School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

Oh yeah, Putin's #1 and lifelong goal is ridding the world of Nazis

I guess some of us were quick to say Putin's propaganda wasn't working

funny thing is I didn't even know this unit existed or that Putin said anything about denazification I didn't know this was a problem until I posted what I said.

what led me to this unit was that lard bullet dipping video. Not no Putin Russian propaganda

Its not hard to see Azov are part of the problem to, not saying they are the #1 target for Putin

but I peep your sarcasm
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Im not sure why this is so shocking and controversial...

Like I said many times, whats happening in Ukrain is nothing new and nothing that has not been happening ..... i guess the world is more in tune because the color of their skin and because it's Russia.

America has done this time and time again and some of our biggest conflicts have been with countries we supplied military aid and through those actions a dictator arised an took power.


So yeah, this is not shocking at all.

so are you saying a dictator will rise in Ukraine since we are providing military aid?
Of course it's the cops
Nope but it's a possibility or that we could have conflict in the future. We don't know.

conflict with who?

I come in peace just trying to figure out how you are trying to compare Ukraine aid to all these countries you mentioned

conflict with who?

I come in peace just trying to figure out how you are trying to compare Ukraine aid to all these countries you mentioned

We help all these places for 1 reason or another and eventually because of our help in the long run it contribute to dictators or bad situations that went against our "democratic" ways and eventually having conflicts with them.

Just do some reaearch man.
We help all these places for 1 reason or another and eventually because of our help in the long run it contribute to dictators or bad situations that went against our "democratic" ways and eventually having conflicts with them.

Just do some reaearch man.

Yea i can see how we indirectly funded some terroist organizations in the middle east which in return we ended up fighting against.

All to feed the miltary industrial complex to keep us fighting to profit 🤑

Im good on the research.

Thats why im sitting this out i have no dog in this fight especially after the ukraine police kicked all them black folks off the train
Im not sure why this is so shocking and controversial...

Like I said many times, whats happening in Ukrain is nothing new and nothing that has not been happening ..... i guess the world is more in tune because the color of their skin and because it's Russia.

America has done this time and time again and some of our biggest conflicts have been with countries we supplied military aid and through those actions a dictator arised an took power.


So yeah, this is not shocking at all.

Lol have you been saying this irl? Just curious on the reactions and responses you have been getting if so
Ukraine full if Nazi?!?!?


Give me somebody to root for please!

white people doing white things, let's just hope we won't have to boil our drinking water after this.

people really saying he's just trying to kill nazis lol the world gone either way maybe.
Welp… Putin wanted to destroy the Nazis. Turns out Google translate mis-interpreted what he said… What he actually meant is he was he wanted to destroy the Holocaust memorial. But hey beats using Wikipedia to regurgitate Putin’s lies I guess like some seem to do.

As far as his mission concerns, I think he really underestimated EU standing up to this aggression. I bet his plan was to go in with that large army, his incinerators, and those thermobaric missles and vaporize any evidence of the genocide he intended. He has to be fuming this wasn’t over by Saturday. Now evidence will expose him.

He is a war criminal. I don’t see any true resolution to this that doesn’t involve him exiting this planet.
Yea i can see how we indirectly funded some terroist organizations in the middle east which in return we ended up fighting against.

All to feed the miltary industrial complex to keep us fighting to profit 🤑

Im good on the research.

Thats why im sitting this out i have no dog in this fight especially after the ukraine police kicked all them black folks off the train
Is not just the middle east, China, Korea, Japan,Venezuela, etc do your homework
Im going off the examples you gave i already know about all this.

You talking to someone who served in those wars
Your replied was geared to middle east and i clarified that it was just not the middle east .. thanks for your service ... but if you needed clarification on what I said, then you must have been like the lost Russian that didn't know what they are fighting for.
Your replied was geared to middle east and i clarified that it was just not the middle east .. thanks for your service ... but if you needed clarification on what I said, then you must have been like the lost Russian that didn't know what they are fighting for.

You all the way in the left field with this wokeness i was just trying to get your take on the situation since u said everyone shouldnt be suprised

You sound enlightened
Not sure what's your question .. my bad.

Have you been sharing your comment to people in real life on how what's going on in Ukraine were things America has done without much attention and criticism from the rest of the world? If so, I'm curious to see if the responses and reactions you got were similar to mine

I 100% agree with what you said btw
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Most Americans are confidently ignorant and brainwashed

agreed and will go die on that hill.

all three of us are agreeing that this unit we are indirectly/directly supporting could turn into a future enemy like Al Qaida. To think this isn't apart of the problem you are equally brainwashed.

if America joins into this war directly with boots on the ground this will only get worst we need to sit this one out America already messed up plenty of countries
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