School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

So I keep seeing stories about this 40 mile long Russian convoy that is just sitting there. Is there a reason they haven't just dropped some missiles on it by now? Is it not on Ukraine territory yet?

New batch of those Turkish drones that have putting in work just got delivered. They only carry 4 missiles each so they might have been waiting to get more as they're pretty hard to detect compared to normal jets.

With all the reports I've seen, that convoy is probably a traffic jam. Logistics and planning has not been the best so a lot of those vehicles probably ran out of fuel.
They are just outside Kyiv. Speculation is that they are waiting for Russian forces to surround the city for a full scale assault or that they are stuck. Word was Ukraine was restocking Turkey made drones. So hopefully they are striking it and just not reporting on it to keep the Ukrainian soldiers safe. But yes, there is a fog of war on what is going on there.
100%, the same footage have been shown over and over again with similar news reports. The truth is there's no true intelligence or aerial photos/video to go off of so we're left to "sources" to provide updates. The only thing we do know for a fact is that they're not involved in the offensive against Kyiv yet.

You thought the sanctions was only for humans, nah bruh :lol:
Wasn't there an NTer chick named after this? She was half Jamaican I think.
Thykerjobs? I pronounced her name as "Thicker Jobs" without thinking it was a reference to South Park. It just made me imagine her body. She was banging, she looked like a mix between Latina and black. >D

I had an ex get mad at me because she saw that I was looking at her picture on a pyp thread. She had a right to be because thykerjobs looked better than her. :lol:
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so this guy Andriy Biletsky created this

which was a neo nazi group,

and served as a Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Police probably explains why all those black folks got kicked off the train by the police.

Starting to make alot of sense now.

Does anyone know who replaced him?

quite interesting guy to read up on.

hate to post all these wiki links but its hard to find any western media coverage on this

My wife works for an Italian company. They are supposed to go to Italy for some “training” probably just gonna eat and drink.

Some dude from Indiana straight up tweaked out and revolted and said he’s never leaving america and if they try to make him go to Italy he’s quitting. :lol:

Acting like they’re trying to send him to North Korea.
Good for him.

The guy might have a heart attack when he finds out where pizza and pasta are really from.
so this guy Andriy Biletsky created this

which was a neo nazi group,

and served as a Lieutenant Colonel of the Ministry of Police probably explains why all those black folks got kicked off the train by the police.

Starting to make alot of sense now.

Does anyone know who replaced him?

quite interesting guy to read up on.

hate to post all these wiki links but its hard to find any western media coverage on this

From people within Ukraine....

It's hectic because everyone is panicking ... the media shows you minorities getting pushed off the trains, but the reality is that elders, woman and children alike where getting pushed off.

From victims .....

The people were great to them, mostly the police were the ones causing issues and giving them problem.

You continue with this Nazi thing and I'm trying to figure out if you're justifying the invasion or what? Whats the agenda?
From people within Ukraine....

It's hectic because everyone is panicking ... the media shows you minorities getting pushed off the trains, but the reality is that elders, woman and children alike where getting pushed off.

From victims .....

The people were great to them, mostly the police were the ones causing issues and giving them problem.

You continue with this Nazi thing and I'm trying to figure out if you're justifying the invasion or what? Whats the agenda?

I’m not saying what is real with those videos or not. But those videos were taken when they were evacuating women, children, and elderly and making any male over 16 stay to fight. I also read somewhere the next day or so that the Nigeria students were evacuated. So I’ll put the jury out until there is more than speculation.

What is real is that these idiots are shelling the largest nuclear facility in Europe. Ukraine must have stashed all the missing “nazis” in there. Why not destroy the whole thing then and spread nuclear waste material into the air for all to breath.
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