R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

Not a shot at those who speak out, more power to them.

But to those who falsely accuse celebs/athletes of some type of sexual misconduct should actually face some penalties. Too many people throw allegations/frivolous lawsuits towards celebs and never get any repercussions when it is found to be a total lie. Stuff like that brings doubt to real accusations

It’s a slippery slope to me. I’m totally on board that those who make false accusations deserve to face serious ramifications for their actions.

That might prevent innocent victims who were wronged from speaking out though. They don’t have the money/power access to high priced lawyers that the famous person who violated them has access to. The thought of them potentially seeing the person who violated them get off and then they get in trouble to add insult to injury might prevent some people from speaking out.
R Kellz going through it. In 10th grade I lost a chick to a ***** with a kitted out Jetta :lol: hopefully my daughter has more self esteem than to let a grown man piss on her.
Not a shot at those who speak out, more power to them.

But to those who falsely accuse celebs/athletes of some type of sexual misconduct should actually face some penalties. Too many people throw allegations/frivolous lawsuits towards celebs and never get any repercussions when it is found to be a total lie. Stuff like that brings doubt to real accusations

I've always said that if these females or accusers intentionally falsify an accusation, they should face the same penalty the accused could have possibly faced.
Again, based on your own article what the photos showed is also alleged. If he did those things, it is disgusting and unacceptable. But, to this point, it is only allegations.
how have i never crossed palths with you homie lol your screen name is litterally my nam (well first and last combined) 90% of my friends call me Dwalk... sry to deter. just had a double take
Crazy seeing Tank "cancel" R Kelly now.

He was just on stage with him over the summer, poppin his collar and everything. :lol:

I hate Tank's whole persona.

Just like I hated Tyrese. I hate celebs who like to give advice to us ordinary folk like their lives are perfect.
I hate Tank's whole persona.

Just like I hated Tyrese. I hate celebs who like to give advice to us ordinary folk like their lives are perfect.

Giving advice =/= thinking your life is perfect. That means no one should ever give anyone any advice. That whole train of thought is a bit hateful.
It’s a slippery slope to me. I’m totally on board that those who make false accusations deserve to face serious ramifications for their actions.

That might prevent innocent victims who were wronged from speaking out though. They don’t have the money/power access to high priced lawyers that the famous person who violated them has access to. The thought of them potentially seeing the person who violated them get off and then they get in trouble to add insult to injury might prevent some people from speaking out.
Why would this only pertain to high profile individuals. If you have legitimately been assaulted report the abuse, but if you are falsely accusing someone, why are the malicious actions be excluded from prosecution??

They should be punished just if not more harshly, for the very reasons you say it might be a slippery slope.
she said it herself, da broad at da time was 22.

The young victim at the time of the trial in 2008 was 22 years old. The trial that was delayed 6 years puts the victim at 16 years old in 2002 when it was leaked.

Her best friend & basketball buddy said they were kicking it with the Rapist since 98 which puts the victim at 12 years old.

But I’m sure you already knew all of this
14 people who knew the victim identified the girl, except for her uncle and I believe a cousin. Her aunt Sparkle identified it was her.

I was reading an old article where they showed a pic of the girl in the music group she was in and asked the cousin to identify her bandmate who is the victim. That girl in the group pics looks exactly like the girl in the tape. But Sparkle said she believes her brother and other niece were paid off by R. Kelly.

The girl's name is already out there and her pics in her music group and for those who've seen the tape say it is definitely her. Home girl resembles her aunt Sparkle.

My question is that if it is not you on that tape, why would you not testify to say it is not you???

I am not as well versed in law but the D.A. cannot subopenea you to testify to identify? Or is it because she was the alleged victim?

On another note, Sparkle was at fault for introducing her niece knowing he was a pedophile. She said that he told her a few times he prefers young and ripe girls who don't know anything so that he can teach them how to become women. Sickening. It was no secret he's a child predator but for some reason people overlooked it so they thought their child can have a shot or for their eye at stardom. Oh boy did they get a surprise when he snatched their children.
In a roundabout way, the #MuteRKelly movement and the Me too affect has had a direct impact on R. Kelly. He can't get booked for shows, shows are cancelling, and as a result he can't pay accusers and families to be quiet anymore, hence docs like Surviving R. Kelly happening now and how a lot this momentum has picked up in recent years. He owes the IRS close to $10 mil in back taxes.

She was literally on the doc crying telling him to go to hell, but not even that long ago she was saying this

The money is drying up, which is good. Hopefully this ends with him in prison.
In a roundabout way, the #MuteRKelly movement and the Me too affect has had a direct impact on R. Kelly. He can't get booked for shows, shows are cancelling, and as a result he can't pay accusers and families to be quiet anymore, hence docs like Surviving R. Kelly happening now and how a lot this momentum has picked up in recent years. He owes the IRS close to $10 mil in back taxes.

She was literally on the doc crying telling him to go to hell, but not even that long ago she was saying this

The money is drying up, which is good. Hopefully this ends with him in prison.

See here's my problem with this BS, and everyone involved. I understand that coming forward is a very difficult thing and hopefully this is helping and giving other girls/woman courage to come out.

But ****, I hope these victims didnt stay quiet for the payoff/extortion, because if they did **** then too.

I find this entire situation disgusting, woman until a few years ago being supportive and then overnight had a change of heart and came forward. This is beyond you as a victim, is about evey other person the accuser could be victimizing because you stayed quiet and/or was taking the payoff.
how have i never crossed palths with you homie lol your screen name is litterally my nam (well first and last combined) 90% of my friends call me Dwalk... sry to deter. just had a double take

Lol yea man that's crazy. Back in the day it was mostly the Nike and Jordan threads for me tho
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