R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

“Making a song with R. Kelly was a mistake. I didn’t value the accusers’ stories because they were black women,” Chance the Rapper told Cassius‘ Jamilah Lemieux. “I made a mistake.”


Here this goofy *** ***** comes.

We haven't discovered anything that crazy relative to the info that was out in 2015-2016. He tryna get woke brownie points. I hope his phrasing that he didnt care because they were black gets taken completely out of context and he gets even more controversy for trying so hard to be wishy washy.

Probably was in the studio calling that man all types of genius and legend. We've been knowing what type time Robert was on since that BET interview where that skinny John legend soul brother looking *** ***** had to "define" underage.
Honestly society didn't value the accusers because they're black. Look at people (even in this thread) who've either blamed them or valued R's reputation over their horrible experiences . It was said before but if these girls where white, he'd be gone years ago. I feel like he knows that too.
Verbal memorization.

He freestyles off top, repeats, keeps what works, probably gets the hook and choruses first recorded then works on the verses.

That he's done that with his entire catalog and songs hes written for others not to mention he's taught himself to play instruments in similar manner is what makes him a musical genius.

Appreciate the response...Seems like he has a good memory more than anything.

If you're considering him a musical genius, would you mention him amongst the likes of Prince, Marvin Gaye, etc.?

For as many hits as he's put out back in the day, he has also put out some absolute trash. Now, folks eat it up...and it's a testament to him being able to turn just about anything into a song, but man...there are some stinkers :lol:
Honestly society didn't value the accusers because they're black. Look at people (even in this thread) who've either blamed them or valued R's reputation over their horrible experiences . It was said before but if these girls where white, he'd be gone years ago. I feel like he knows that too.

That text doesn't say society that **** says "I didn't value..."

R Kelly and Weinstein/Spacey are receiving the same amounts of fanfare

This is an argument that has merit on a small local scale maybe with the law enforcement but once a story goes world/nation wide this is non applicable
Appreciate the response...Seems like he has a good memory more than anything.

If you're considering him a musical genius, would you mention him amongst the likes of Prince, Marvin Gaye, etc.?

For as many hits as he's put out back in the day, he has also put out some absolute trash. Now, folks eat it up...and it's a testament to him being able to turn just about anything into a song, but man...there are some stinkers :lol:

I believe I can fly will be relevant for the next 100 years. You very well could have been conceived or your parents caught dances to his records if you're in your 20's and as someone who's in college parties now they still play bump and grind to end the night.

Is it this hard to keep personal actions and talent separate?
people will try to shame you into not liking his music like thats gonna lock him up

dumb *** ***** dont own his masters so he not getting no real money off me enjoying these classics

how much energy have we put into shaming people for still “rocking” with kellz talent vs. actually trying to change the consent laws or pointing the finger at the old powerful rich men who created these laws and continue to uphold them

this is bigger than nino brown

is this about tangibly getting him locked up or is it about a spectacle and subsequently “i have better morals than you” like it is with every case that has the easy rallying cry of something that deals with abuse


whens the last time yall actually checked on geneva and not just retweeted an article by some 30+ year old white woman who needs content....


a lot of people benefitting off of this climate with hidden intentions.
Whoa. Didn't realize xtentacion beat the chick that bad.
Appreciate the response...Seems like he has a good memory more than anything.

If you're considering him a musical genius, would you mention him amongst the likes of Prince, Marvin Gaye, etc.?

For as many hits as he's put out back in the day, he has also put out some absolute trash. Now, folks eat it up...and it's a testament to him being able to turn just about anything into a song, but man...there are some stinkers :lol:

The trash wasn't until later on when he got desperate and tried to stay hot or reinvent himself. His first 4-5 albums is one of the best runs in music history. Then to think about all the other artists he wrote songs or full albums for.

Chance said he didn't value the accusers stories because they were black women? Wow, that's pretty ****in wild. Black women lie or black women are money hungry? What is he trying to say? He was trying to earn some points and apologize for **** he should have been quiet about and ended up doing more damage to his name. I hope he gets dragged for this.
This is a patriarchy

And in a patriarchy, to put it bluntly men make the rules. Men with that much power have access to a ton, and they will NEVER enact laws that stop them from, among other things snatching young girls.

The age of consent thing in the U.S. is such a joke. 18 is comically bad.
Should it be higher or lowered?

Consent age
Should it be higher or lowered?

Consent age

it should be 18 across the board and anyone under 18 it should be automatically legally wrong for someone older than a 4-5 year gap to fw someone who is 17. and 4-5 years is beimg generous but thats also potentially a college senior/super senior and a freshman.
this is ill.

same dude who make Darius From Atlanta iPhone background the Obama Wakanda pic lol.

The trash wasn't until later on when he got desperate and tried to stay hot or reinvent himself. His first 4-5 albums is one of the best runs in music history. Then to think about all the other artists he wrote songs or full albums for.

