “teachers hungry for these youngins” and some of the people in here upset rating how they look in that thread.
If you’re going to say zero tolerance then don’t watch porn, rate the looks of child molesters, dontate to the Catholic Church, and go to strip clubs because you’re supporting an R Kelly somewhere. Be active in your community, stop playing sexually suggestive music that’s marketed to minors. All these things influence young girls to make decisions where they end up allowing an R Kelly prey on them.
This guy...

So people should completely abandon their religion because some priests are pedophiles. That's like saying people shouldn't listen to any R&B because Kelly is a pedo.
This guy...

So people should completely abandon their religion because some priests are pedophiles. That's like saying people shouldn't listen to any R&B because Kelly is a pedo.
Actually yes ...

Not because of those pedophiles but because those religions are protecting, harboring and reassigning those offenders so they can continue their illegal actions .

I mean, is the truth.
This guy...

So people should completely abandon their religion because some priests are pedophiles. That's like saying people shouldn't listen to any R&B because Kelly is a pedo.
They have an entire system for covering up these child molesters that goes all the way up to the top! How inngood conscious could you call these people your religious leaders and you want me to delete 12 play:lol:
Like I said people ain’t that outraged
Would there even be outrage if Lifetime didn't greenlight this 6 part series and make it trendy to hate on Kellz? No way people in the industry didn't know what he was into 2 weeks ago.

Now he's a monster for peeing 20 yrs ago? But he wasnt that bad then huh?

And it absolutely matters when the outrage comes. ****, we get mad when a ref calls a late foul 5 sconds after we feel they should. Conincidentally, they call it after the shot is missed..Was kellz too valuable to be labled a predator before y2k? Now son light is diminishing they can seek justice?

What if he gets inspired and drops another Chocolate Factory? What if it has another I believe I can Fly on it...? Then what?

Where does the line get drawn? Is there even a line?

Breh what part about people BEEN outraged with RKelly are ya'll not understanding? People been called this ***** out, people been said stop supporting it etc etc. I agree that we live in a day of fake outrage, but this ***** ******* lil kids & actively trying to abuse & destroy womens lives. If there was ever a time for trendy outrage to work it's this.
Leave it up to idiots to equate asking questions or having a different opinion with defending and justifying RKellys actions.

Then some in here ask, why can ya teach ya kids or have an open dialogue, probably cause they can't.
it is defending him no matter how you slice it

because you want to blame everyone else BUT the culprit himself


i aint spending my time bashing the associates im going at the head of the snake.

if you cannot comprehend THAT who really is the idiot?

jerry sandusky called

he wants you to talk crap about the parents of his victims so he doesnt look as bad. he knows he cant win your heart with a song like bump n grind or step in the name of love but he promises you he would appreciate it greatly

bill cosby on the other line b
And by the way you dont have to abandon or denounce a religion, you can be just as outraged, protest and make sure changes occurred.

But maybe there are a lot if Catholics that can do this to their religion. SMH
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it is defending him no matter how you slice it

because you want to blame everyone else BUT the culprit himself


i aint spending my time bashing the associates im going at the head of the snake.

if you cannot comprehend THAT who really is the idiot?

jerry sandusky called

he wants you to talk crap about the parents of his victims so he doesnt look as bad. he knows he cant win your heart with a song like bump n grind or step in the name of love but he promises you he would appreciate it greatly

bill cosby on the other line b
Please show me where I didnt blame him? I'll wait ....

Not like your word means anything anyhow ...

You seem to be a special kind of ... if they dont agree with A they must be B. SMH
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They have an entire system for covering up these child molesters that goes all the way up to the top! How inngood conscious could you call these people your religious leaders and you want me to delete 12 play:lol:
Like I said people ain’t that outraged

I couldn't care less if you deleted 12 Play. Religious leaders or not, they are not the religion... you know you can be part of a political party and no like certain elected officials in that party.

I'm agnostic by the way, but it's no hard to see the fallacy in your argument.
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