School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

From people within Ukraine....

It's hectic because everyone is panicking ... the media shows you minorities getting pushed off the trains, but the reality is that elders, woman and children alike where getting pushed off.

From victims .....

The people were great to them, mostly the police were the ones causing issues and giving them problem.

You continue with this Nazi thing and I'm trying to figure out if you're justifying the invasion or what? Whats the agenda?

im just trying to give a diff perspective on how we got here today and why western media has not been covering what has been going on in the Donbas region.

I just want people to see all sides of this issue and to come up with their own perspective. I really dont have no dog in this fight.

Im not saying this is justification for Russia to invade i have said before that we need peace, and i wont try to justify all the invasions America has done on false narratives.

idk man im just trying to be open minded about this.

but to sit up here and say this Azov group is not a problem and its all russian propaganda when the leader is on record saying they take all the responsibility in the Donbas region, and the UN wrote a whole report on the issues they are causing in the region cant go unchecked. Just doing my research like you said to do.
Last chance to get that Putin




Looks like a villain straight out of a James bond movie.
still gotta use the celly for some light dinner conversation. texting each other on some how’s the chicken?
Must've just found out there are neo-nazi groups in Eastern Europe :lol:

dude you are not funny you bring no insight or ideas but jokes you obviously think this is Ok for the regiment to exist in plain sight within the Ukraine government.

Im sure people did not know who this Azov group was until Russia invaded.
dude you are not funny you bring no insight or ideas but jokes you obviously think this is Ok for the regiment to exist in plain sight within the Ukraine government.

Im sure people did not know who this Azov group was until Russia invaded.

I have seen plenty of insightful posts from him in this thread
im just trying to give a diff perspective on how we got here today and why western media has not been covering what has been going on in the Donbas region.

I just want people to see all sides of this issue and to come up with their own perspective. I really dont have no dog in this fight.

Im not saying this is justification for Russia to invade i have said before that we need peace, and i wont try to justify all the invasions America has done on false narratives.

idk man im just trying to be open minded about this.

but to sit up here and say this Azov group is not a problem and its all russian propaganda when the leader is on record saying they take all the responsibility in the Donbas region, and the UN wrote a whole report on the issues they are causing in the region cant go unchecked. Just doing my research like you said to do.
So in all the years you served in the military, you never encountered racist?

Let me tell you, there's a bunch of neo nazis / white supremacists racists in the military ....

We also have a bunch of racist walking the streets lynching and murdering people all the time. Not 100 not 50 not 10 years ago, but today minorities are being discriminated, falsely locked up and force to do manual labor for pennies, in other words modern day slavery ....

I think I can continue , but you get the point .... should Russia, China, Korea or whatever .... come invade, bombard and take over the US and make us a dictatorship nation?

Give me a ******* break man ... If Ukraine wanted to be part of Russia, why all the resistance??????

This is not about Nazis ... this has been ramping up since Trump was running for elections.
So in all the years you served in the military, you never encountered racist?

Let me tell you, there's a bunch of neo nazis / white supremacists racists in the military ....

We also have a bunch of racist walking the streets lynching and murdering people all the time. Not 100 not 50 not 10 but today minorities are being discriminated, falsely locked up and force to do manual labor for pennies, in other words modern day slavery ....

I think I can continue , but you get the point .... should Russia, China, Korea or whatever .... come invade, bombard and take over the US and make us a dictatorship nation?

Give me a ****ing break man ... If Ukraine wanted to be part of Russia, why all the resistance??????

This is not about Nazis ... this has been ramping up since Trump was running for elections.

I understand we have that in our military but you can be court martialed for this and we dont openly recruit and have a whole battalion of openly racist people. Ukraine government is allowing this to go unchecked. But sounds like since we have it in our military its ok for the ukraine military too. But you dont hold that same idea when it comes to invading.

The US Army twitter page is not dipping bullets in pig lard.

but i digress if you think all this started with trump. this has been going on way before trump came into the picture,

I understand we have that in our military but you can be court martialed for this and we dont openly recruit and have a whole battalion of openly racist people. Ukraine government is allowing this to go unchecked. But sounds like since we have it in our military its ok for the ukraine military too. But you dont hold that same idea when it comes to invading.

The US Army twitter page is not dipping bullets in pig lard.

but i digress if you think all this started with trump. this has been going on way before trump came into the picture,

You really need to take a history course ....

We had the commander in chief site an unverified story about General Pershing ...

Im a nutshell the General dipped bullets in pigs blood killed all but 1 soldier and told that one soldier to tell everyone what happened and for many years there were no terrorists acts.

Mind you this is Trump the head of state that told white supremacists to stand down and await orders telling the story on how terrorists could be stop .. shortly after two mosque where shot up.

