School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

So messed up. Been to Europe once and never need to go back there again. The history and architecture are mindblowing, but easily the most direct racism I've encountered ever. The U.S. got its problems but it ain't even close, Europe is largely a one-race continent (U.K. and tourists aside). I'm good right here in Murica.

I see what you’re saying, but I disagree. I feel like when comparing racism, nothing compares to the U.S.

We got laws here that are written to keep a race of people down. I just moved out of a house that was built in the 50’s or 60’s and it’s still written in the rental agreement something like “no black or Persons of African descent will reside in the home unless part of servant employment.”

Towns have sun down laws STILL. One drop rule. Tuskeegee.

Just today……Not 50 years ago, not 30, 20, 10 years ago….JUST today the house passed a bill that made lynching a federal hate crime.

Discriminatory bank loans. Discriminatory housing markets. Hiring practices. Kkk. Proud boys. The prison complex. More African Americans are currently in prison/ on parole (by a TON) than any amount of actual slaves during slavery.

I don’t think anything compares to the structural racism in America and the policies that perpetuate white supremacy. Yes I’m sure it sucks to be called the n-word to your face in Europe, or get the stank face when ordering food. But they setting back other races by generations here in America, if not just flat out murdering them.
I was talking to a dude today that said Ukraine took their highway signs off and Russians were getting lost cause they had no GPS.

I find this hilarious, don't have an idea if it's true though.
If I'm not mistaken video and/or photos related to this were posted in the earlier pages of the thread.
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That walkout is beyond corny and very telling of the mindset and lack of maturity our leaders have nowadays. I'm sure the majority love it though smh.
You're absolutely right, they should all just sit there and listen to him.

Hopefully we get some news for the nearest safe fallout shelters if there’s still some left from the Cold War.
Reminder that before becoming PM, Zelensky was just a comedian. Massive respect for standing tall amidst all this and even wanting to take on that ****show of a position in the first place.
I'm sorry.

Putin is gonna send the nukes or some other world changing bomb.

I'm legit scared right now.
I doubt it. That would start a nuclear exchange that would go against his and his allies self-interests. It won't come to that, trust me.
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