RIP George Floyd

Seems like a weird connection to stuff you can just re-buy with the insurance payout.

Maybe if you were "protecting" some family heirloom I could sort of follow, but just random stuff you have for sale at a storefront?

Seems silly to me but if that's what matters to you, I guess.

so we are on the same page of protecting what is ours.. thats all

i know damn sure if anyone has a business they dont want to be looted or robbed having to go thru insurance can be a hassle

and KHUFU KHUFU ahahah you funny man. yup the fact i want to scare someone away from trying to rob me tells you about my mindset AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
so we are on the same page of protecting what is ours.. thats all

i know damn sure if anyone has a business they dont want to be looted or robbed having to go thru insurance can be a hassle

and KHUFU KHUFU ahahah you funny man. yup the fact i want to scare someone away from trying to rob me tells you about my mindset AHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
Yeah, it does. Nobody is trying to rob you. This isn't some dudes rolling up on you, trying to snatch your jewels.


Read it slowly, Black Lives Matter.
Hey, you and I both know that you do not pull a weapon, unless you plan to use it. The fact that he simply wants to scare someone away, tells you about about the mindset.

Exactly, I was going to touch on that but decided to leave it alone.

There's an entire discussion to be had about that nonsense.
Yeah, it does. Nobody is trying to rob you. This isn't some dudes rolling up on you, trying to snatch your jewels.


Read it slowly, Black Lives Matter.

correct #BLM

but me as in the store is the same thing..

if im protecting my store from behinf the counter and people start beaking glass, windows.. im protecting whats mines
correct #BLM

but me as in the store is the same thing..

if im protecting my store from behinf the counter and people start beaking glass, windows.. im protecting whats mines
You've just equated your store, with Black Lives, you do know that, right?

Black people still chattel to you?
You've just equated your store, with Black Lives, you do know that, right?

Black people still chattel to you?

i dont even have a store man was using it as a example

i work a 9-5 sadly and my side hustle is gambling which i do very well for myself in
Dwalk13 is a good brother, he's simply mixed up politically. He'd probably say the same thing about me though... :lol:
tenor (17).gif

Two friday's ago I go went out to the bars to unwind. Been locked in during COVID and places were finally reopened. I end up running into a local consignment shop owner that I always make an effort to talk to. I'm black, he's white. A few weeks prior during the height of protest in my area he put up some incendiary post on his store's insta page asserting that his store was protected by God and Guns. He posted pics of all the armory he had waiting for potential looters if they decided to get froggy. Despite threats against he and his store, nothing popped off. He later took down the post and started the next week anew.

So when I see him I get to talking and explaining that the protest and looting were two distinctly different situations that shouldn't be convoluted and that by posting what he did he only a made himself more of a target. He was like I know but I don't want some bums to steal and destroy everything I worked hard for. I said I get it but this is about people's lives and not property. (In FL and most states you can't defend property with lethal force -spring-gun case - Katko v. Briney) He went on to say that in the event of a loss, his insurance was only going to give him the retail value of any items stolen or destroyed and that wasn't fair. I then said f your insurance and f your store. This isn't about stuff, this is about people fighting for justice and you need to soften your heart and listen because these cries are coming from the same folks that keep you in business. He then said the only color he sees is green. I was talking to a wall so I just let it go because he wasn't trying to digest what I was serving. We took shots of 1942 and he left for his locker at the corona cigar lounge.

I found out yesterday that he passed a way likely to pre-existing health issues. I was upset at myself for berating this guy during our final interaction but I knew that I was coming from a place of love and compassion. All I wanted was for him to understand at least a small part of the black experience and why our frustrations were warranted. He wasn't against the protest but was painting the protestors with too broad a brush in assuming they would encourage radical whatever they wanna call thems to loot and become violent. I wanted him to not view his relationships with people as strictly transactional. I hope he rests in peace but I also hope white people start to understand the gravity and depth of their actions and inaction. We black people aren't going anywhere so if they ask questions I pray that they're really open to listening and acting. As black people we have to listen and engage as well because this is a two way street. Unfortunately, some are still embracing the narrative that BLM=Antifa=looters. We know this isn't true just like all whites are not racist. We need to continue to lean in and listen to each other and try our best not to attack those that aren't even aware of their ignorance. Sorry for the novel of a post.
the whole reason i came in this thread was to say hey thats my hood and i dont condone what was going on
This here is the problem.

You didn't come here to speak out against Racism White Supremacy, but you came here to discuss looting/destroying neighborhoods.

The same thing I said to Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio about priorities. But then again, you are showing where your priorities are.

Thanks for letting us know where you stand.

Oh but y'all really do. You're revealing more and more with each post.

Somewhat old article. But the Social Media Cop Defenders of America were quick to point that Rayshard Brooks was wrestling with cops and running away from a drunk driving arrest before he was shot in the back.

Yet, a cop can be caught drunk PASSED OUT in his car while ON DUTY and gets nothing. And then people wonder why people want more accountability

my post keeps being ignored about the gun shop owner killing the looter

i see which yall pick and choose what to speak on
This here is the problem.

You didn't come here to speak out against Racism White Supremacy, but you came here to discuss looting/destroying neighborhoods.

The same thing I said to Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio about priorities. But then again, you are showing where your priorities are.

Thanks for letting us know where you stand.


where the problem ? That i didnt condone the way my people handled the situation and also how i dont like the looting/destroying ?

i see i cant have it both ways only 1.. got it
where the problem ? That i didnt condone the way my people handled the situation and also how i dont like the looting/destroying ?

i see i cant have it both ways only 1.. got it

What do you mean by your people? If you mentioned that already, my bad.

Just kind of lost by what you mean by that.
Just ignore this guy so he can leave. It’s clear he cares about his neighborhood more than how White supremacy destroys black lives. No need for the distraction.
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