School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

You all the way in the left field with this wokeness i was just trying to get your take on the situation since u said everyone shouldnt be suprised

You sound enlightened
Says the dude that Ukrain was asking for this because they are Nazis ... FOH ... you was confused AF ... asking of Ukrain going to be a dictatorship and then doubling down by saying you could see how that happened in the middle east , when it has happened all over the world. Stop it fam.
Says the dude that Ukrain was asking for this because they are Nazis ... FOH ... you was confused AF ... asking of Ukrain going to be a dictatorship and then doubling down by saying you could see how that happened in the middle east , when it has happened all over the world. Stop it fam.

You got me confused. Just because I pointed out 1 problem in Ukraine doesn't make it the sole issue. I guess its hard to get sarcasm thru post because I was trying to get you to explain something so obvious to you, to other people who might not know.

You are the one who brought up dictators to rise from countries we supported but can't even see that could happen in Ukraine? YOU gave that example and said everyone should know this da f

I only used the examples you gave since its so obvious to you,
This really means nothing.

Its affecting poverty striken folks. People with more means or tech savy are just transferring all their wealth to Crypto.

Yea, exactly.
I think the sanctions are in hope that the common people revolt since they're the ones that this will be affected the most.

I posted this in the BTC thread.


The amount of wallets holding $40 Million+ in BTC spiked today which signals to me that the rich are moving their money into BTC.
You got me confused. Just because I pointed out 1 problem in Ukraine doesn't make it the sole issue. I guess its hard to get sarcasm thru post because I was trying to get you to explain something so obvious to you, to other people who might not know.

You are the one who brought up dictators to rise from countries we supported but can't even see that could happen in Ukraine?

I only used the examples you gave since its so obvious to you,
Can you see that happening with Ukraine? NO ...

Stop it man .... Ukrain wants in the EU and NATO after this, if anything it would be a democracy that eventually could drag NATO into a war ....

It's to early to know what is going to happen .... however, we need mind our business until the entire world agrees Russia ****** up .. meaning China at the very least ..... you can't give anyone a reason to escalade a world conflict.
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Yea, exactly.
I think the sanctions are in hope that the common people revolt since they're the ones that this will be affected the most.

I posted this in the BTC thread.


The amount of wallets holding $40 Million+ in BTC spiked today which signals to me that the rich are moving their money into BTC.
This is a no brainer ... now ... i want to see what the US and NATO countries are going to do with Bitcoin ... regulate it or what ...

I wouldn't be surprise if Ukrain is a diversion from Russia to actually derail the US currency by pushin Crypto ....

Obviously Crypto has taken front stage now.
Can you see that happening with Ukraine? NO ...

Stop it man .... Ukrain wants in the EU and NATO after this, if anything it would be a democrazy that eventually could drag NATO into a war ....

It's to early to know what is going to happen .... however, we need mind our business until the entire world agrees Russia ****ed up .. meaning China at the very least ..... you can't give anyone a reason to escalade a world conflict.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
So im guessing everyone knows Azov is a problem since Keko says America has done this all around the world and this is nothing new??

Because it seems some people think they aren't a problem or they are a small problem compared to what is going on?

I come in peace
those russian separatists in eastern ukraine who've been there for over 5-6 years (and crimea) causing havoc and piecing up the country - what do you think their political affiliations are?

the daily beast sucks, but this is a real thing. don't get duped and think it's only one sided

I only seen one get shot down. The rest of them are just firing off flares.
I do so too.

However notice how quickly the downed helicopter disappears from the surface and the cameraman shout TWO! TWO!

I'm not really counting, I just thought the footage was crazy!!!
those russian separatists in eastern ukraine who've been there for over 5-6 years (and crimea) causing havoc and piecing up the country - what do you think their political affiliations are?

the daily beast sucks, but this is a real thing. don't get duped and think it's only one sided

Is that an admission that the over 400 Wagner Group that were dropped in Kyiv to Assassinate the MP failed their mission. Or they’re just in hiding.

These dirtbags are some of the lowest.
"A 2016 report by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OCHA) has accused the Azov regiment of violating international humanitarian law.

The report detailed incidents over a period from November 2015-February 2016 where Azov had embedded their weapons and forces in used civilian buildings, and displaced residents after looting civilian properties. The report also accused the battalion of raping and torturing detainees in the Donbas region."

here is the document

I Have No Idea What The Ukraine Military Has As Far As Weaponry Or Know Anything On Russian Defense Capabilities

But I Feel Like A 40 Mile Convoy Is A Bunch Of Fish In A Barrel.
Exactly. Images of that convoy are like 3 vehicles wide. With the amount of anti tank munitions being provided you would think they try to get a group of able bodied to coordinate hits on specific sections along that convoy and really cause that thing to come to a haunt. It would be a suicide mission but I think they are all at this point.
We’ll see how this plays out. Looks like they found Zelensky. An assassination squad was thwarted. Didn’t quote source because I can’t post link (see the Reddit news sub) but there was a statement that him staying in power is crucial and number 2 him not being captured is cruticial…. With the second being more important than the first. Crazy ****.
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