You arent educating anyone bro. There are a bunch of white supremacists in the military which are high ranking .... they dont get court martial .... the just get promoted.

Dumb asses that shoot up "muslims" and wave their SS flags do ....


But lets pretend that's a scout sniper symble and not a Sicherheitspolizei symbol.
You really need to take a history course ....

We had the commander in chief site an unverified story about General Pershing ...

Im a nutshell the General dipped bullets in pigs blood killed all but 1 soldier and told that one soldier to tell everyone what happened and for many years there were no terrorists acts.

Mind you this is Trump the head of state that told white supremacists to stand down and await orders telling the story on how terrorists could be stop .. shortly after two mosque where shot up.

You arent educating anyone bro. There are a bunch of white supremacists in the military which are high ranking .... they dont get court martial .... the just get promoted.

Dumb asses that shoot up "muslims" and wave their SS flags do ....


you got it bro. I have no dog in this fight. Its a non issue. I guess the UN and top Jewish people got Azov wrong.
If you care that much about it ok, but it doesn't seem to make people think differently about ukraine or it being invaded.
dude you are not funny you bring no insight or ideas but jokes you obviously think this is Ok for the regiment to exist in plain sight within the Ukraine government.

Im sure people did not know who this Azov group was until Russia invaded.

I don't think anyone has denied the existence or problematic nature of far-right extremist groups in Ukraine. There are far-right extremist groups with implicit or explicit Nazi ties in virtually every country in Europe

The idea that "liberating Ukraine from Nazis" is in any way, shape, or form a valid or sincere reason for Putin's invasion of Ukraine is pure, unadulterated Russian propaganda

There is only one operative reality right now: Russia invaded another sovereign nation for no reason other than conquest, and are bombing civilian areas with no regard for human life

While I don't particularly care that you (for whatever reason) continue to harp on a pathetic both-sides apology for Russian mass murder because*checks notes*.... Neo-Nazi groups exist - I'm going to laugh at the lazy takes
which one?

Here's one

I don't think anyone has denied the existence or problematic nature of far-right extremist groups in Ukraine. There are far-right extremist groups with implicit or explicit Nazi ties in virtually every country in Europe

The idea that "liberating Ukraine from Nazis" is in any way, shape, or form a valid or sincere reason for Putin's invasion of Ukraine is pure, unadulterated Russian propaganda

There is only one operative reality right now: Russia invaded another sovereign nation for no reason other than conquest, and are bombing civilian areas with no regard for human life

While I don't particularly care that you (for whatever reason) continue to harp on a pathetic both-sides apology for Russian mass murder because*checks notes*.... Neo-Nazi groups exist - I'm going to laugh at the lazy takes
Hold up, people actually believe that bs that putin thinks he's part of the inglourious basterds and hunting nazis?
Imagine that ...

Putin trying to liberate the Ukrainian people from Nazis, but the Nazis are the ones protecting the Jewish president and Ukrainian people while Putin is bombing civilians.... how sway?
attacking the nuclear facility is bad and a horrible human rights violation if done on purpose for the intent of a radioactive release. As of now it only sounds like they were striking their admin building but we’ll see how this plays out. Even destroying all power is bad. For non-similar reference, Loss of all power is what led to the Fukushima release.

here’s my quick glance at it. It is a VVER design which has a primary and secondary water system. Similar to PWR reactors here but with horizontal steam generators. The reactor itself is in a containment structure. I’m writing this assuming the reactor is in a concrete containment structure and overall construction is similar to our PWRs. Whereas the secondary equipment will be in an Auiliary building and connected to the containment via penetrations. If the auxiliary building is damaged the penetrations into that containment structure will close. The key is going to be their used fuel which will be in an auxiliary facility, and the ability to keep the reactor cool. If the offsite power is destroyed then the trouble begins. They will be able to keep it cool for a while but due to the siege it is eventually going to “melt down” with out power or working pumps. Whether or not that material would stay in the containment structure would be yet to be seen. I also don’t know how the facility is constructed but if it is concrete, they are designed for impact. For reference, the concrete of American PWR can take the impact of a plane. Again I am not familiar with the construction of the VVER. The issue then falls on maintaining closed penetrations, integrity of the containment unit and most important keeping the fuel cooled. If it does indeed goes supercritical and “melts down” and the the containment and primary systems are breached you now achieved everything necessary for a radioactive release into the atmosphere. This plant design is not going to blow up as some are saying. But regardless, that nuclear material will go air borne and create the nuclear plume which will follow weather patterns. the release of this material into the air is what everything there is designed to prevent. So if enough damaged is sustained it is fully possible to create the worst case scenario.

I’ll leave the convo at that.

Edit: I lied, I do have one last thing to add. That plume would affect more that just Ukraine. It’s has potential to impact Europe, Turkey, China, and most probably Russia first.
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