REAL Talk: Taking Your GFs last name in marriage

@ All the dudes sayin "hell no I wouldn't change my name bla bla" How do you think a lot of women feel now??? Women have to change theirs and menget to keep them just because of gender roles? lol. It's so engraved in our culture and society for wife to take the husbands name, to show hisownership... when you think of the history behind it and the reasoning its pretty ridiculous.. If I loved someone a lot I may consider it.. But my opiniondoesn't matter anyway word to jawny
i could care less, i wouldn't change my name so i don't expect her to change hers if she doesn't want to. if we were to have children and neitherof us changed our names we would just put both last names ex: crackbaby prints-wife
Originally Posted by d0nt w0rry about it

if you two got married and were to have children, then whose last name would the children take?

ask her about that.
i thought the same thing when i finished reading the post. that ought to have shorty puzzled...
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

@ All the dudes sayin "hell no I wouldn't change my name bla bla" How do you think a lot of women feel now??? Women have to change theirs and men get to keep them just because of gender roles? lol. It's so engraved in our culture and society for wife to take the husbands name, to show his ownership... when you think of the history behind it and the reasoning its pretty ridiculous.. If I loved someone a lot I may consider it.. But my opinion doesn't matter anyway word to jawny
This is EXACTLY what my girl told me this like

Its been that way forever......but since she going to be a professional I would let her keep it. But my kids DEFINITELY getting my name....real talk
Originally Posted by anticop23

more on the America culture/ society, people are getting more 'think about themselves only', even females. you will have females able to support themselves and live on their own. So it would not be uncommon that even their mindset is changing where they are thinking more for themselves only.
Women, getting jobs and all. WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?!?

I'd totally be fine with my wife keeping her last name, I'm not really down with the hyphenated thing, plus my last name is kinda long and doesn'troll off the tongue real well. I'd only take her last name if it was something totally bad !#!, but no thats probably not happening. I'd have to drawthe line though with naming kids, they'd have to have my last name.
they are her kids too...and she will be the one to give birth to them...i'm just sayin...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

they are her kids too...and she will be the one to give birth to them...i'm just sayin...
and he is the one that will father them.
Originally Posted by Shooter116

As a family, I would prefer we all have the same last name... I wouldn't feel very "married" if my wife had a different last name than I did, but that's just ME

... and it ain't gonna be her last name either

I would feel some type of way if she wanted it hyphenated too. Plus, my last name is Best, so I REFYOOOOOOOOOZ to change my last name.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

they are her kids too...and she will be the one to give birth to them...i'm just sayin...
I'd imagine this will probably be a non issue, but I really don't think I could have children without my last name. If thats an issue, Iprobably shouldn't be marrying this theoretical girl anyways.
i contemplated making a thread in this matter..

Hypothetically speaking taking her last name or hyphenating is absolutely a no go. next your father-in-law would want you to get a vasectomy [word to you, meand dupree]
Originally Posted by Shooter116

As a family, I would prefer we all have the same last name... I wouldn't feel very "married" if my wife had a different last name than I did, but that's just ME

... and it ain't gonna be her last name either
I met a girl like that...she told me if she was to get married she would ask the guy to take her last name or she wouldnt change her last name. She asked mewhat I thought about that and I told her, "she must be insane, since I dont any man that would take a females last name any day...i dont care how hot youare. that's pretty much telling your wife she wears that pants in your marriage. hell no"

she used to live in San Diego I dont where she is now.
I met a girl like that...she told me if she was to get married she would ask the guy to take her last name or she wouldnt change her last name. She asked mewhat I thought about that and I told her, "she must be insane, since I dont any man that would take a females last name any day...i dont care how hot youare. that's pretty much telling your wife she wears that pants in your marriage. hell no"

she used to live in San Diego I dont where she is now.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by Shooter116

As a family, I would prefer we all have the same last name... I wouldn't feel very "married" if my wife had a different last name than I did, but that's just ME

... and it ain't gonna be her last name either

What i ever is on my doctorate is what I will go by professionally....just to prevent confusion when I write articles and $!+ like that. If I get marriedbefore I become "Dr" then his name will be on it. My nephew will carry on the lineage

And stop actin' like just a woman take yo last name AUTOMATICALLY makes you in charge---cuz u and i BOTH know women who still got weak men
Originally Posted by JayJay414

Hell naw she's being mad stubborn if she won't even hyphenate it...that's crazy...

you're not being stubborn by damn near making her change HER last name...
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