RIP George Floyd

Did you ban the dude that was talking about black on black crime? Because he was derailing the thread and you never asked him and others to stop. There were several pages of thread derailing with no warnings.
Yes I did actually. And I was also involved in derailing the thread. You were also calling other members names and you didn’t receive a warning for that did you? All I wanted was for the thread to get back into on track.
Yea you will never learn.

You are a white man, you are racist by default.

I am a MAN, I am a misogynist by default.

We are huMANS we are inhumane to animals by default.

Accept your role and try to make it better for those not as privileged as you.

Point blank.
It's not about learning, it's about disagreeing. You just slap labels on people bc of race and gender. I think each person should be judged on their actions. Maybe one day you can do that.
It's not about learning, it's about disagreeing. You just slap labels on people bc of race and gender. I think each person should be judged on their actions. Maybe one day you can do that.
Like I said, you will never learn.

Have a good day.
Yes I did actually. And I was also involved in derailing the thread. You were also calling other members names and you didn’t receive a warning for that did you? All I wanted was for the thread to get back into on track.
Th k you sir. Sorry for the derail.
And here we go again, letting him derail another thread and make it about him and his name calling. Damn that. I won't participate in that. Shame on me for replying to him at all.
HIM. Here you are trying to tell a Black man how he should respond to racism on a thread about a Black man being murdered by White police officers. HIM = YOU PEOPLE. Here you are attempting to isolate me, as if I am doing something wrong by addressing your white privilege. You have a problem with being called a racist? Stop acting like one.

mans really showed up to antagonize in sandals
It seems like he just wants to use vile labels and justify it with a made up definition of the term that only he understands.
I think you're getting too hung up on the label when the focus should be on the concept.

Call it racism, call it a grilled cheese sandwich. Whites have the benefit of creating and upholding a society and system that caters to them. That's undeniable.
I think you're getting too hung up on the label when the focus should be on the concept.

Call it racism, call it a grilled cheese sandwich. Whites have the benefit of creating and upholding a society and system that caters to them. That's undeniable.
I mean, it's a pretty vile label. So yea, I get hung up on it. I won't apologize for that. Like I said earlier, if you want to say privileged, I won't argue that. I fully recognize that. Racist? No. By definition, that doesn't apply to every single person that has white skin.
I mean, it's a pretty vile label. So yea, I get hung up on it. I won't apologize for that. Like I said earlier, if you want to say privileged, I won't argue that. I fully recognize that. Racist? No. By definition, that doesn't apply to every single person that has white skin.
Great. And you've traversed through about 3 threads now trying to beat people into submission until they agree with you. How's it been working out so far?

Maybe it's time to give it a rest.
I don’t know why you even bother posting in those other forums.

it’s like bizarro world as soon as you leave general, s&t and music.

dudes still going crazy over some cheap pieces of leather and glue represented by someone who barely even views themself as black.
Yea I really just go over there for shoe drops that I like. I didn’t even realize it was that bad over there. Smh. Basically Storm Front over there.
Why do the police have
this is not true I went through police training when I got my armed security license years ago. Had to learn their ways. They’re trained to aim at center mass. Head shots aren’t practical at certain distances.
all the pepper shot was hitting faces man, **** DC police
Great. And you've traversed through about 3 threads now trying to beat people into submission until they agree with you. How's it been working out so far?

Maybe it's time to give it a rest.
Can't you say the same to them? Running around and labeling people with vile names based on their skin tone has a tendency to derail threads. Every time they do it, I'm going to disagree with it.
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