Chance said he didn't value the accusers stories because they were black women? Wow, that's pretty ****in wild. Black women lie or black women are money hungry? What is he trying to say? He was trying to earn some points and apologize for **** he should have been quiet about and ended up doing more damage to his name. I hope he gets dragged for this.

I feel like Chance was tryna do the thing in which people try to get brownie points for admitting wrong behavior and now recognizing that it was wrong behavior to appeal to a certain group

Next time we hear from Chance, it's gonna be about him and how he had to recognize his Toxic Masculinity. Guaranteed.
Should it be higher or lowered?

Consent age

it should be 18 across the board and anyone under 18 it should be automatically legally wrong for someone older than a 4-5 year gap to fw someone who is 17. and 4-5 years is beimg generous but thats also potentially a college senior/super senior and a freshman.

See I think 18 is just too low. Its a bit patronizing IMO like a lot of people are in HS or jusssttt finished HS at 18. You probably have friends that are 16, 17 years old. You're not far enough removed from that age sector at 18, I think.

You aren't even an adult at 18. You can't even buy a drink.

It should probably be around 20, 21 if we're being honest. There's no reason for any 20, 21 year old to be dating a teenager and vice versa.
I feel like Chance was tryna do the thing in which people try to get brownie points for admitting wrong behavior and now recognizing that it was wrong behavior to appeal to a certain group

Next time we hear from Chance, it's gonna be about him and how he had to recognize his Toxic Masculinity. Guaranteed.

Coming out and saying I regret it makes some sense, I don't respect it. To say I didn't trust because it was black women is pretty ****in wild. I can't wait to see this **** get forgotten about or swept under the rug since the industry loves Chance. Saying that **** is ****in crazy though.
See I think 18 is just too low. Its a bit patronizing IMO like a lot of people are in HS or jusssttt finished HS at 18. You probably have friends that are 16, 17 years old. You're not far enough removed from that age sector at 18, I think.

You aren't even an adult at 18. You can't even buy a drink.

It should probably be around 20, 21 if we're being honest. There's no reason for any 20, 21 year old to be dating a teenager and vice versa.

You’re right in that 18 is just some random age that we’re used to but I wouldn’t co-sign a 20 year old getting locked up for ******* an 18 year old. Thats a junior and a freshman in college. This type of **** happens all the time and honestly I notice most long term married couples are like 2-3 years apart. My peoples had a scenario like that where one was a junior and one was a freshman.

I think whats more important than arbitrary ages that ****** just picked is the age gaps and like I said, it shouldn’t surpass 4-5 and thats generous.
The trash wasn't until later on when he got desperate and tried to stay hot or reinvent himself. His first 4-5 albums is one of the best runs in music history. Then to think about all the other artists he wrote songs or full albums for.

Chance said he didn't value the accusers stories because they were black women? Wow, that's pretty ****in wild. Black women lie or black women are money hungry? What is he trying to say? He was trying to earn some points and apologize for **** he should have been quiet about and ended up doing more damage to his name. I hope he gets dragged for this.
Dude moves like a dirty politician that's hiding something. Always tryna be extra PC and ends up putting his foot in his mouth like he did with the Kanye/Trump thing.

@wavycrocket voice
Consent is never gonna be changed because in terms of law it's difficult to pinpoint when someone is of Age mentally... it's not a solid & concrete thing. There are women & men who are 25 & may have the same mentality as a 15 year old. I would imagine it's hard for lawmakers to pinpoint an exact age. but let it be known that as long as America allows kids to go to war at 18, i highly doubt consent ages will rise.
You’re right in that 18 is just some random age that we’re used to but I wouldn’t co-sign a 20 year old getting locked up for ****ing an 18 year old. Thats a junior and a freshman in college. This type of **** happens all the time and honestly I notice most long term married couples are like 2-3 years apart. My peoples had a scenario like that where one was a junior and one was a freshman.

I think whats more important than arbitrary ages that *****s just picked is the age gaps and like I said, it shouldn’t surpass 4-5 and thats generous.

How about instead of age, make it like the NBA :lol: one year removed from HS or something lol I genuinely don't know. But a 27 year old rocking with a 21 year old seems better than a 27 year old rocking out with an 18 year old. I like the age gap thing though, that sounds a bit more realistic .
You’re right in that 18 is just some random age that we’re used to but I wouldn’t co-sign a 20 year old getting locked up for ****ing an 18 year old. Thats a junior and a freshman in college. This type of **** happens all the time and honestly I notice most long term married couples are like 2-3 years apart. My peoples had a scenario like that where one was a junior and one was a freshman.

I think whats more important than arbitrary ages that *****s just picked is the age gaps and like I said, it shouldn’t surpass 4-5 and thats generous.
Those are called Romeo and Juliet laws. A lot of states have them because rightfully legislators felt a 19-year-old having sex with a 17-year-old should not be treated the same as a 30-year old that has sex with a 14-year-old.

My views on the age of consent laws are a lil more progressive than most, so I'll save my opinion for another day. Especially not talking about them in an R.Kelly thread :lol:
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