School Me On This Russia/Ukraine Kerfuffle

All the russian troops should surrender and tell putin if he wants Ukraine he'll have to take it himself.
Can we ride a bear like Russia's President Putin? - Quora

who needs tanks when you have a bear
I feel like all these companies barring russian business is just social media cancel culture x10 and really isnt doing anything significant, certainly not to the folks in power. Meanwhile the US and europe continue to buy russian oil and nat gas. In 6 months when everyone removes the ukraine flag from their profile pic it will be back to business as usual.
At this point a few dozen countries need to tell putin he stops now or they start bombing moscow to hell.
They have that many? Maybe nuke them first.
Their Nukes are scattered across Russia in undisclosed(top secret) sites and also in Russian subs around the world. That would be suicide for either side and would leave a crippled world. Anything involving Nukes are out of the question.

Edit: here's a well thought out scenario.
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So they just gonna keep targeting nuclear sites and nothing can be done except hope Ukrainian forces keep stopping them? That sucks.
Putin is getting desperate. The country didn’t fold at the number of troops he flashed in their face. Now he has take to violating all the rules of war. Killing civilians, bombing civilian targets attack the Nuke plants.
So they just gonna keep targeting nuclear sites and nothing can be done except hope Ukrainian forces keep stopping them? That sucks.
Yeah, these Nukes keep the world's powers in check, yet because of this, all of the countries with Nukes are hesitant to have direct conflict with one another.
All this could've been avoided if NATO told Ukraine they can't join for the time being

well today in Brussels Jens Stoletenberg who is the leader of NATO said they will not be joining in on this fight and refusing to make Ukraine a no fly zone and refusing to put NATO troops on the ground.

“We’ve agreed that we should not have NATO planes operating over Ukrainian airspace or NATO troops on Ukrainian territory,” Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a news conference in Brussels.

but i agree no one has assured Putin that Ukraine will not join its like its still on the table for the future. They just waiting to see how bad this gets. Because NATO out here posturing up the furthest they can go to the east if it spreads into a NATO country
All this could've been avoided if NATO told Ukraine they can't join for the time being
In his address to the Russian people on Feb. 24, 2022, Putin said the purpose was to “protect people” who had been “subjected to bullying and genocide … for the last eight years. And for this we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine.”
President Vladimir Putin ordered his defence ministry to despatch Russian forces to "perform peacekeeping functions" in eastern Ukraine's two breakaway regions, according to a decree published early on Tuesday after he said Moscow would recognise their independence.
Idk, this seemed like an inevitable move in his mind based on whatever angle he wanted to give
Russian military heading towards another nuke plant. These idiots really are playing stupid games aren’t they.
I think there is both the threat of them destroying the plant and releasing the radiation or just turning power off country wide. EBasically just like Russia they are going to turn the Ukraine into a country of rubble and install some puppet to rule over the debris.

Putin can’t die soon enough. Though who knows what ,ouster takes over after him. I think the only thing he didn’t expect from for Russia to get cut out of the global economy. If he knew that was going to happen I expect he just doesn’t do this.
I think the only thing he didn’t expect from for Russia to get cut out of the global economy. If he knew that was going to happen I expect he just doesn’t do this.

thats the thing NATO has warned Putin time and time again after his last invasion of Ukraine if he did it again he would pay by sanctions. I think he knew this was going to be the hand we play because it was no secret.
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