R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Parents take blame as well.

Its not cuz Kelly is a predator.

Its you know he is a predator and you chose to give your child to him. That one couple basically said to themselves its okay to give our 16 yr old daughter to him and get this money as long as someone is with her even if one of those ppl isn't them. Then they cared even less and bought in to this idea Kelly press red where somebody from the label would be her "guardian". So now nobody you trusts no family member is watching your daughter, just some person who works for the label.

They don't "give" their child to him. You keep saying this and making them look worse than they are. They were under the guise that he would be their shot to make it. They wanted to be involved in the process, but R Kelly didn't oblige. You also have to look at the lense they were viewing this dude. They thought he was innocent in his trial. Once he had their daughter in the hotel, they was like nah. Are they stupid for even allowing their daughters to hang with dude? Yes but they didn't "give" her to him.
You can't say we gotta protect our kids and our daughters when you know about other people doing the same **** to kids. That's my issue. That's why you can't have morality in music, Dame and others are picking and choosing sides. It's safe to air out R Kelly right now but it's not safe to air out the others.
You can't say we gotta protect our kids and our daughters when you know about other people doing the same **** to kids. That's my issue. That's why you can't have morality in music, Dame and others are picking and choosing sides. It's safe to air out R Kelly right now but it's not safe to air out the others.

Apparently to others we know who these other people are doing sick **** as well. I'm still wondering who they are
They don't "give" their child to him. You keep saying this and making them look worse than they are. They were under the guise that he would be their shot to make it. They wanted to be involved in the process, but R Kelly didn't oblige. You also have to look at the lense they were viewing this dude. They thought he was innocent in his trial. Once he had their daughter in the hotel, they was like nah. Are they stupid for even allowing their daughters to hang with dude? Yes but they didn't "give" her to him.
Bruh you sound wild naive trying to defend or excuse that ****.

If you have a daughter that can sing and she wants to make a career out of that are you gonna let R. Kelly be her mentor?

Are you gonna leave her unsupervised with R. Kelly? Bunch of beds in all of the studios and you cool with that? Letting her meet up with Kelly at hotels?

Thought he was innocent? Man I wouldn't leave my daughter alone with Ricky Martin and he gay. Forget the rumor and reputation. These are parents.

Kelly initally obliged to all of their rules. Rewatch their segments. They claimed they basically couldn't discipline their daughter. That she was gonna do this regardless. They basically talked like they weren't responsible parents throughout.

Under the guise he would be their shot to make it? That's low-key basically saying we'll be more lenient with more questionable scenarios we will allow our daughter to be in order for her to be a star.

Its pretty much why there's always that insidious stuff surrounding the music industry and Hollywood when it comes to child stars and even grown ppl making it. Way more willing to put aside morals and principles for fame and money.
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Bruh you sound wild naive trying to defend or eexcuse that ****.

If you have a daughter that can sing and she wants to make a career out of that are you gonna let R. Kelly be her mentor?

Are you gonna leave her unsupervised with R. Kelly? Bunch of beds in all of the studios and you cool with that? Letting her meet up with Kelly at hotels?

I'm not leaving my daughter with anybody

The couple didn't leave her with him unsupervised. They didn't know where she was. They we're calling her and she told her she was at the studio

And they came and got her.
R Kelly is guilty of actions consistent with your common gorilla pimp as others have mentioned in this thread.
Parents take blame as well.

Its not cuz Kelly is a predator.

Its you know he is a predator and you chose to give your child to him. That one couple basically said to themselves its okay to give our 16 yr old daughter to him and get this money as long as someone is with her even if one of those ppl isn't them. Then they cared even less and bought in to this idea Kelly presented where somebody from the label would be her "guardian". So now nobody you trusts no family member is watching your daughter, just some person who works for the label.

Then when your daughter turns 18 and cuts off all contact with you and those checks stop coming you want to claim she was taken from you. You read her text messages and want to act surprised that even when you were with her her and Kelly smashed when they first met.

No need to play dumb in these situations.

This ain't like Kelly telling his ppl go scoop some teenagers up at the mall.

All the females on this show got caught up wanting a career or were some super fan. Literally were singers or would be rappers related to somebody working with Kelly or fans from the club, concert, or met him @ his damn trial for having sex with a minor on tape.

That's why the last 2 eps of this looked so bad. These girls turn 18 and parents want to pop up @ hotels and call the police to do wellness checks. Yet somehow that 30+ yr old chick just packed her **** and left when she had enough.

Imagine you in a town and one of the richest guys in town is also openly known to kill dogs. Its kinda lowkey and not advertised but its well known. He just finds a dog and kills it. Then all of a sudden ppl start letting dude watch their dogs when they're away and want to get mad when their dogs end up dead. Then you wanna be like it's all the dog killer's fault. At what point do those ppl become an accomplice to perpetrator committing the crimes?

