School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Not as simple as it may seem. Nato didn’t come do turkeys defense when they got into it with Russia in Syria a few years back.
I'm pretty sure that's because it was in Syria.

I think NATO's article 5 only covers the scenario where the territory of a member nation gets attacked.
In its latest update to the media on Saturday, the Russian Ministry of Defense only lists losses of military equipment on the Ukrainian side, as a result of what it calls a “special military operation.” On Friday, Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said there were no casualties on the Russian side, in a statement regarding an operation to take an airfield on the outskirts of Kyiv.

None of that happened on Turkish soil. Just Syria.

In the end they both “won”. They weren’t enemies. They just had some differences.
Doesn’t matter they had 2 proxy wars nobody in nato wanted in on at all. Also that report of them blocking warships is false Ukrainian asked for it but erdogan hasn’t approved it because as I said it would be hard to enforce and they have prior agreements for usage to that strait.
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Reading Russia has been disconnected from swift. Oligarchs and their families gotta be fuming right now
Can someone explain this in greater detail? I know, or heard Swift is a large bank or a large EU bank? How did they get cut off? Did the CEO just cut access to it, or? How does it work, and what's the defining reason behind it. Also how does it realistically effect these Oli, and if possible, Putin?
I’m not sure if the entire world is against Putin’s agenda, exhausted from the pandemic, or are just looking out for their own interests. But seeing all the leaders and countries who are not necessarily allies and don’t owe anyone favors conducting like this is a breath of fresh air.

Consequences of further aggression from Putin is a risk, def appreciate other countries stepping up.
I'm sure NONE of this goes without US support in the back channels.
Granted I'm sure they are just the lowest level grunts, but it's crazy to me to see the equipment of some of these Russian Soldiers are carrying.

Like legit stuff from the 1970's lol but that's a reality of war huh? Cost.
I thought the same thing regarding their old looking equipment. But I wonder if its strategy 🤔. Send the most expendable first, have the defense use most of their energy and resources and then send in the more modern equipment. By then, the defense would be worn out and wont give as big a fight.
Doesn’t matter they had 2 proxy wars nobody in nato wanted in on at all. Also that report of them blocking warships is false Ukrainian asked for it but erdogan hasn’t approved it because as I said it would be hard to enforce and they have prior agreements for usage to that straight.

Proxy wars are just that, proxy wars. It’s a loophole they/we all use.

But when it comes to home base. Every country knows the rules.
A former US general was on CN
I think Putin underestimated the amount of people who aren’t going to take his **** anymore.

It’s like everyone revolting against the bully, maybe individually they don’t like each-other but together they dislike Putin more.

I think that’s the one thing he discounted. As much as western nations love to argue and disagree with one another. When it comes to something like this they are willing to put their differences aside.

Surprising. Russian troops were in Kazakh earlier this year putting down protests

Not really suprising ... the economy is not doing well .. aint no one trying to plummet theirs further by doing someone that's seen as wrong around the globe.

All these sanctions and boycotts are going to cripple Russia... no way they can sustain with all these sanctions.
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