R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Can someone answer this for me...I asked it earlier. If R. Kelly is illiterate, how is he putting together songs? I kinda joked that none of his **** ever rhymes, so that might be my answer :lol:
Verbal memorization.

He freestyles off top, repeats, keeps what works, probably gets the hook and choruses first recorded then works on the verses.

That he's done that with his entire catalog and songs hes written for others not to mention he's taught himself to play instruments in similar manner is what makes him a musical genius.
Kellz was a real piece of **** to that latina girl. Her story was even more cringe.

Then he had his wife locked in a room begging for food. He was on some real gorilla pimpin.
Dey said 17 yr olds was adults in IL...that was wild..i also found it funny when Kelly's street team said he had a problem and said they prayed for him..i was thinking he meant "preyed" for him :lol:
Thing is in R&B Aaron Hall already did this before Kellz, Kellz didn't just take the bald head dark shades swag from Aaron Hall but also bringing all the young girls on stage to freak
da part of no one cares cuz his music is classic & its literally da same narrative playing out right now.

Oh I agree with that part. I never listened to him like that so I don't have any attachment to his music.
Son's lyrics are wild now knowing he's a visual person and he talks about his life. Basically, " i'm an evil ************, i'm not gonna change because ya'll protect me and celebrate me"
Wait how does R. Kelly not own a ton of publishing when I heard he's wrote more hits than almost anybody not named Quincy Jones?

because the music industry is built on taking advantage of talented people and no one is about to look out for you in general let alone a illiterate dumb ***

i just watched a vid from BET “Rules to this ****” where a producer said Puffy tried him on some “im gonna get a percentage of everythjng you do”, the producer almost went, then snapped on Puff and Puffy was just like “thats cool, you tryna hit this party bro” :rofl: like it was nothing

this **** ****** up
6pac 6pac speaking some truth :pimp:

I've bowed out of this the last time this was a temporary hot topic.

Nobody wants to speak solutions to the bigger problems. Either ya morals dictate the law or the law dictate ya morals. Different dudes got different lines or blurry uneasy things they'll forgive or stomach. 21 yr old with a 17 yr old is fine to some. 31 yr old though is out of line but nobody says a damn thing and rarely has the same reaction when a 45 yr old is with a 19 yr old. People have a made up idea in their mind of when someone becomes an adult.

There's a lot of other athletes/entertainers that read at like a 2nd/3rd grade level tho
Predatory and/or incompetent managers, agents, lawyers, etc.

Dey said 17 yr olds was adults in IL...that was wild..i also found it funny when Kelly's street team said he had a problem and said they prayed for him..i was thinking he meant "preyed" for him :lol:
This whole thing is a metaphor :lol:
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Wait how does R. Kelly not own a ton of publishing when I heard he's wrote more hits than almost anybody not named Quincy Jones?

He can't read and signed away all his publishing. He Admitted it on one of his new records appropriately titled "I admit"
This is a patriarchy

And in a patriarchy, to put it bluntly men make the rules. Men with that much power have access to a ton, and they will NEVER enact laws that stop them from, among other things snatching young girls.

The age of consent thing in the U.S. is such a joke. 18 is comically bad.
thats not what im saying at all

im saying we’re gonna keep dancing in the “**** r kelly” media and morality circle while in reality he still continues to do him because he’s flourishing in a legal system that makes it possible for people to even “consensually” **** with 16 year olds even if they are decades older.

people like the spectacle of this conversation more than they want to actually change consent laws to where he wouldnt have even gotten away with this to begin with.

but again this is bigger than nino brown. consent laws wont change to a concrete 18 because they’re 16 in the first place for a reason. same for bull**** loopholes like marriage certificates making everything okay.

r kelly cant write no laws if he cant read.
I remember in the music forum y'all told me the age of consent is 16 now in most states. **** blew my mind. A grown *** man with a 16 year old is f'n crazy but that's shows the issue with how people as a group view it but these social media warriors don't wanna talk about this issue on a big scale cuz that ain't what's trending.
This is a patriarchy

And in a patriarchy, to put it bluntly men make the rules. Men with that much power have access to a ton, and they will NEVER enact laws that stop them from, among other things snatching young girls.

The age of consent thing in the U.S. is such a joke. 18 is comically bad.

i think it should be more of a thing where until you’re 18, you should have to stay within 4-5 years of your age (in terms of ******* older people) because of the mental gap that is gonna be there with a 16-17 year old dealing with anyone older than 21.

there’s a reason why in many places its legally ok for a 50+ year old to fw a 16 year old and be completely in the right. these old *** ****** like young *****.
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