R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

If nobody in here would leave a child with MJ then lets stop looking for ways to defend/explain the crazy things he was doing with kids. Like I keep saying he brought a lot that on himself and not having a childhood ain't a excuse to do the strange things he was doing. R Kelly was molested and that ain't no excuse for him to do what he did either.

To be fair, I wouldn't leave my kids with anyone I don't know, not just MJ. Just the world we live in. Even the people you do know...how well do you really know anyone? Kids get molested by family friends, aunts n uncles, priests, teachers, scout masters, etc. all the time.
These discussions about Michael Jackson always remind me of Bruno and the segment with the showbiz parents
“Leave your kids” doesn’t = rape and abuse or that it’s your fault they were UNLESS the history is known to have been there already. Generally speaking
he had his day in court, and won.
da current ish is all being rehashed by da same folks.

its all paid protesters & coordinators.

And guilty people are found innocent all the time. It helps if you pay the people off.

And no, it's another 15 years worth of activity since that tape.

And who was paid to be in that documentary?
Nah, my kid isn’t spending the night there unless I’m there. That’s crazy as hell. Not letting my kid spend the night at Six Flags with a man.


Also bruh, I'm tryna feed the giraffe and ride the ferris wheel too. I'll just treat them all like kids, mike too... Yall wanna play ring around the rosie and hide n seek, go for it, I'll be over here, just stay where I can see you.
i wasnt listening to no ****ing jerry lewis in junior high man

you bringing up white people nobody give a **** about but old white people, is not changing the fact art kelly a nasty *** bastard. we aint relate to them old *** white people man

if you want to talk about them old white pervert bastards thats what the harvey weinstein thread is for which is the universal pervert thread.

it sound like you want us to back art kelly just cuz white people back up their weirdos. **** that

all fax...some of yall are funny man.
gymnastics are impressive in here
I really dont think what mike was doing was sexual. Weird, absolutely. Mall Santas' let kids bounce on their laps all day. I think he was just a dude that loved children. He stopped playing with everybody else kids when he seemingly had 3 of his own. And they've never said anything about molestation of inappropriate touching or anything. Idk, mike just seemed too much of a humanitarian to also be this vile predator simultaneously.
the only reason you think this is cause he's MJ.
replace MJ with any other male and what do you have?
yall doing too much for these celebrities man. yall giving them the benefit of the doubt for what?
But it was MJ though...

I can't imagine MJ being anything but asexual. I could be wrong, I obviously don't know. But it's a hard sell for me. I crack up hard every time "Rock My World" comes on and Mike says "She is banging..." Stop faking the funk Mike...
"it was MJ though"
"it's a hard sell"
never seen so many cats get the clues right in the face and turn around and give them the benefit of the doubt becaue "they couldn't imagine."
welp, i couldn't imagine a gown *** man having sleepovers with little boys
Girl you wanna come to my hotel, baby I’ll give you my room key.

The simplest line, but so fire. Only R Kelly could do that.
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