School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

I feel like all these companies barring russian business is just social media cancel culture x10 and really isnt doing anything significant, certainly not to the folks in power. Meanwhile the US and europe continue to buy russian oil and nat gas. In 6 months when everyone removes the ukraine flag from their profile pic it will be back to business as usual.

We probably don't have long to wait to see the effects and it will only get worse. Everyone pulling out plus sanctions is like an economic shutdown speedrun.
No one wants to fund another war so it won't be back to business in 6 months and it will just force Europeans to look to renewable energy instead of having to depend on Russian gas and oil.
Zelensky is the wild card and why they want to break him so bad. Ukraine will fall as Zelensky falls at this point. Putin most likely thought he would flee and the citizens would lay down. That didn’t happen so now Putin is literally laying down the Ukraine citizens. He doubled down with Macron today that he will not stop. That was another veiled message to Zelensky to run. This has to be frustrating Putin greatly. No matter if he eventually destroys and conquers these people. He is forever ruined. His military image is tainted and he will never be able to maintain control of the land. Hence why that image showed what is most likely going to be 4 puppet nations. Sectionalism uprising so they are easier to squash.
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Zelensky is also like the most popular person on the planet right too. All the chicks love Zelensky.


"Everything is ******," a source close to Putin's administration told the outlet."

"In the run-up to the invasion, Putin's cabinet had only prepared to deal with Western sanctions introduced over Russia's decision to recognize the independence of the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk on February 21, not for an invasion, a source close to Putin's administration told Agency."

Because they sent a bunch of teenage draftees/conscripts to the front line. They chose a horde over experience. The full time Russian military is most likely safe at home or playing the secondary wave.
Don’t you know… those are nazis. And that was a nazi military housing structure. /disgustedsarcasm
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