“This aint like Kelly telling people to go scoop some teenagers up at the mall” - Couple of the people he worked for said he told them to do just that. And I said that the adults in the situation, parents included, could have made better choices considering the mans history. However, I can understand why parents might believe that kelly might help them and not use their best judgement. I don’t put the onus on them though because they weren’t negligent. In fact, that one family said they went with their daughter a couple times because they knew his history and didn’t want their daughter alone with him. Things just got out of hand after they let their guard down a bit. I dont think any of the parents were dropping their 15 and 16 year old daughters off at r Kelly’s house and leaving them. If that was the case with either girl then yea those parents deserve blame. But I can’t be too mad at them for getting manipulated by a predator. Yea, use better judgment, but they ain’t ask that piece of s*** to abuse their daughters.
Maybe my perspective is just different.

When I learned R. Kelly married an underage Aaliyah I knew he was off. This was some of the earliest times when I learned about consent laws, different ages, and stuff like you could marry a minor if their parents gave the okay (see more of this in cults/certain religions) but Kelly still just seemed like a superstar R&B artist making hits and featuring in tons of rap songs.

Then later everybody is talking about the sex tape and specifically him pissing on a minor. That's when I just knew this dude is sick and a rapist. That's when I also learned he was molested/raped as a child by a family member. By this time plenty info is out there about rapists and how some become that way. You might think I'm joking but I've seen enough Law & Order: SVU episodes to know there is a cycle sexual abuse and child rape.

Now my timeline may be off but shortly after the tape R. Kelly starts calling himself the PIED PIPER OF R&B. ME and my boys was like this dude Kelly is BRAZEN. How you just piss on a girl on tape and then make that your a.k.a and promote yourself as such with that mask. Majority of your music is about sex and relationships. Nothing for children. I knew R. Kelly was gorilla pimping by then. And again I was aware of consent age in different states so I saw how he was getting around publicly accepted behavior by technically legally banging teenagers. I knew he was basically a scumbag and viewed him as such but he from Chicago and his actions were never in my face that much.

Then the trial comes along and he beats it. I never read the documents and details but summed up for general consumption was he beat the case with the defense that it wasn't him in the vid, maybe was his brother (that I now see don't even look like him that much :lol: ). To me that was some O.J. level ****.

So when this thread was made about R. Kelly having "sex slaves" I was not surprised. Par for the course. Before that I hadn't heard much from him other than music.

All this special revealed to me was how complicit so many parents were. How complicit his team was and all the other adults that worked with him.

I am far more appalled by the ppl that enabled this and supported it who are all wanting to cry on camera now.
Oh so ya'll knew he actually raping these girls not just statutory off top, forcing them, abusing them, impregnating them, making them lie in public etc?
I assumed most of this after knowing he married Aaliyah, the sex tape with a minor and pissing on her, and then the trial.

What kind of pimps...I mean parents gonna leave their girl around a dude like this to make it in the music industry?
I'm not gonna post it but there's a crazy video where he's getting women in the audience to wipe him lol.

Maybe it's been posted.

You can yt it if you're so inclined.
I'm not leaving my daughter with anybody

The couple didn't leave her with him unsupervised. They didn't know where she was. They we're calling her and she told her she was at the studio

And they came and got her.
If you leaving your daughter with dudes and the supervisor ain't family you basically left her alone. Ain't like the person was a cop or former cop.

They knew what they were doing. Just by how they described their daughter I already knew what weak **** those parents were on. Then they want to be filmed throwing rocks @ a studio building to show they care now.

I have no sympathy for that **** and will not sugarcoat it to pretend it ain't what it is.

The way they talk of it wasn't R. Kelly their daughter could've been running the streets and ended up dead and end up a statistic.


This is real?

Damn this some malicious ****.

This is on that spectrum when you thank God for winning a game but this dude said karma made their football team lose cuz if R. Kelly :lol: :smh:
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“Wipe my lips, wipe my nose, wipe my tongue....grab it!!!”


I hate to laugh but yo this dude is funny af :lol:

You know he got all kinds of std letting randoms in a crowd wipe his tongue :sick: pure savagery
“This aint like Kelly telling people to go scoop some teenagers up at the mall” - Couple of the people he worked for said he told them to do just that.
I'm aware of that.

Its why I said exactly that.

I was making the distinction between Kelly doing that and the survivors on this who all ended up as Kelly's gf or sex slave or moved 8n with him by other means.

None of the survivors were girls scooped up from the mall.

The former employee for Kelly in silhouette said Kelly had girls he knew he could manipulate and girls who "had it going on" that came and went freely.
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