R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Yeah, but there’s still a difference between being a pedo and appearing creepy because you like kids.

Society automatically equates grown men interacting with kids outside of family or an authorative role (coach, teacher, etc.) as creepy. If Oprah said she loves kids and has a bunch of kids toys set up in her house, people really wouldn’t have an issue with it and no one would question leaving their kids over there.

I mean we know that but like I said he put himself in a terrible situation. He was doing more than just "interacting". He was crossing the line. He was a grown man doing creepy **** with other peoples kids. It opened the door for people to accuse him. He was spending time with those kids in hotel rooms and taking them out on tour with him. We don't know for sure what happened but it looks horrible.
I mean we know that but like I said he put himself in a terrible situation. He was doing more than just "interacting". He was crossing the line. He was a grown man doing creepy **** with other peoples kids. It opened the door for people to accuse him. He was spending time with those kids in hotel rooms and taking them out on tour with him. We don't know for sure what happened but it looks horrible.
What do you mean by more than interacting? Why do you consider it crossing the line?
What do you mean by more than interacting? Why do you consider it crossing the line?

You really that need explained? A grown man having sleep overs, staying in hotel rooms, having a secret room for kids when he doesn't have any, taking them on tour, sitting kids on his lap in public.

You would allow a man to do that with a kid in your family?
You really that need explained? A grown man having sleep overs, staying in hotel rooms, having a secret room for kids when he doesn't have any, taking them on tour, sitting kids on his lap in public.

You would allow a man to do that with a kid in your family?
I wouldn’t let a man or woman do that. Go back and read my original post you quoted. Those actions could be done by either a man or woman. Why are you only focusing on a man doing that? Assigning guilt because you’re not comfortable with it?
Both him and the parents crossed lines, it's bizarre.
Bizarre, yes. Just like seeing a 50 year old man wining and dining a 19 year old. We can say it’s creepy, but that doesn’t make them automatically guilty of predatory crimes.
Ok then so why you acting like he was just "interacting"? The **** was creepy and overboard. I'm focusing on a man doing it cuz Mike was a man.
What? ***** I’m using the basic definition of interaction. That **** ain’t code for anything lol. If you speak to, touch, etc and affect something, you’re interacting with it.
What? ***** I’m using the basic definition of interaction. That **** ain’t code for anything lol. If you speak to, touch, etc and affect something, you’re interacting with it.
Aight man. You ignoring all the extra **** he was doing with other people's kids. Clearly we disagree on this. :lol:
Aight man. You ignoring all the extra **** he was doing with other people's kids. Clearly we disagree on this. :lol:
I’m not ignoring it lol. Holding a kids hand, driving them in your car, sitting them on your lap, and bringing them on stage are all interactions. You don’t need to put it in quotes is what I’m saying lol.
I really dont think what mike was doing was sexual. Weird, absolutely. Mall Santas' let kids bounce on their laps all day. I think he was just a dude that loved children. He stopped playing with everybody else kids when he seemingly had 3 of his own. And they've never said anything about molestation of inappropriate touching or anything. Idk, mike just seemed too much of a humanitarian to also be this vile predator simultaneously.
i wasnt listening to no ****ing jerry lewis in junior high man

you bringing up white people nobody give a **** about but old white people, is not changing the fact art kelly a nasty *** bastard. we aint relate to them old *** white people man

if you want to talk about them old white pervert bastards thats what the harvey weinstein thread is for which is the universal pervert thread.

it sound like you want us to back art kelly just cuz white people back up their weirdos. **** that
My goodness....... truth truth truth. Dudes in here sound like trump supporters
I really dont think what mike was doing was sexual. Weird, absolutely. Mall Santas' let kids bounce on their laps all day. I think he was just a dude that loved children. He stopped playing with everybody else kids when he seemingly had 3 of his own. And they've never said anything about molestation of inappropriate touching or anything. Idk, mike just seemed too much of a humanitarian to also be this vile predator simultaneously.


He admitted to having sleepovers as a 40+ year old man w/kids.

What?! If this wasn't MJ we'd be calling for bro to be castrated :lol: :lol:

He admitted to having sleepovers as a 40+ year old man w/kids.

What?! If this wasn't MJ we'd be calling for bro to be castrated :lol: :lol:
But it was MJ though...

And that comment isn't just about the music but also the person we saw who never grew out of a child like state...the person who donated 300 million to charities.

I can't imagine MJ being anything but asexual. I could be wrong, I obviously don't know. But it's a hard sell for me. I crack up hard every time "Rock My World" comes on and Mike says "She is banging..." Stop faking the funk Mike...
But it was MJ though...

And that comment isn't just about the music but also the person we saw who never grew out of a child like state...the person who donated 300 million to charities.

I can't imagine MJ being anything but asexual. I could be wrong, I obviously don't know. But it's a hard sell for me. I crack up hard every time "Rock My World" comes on and Mike says "She is banging..." Stop faking the funk Mike...


We didn't know this man. What does him not growing out of a child like state, him donating tons of money to charity...

have to do with his old *** having sleepovers with kids?!

His sexuality is also irrelevant. Are we really saying that MJ built a theme park that he invited kids to, had sleepovers with them...but didn't touch them?

:lol: :lol:
I would never let my kid spend the night at a grown man's house. So once again, it comes back to the parents.

MJ might be guilty or he could seriously be ****** up and think he's a kid and never have touched ****.

We didn't know this man. What does him not growing out of a child like state, him donating tons of money to charity...

have to do with his old *** having sleepovers with kids?!

His sexuality is also irrelevant. Are we really saying that MJ built a theme park that he invited kids to, had sleepovers with them...but didn't touch them?

:lol: :lol:
To be clear, off top, we absolutely do not know. I stated as much in my post.

We can only infer based on what we have seen and even that has to be taken with a grain of salt as public personas are as manufactured as anything.

That said, I do believe Mike was asexual, as in not interested in sex. So with that in mind, yes I think he built all that stuff simply to make kids happy. And again, I could certainly be wrong.
:lol: "but it was MJ". I pray you guys grow and gain the sense and strength to be able to properly protect your family when you finally have children.
Y'all folks should stick to the topic at hand and not get of pocket like this. None of us know each other.

If you can't move beyond the surface level of the statement, that's on you. I was not implying MJ was some mythical figure. I was implying MJ's public persona goes against him being a predator.

And again, that persona could have been manufactured, but given how he surrounded himself at the place he called home, it's easy to believe it was real.

And lastly, I believing it was real doesn't mean I would have left my kids around him.

He admitted to having sleepovers as a 40+ year old man w/kids.

What?! If this wasn't MJ we'd be calling for bro to be castrated :lol: :lol:

Right but nothing of that actually implies it was of a sexual nature. Just that it's weird. If he's not thinking of them sexually and just doing childlike imagination stuff and costumes and video games..it's cringe af..but not molestation. Can't condemn a man as a pedophile if he's just a lame.
If nobody in here would leave a child with MJ then lets stop looking for ways to defend/explain the crazy things he was doing with kids. Like I keep saying he brought a lot that on himself and not having a childhood ain't a excuse to do the strange things he was doing. R Kelly was molested and that ain't no excuse for him to do what he did either.

We didn't know this man. What does him not growing out of a child like state, him donating tons of money to charity...

have to do with his old *** having sleepovers with kids?!

His sexuality is also irrelevant. Are we really saying that MJ built a theme park that he invited kids to, had sleepovers with them...but didn't touch them?

:lol: :lol:

they're not mutually exclusive bro. You understand that actually is one of the possibilities yes?
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